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Thread: First IGF-1 jab last night

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    First IGF-1 jab last night

    I have two Gensei Igotropin kits--last night was my first experience reconstituting and jabbing with this material. I began by mixing one of the 100 mcg vials with BA but couldn't get it to emulsify. It almost looked like it formed a gell inside the vial. I finally, after a long time of gently agitating the vial, decided to add 1/2 ml of BW to the mix in hopes of getting it to disolve properly. The only way that worked was after very-violent shaking. Then, though it finally did disolve, the liquid was very cloudy. I placed that vial in the fridge overnight and it cleared up by this morning. However, I'm not sure I should use it as is.

    I then mixed a second vial using the BW supplied with the kit. It disolved immediately with no problem. I injected that material.

    Has anyone had similar experiences with these kits? Any thoughts on the first vial I mixed? Should I use it anyway?...discard it?

    Magnum II

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    re gensci igtropin

    I am seeing more and more of people posting that the Gensci IGtropin does not disolve well in the BA. Now that just doesnt add up to me. If the Gensci product is in fact the same as the gropep then there should not be an issue in its being used with the same solvent in my mind. Would lead one to believe that its either different somehow or how else could the gropep stuff be disolved in BA......

    Heres a question...have any of you actually personally recon'd the gropep stuff in BA??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I have had the very same problem all along. I now use BW because I was leaving so much residue in the vial that I couldnt get out. It does worry me though on how effective it is in BW as its hardly a cheap product tat you can waste.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    That's my concern RB. Violently shaking GH while reconstituting is a sure-fire way to damage it, probably beyond any effective use. I've never actually read anything that indicates the same for IGF-1 but, that would seem to follow. The material turned milky colored which is likely to indicate trouble. I probably will just take the hit on the one vial and use the Acetic Acid approach you advise for the others.

    Live and learn eh? Guess us newbies are bound to **** up a bit along the way.

    Thanks to all for replies.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Does anyone have a theory as to why it wont disolve in BA though? Honestly if the gropep and the gensci producst are the same thing they should behave the same in solvent.........

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I, of course, am not experienced enough to address the issue of why BA isn't working well with these particular kits. However, the thing I find hardest to fathom in this whole question of IGF-1 reconstitution, is how a producer of the material would supply the kit with a diluent (BW) that is less than optimal in its effectiveness???? Seems counter intuitive and counter productive for a vendor of IGF-1 to do so.

    I don't get it.

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