I have two Gensei Igotropin kits--last night was my first experience reconstituting and jabbing with this material. I began by mixing one of the 100 mcg vials with BA but couldn't get it to emulsify. It almost looked like it formed a gell inside the vial. I finally, after a long time of gently agitating the vial, decided to add 1/2 ml of BW to the mix in hopes of getting it to disolve properly. The only way that worked was after very-violent shaking. Then, though it finally did disolve, the liquid was very cloudy. I placed that vial in the fridge overnight and it cleared up by this morning. However, I'm not sure I should use it as is.
I then mixed a second vial using the BW supplied with the kit. It disolved immediately with no problem. I injected that material.
Has anyone had similar experiences with these kits? Any thoughts on the first vial I mixed? Should I use it anyway?...discard it?
Magnum II