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Thread: Results from insulin

  1. #1

    Results from insulin

    Just wonder what type of results you guys got on your first run of slin?? I have been taken 10 IU pwo for 2 weeks and to be honest with you I can tell no difference. I did however take a week off between because I ran out of slin pins. I have gained no weight or strength at all. Perhaps I am expecting to much to fast. You know how impaitient we get some times when we try it for the first time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well bro, i have used 10 i.u of humalin r postworkout for 2 weeks before and all i fealt was a really tight pump duing workouts thats it, slin is best used on cycle, it also made me a little fatter.

  3. #3
    I am on cycle. Currently taking 1000mg of test a week????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    i have run it for 6 weeks pwo during cycle pwo only,i felt my pumps were more extreme and were kept alot longer after training and my recovery improved.i dd gain 8# running it while definately made a difference.will be runnng t again w/IGF next cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    In a combo of gear, slin and extreme nutrition i gained 24lbs in 30 days yes some of it was fat no doubt but nice bit was solid gains...i will be doing a cycle soon first one in over 6 month and will post it on here it will be 30lbs in 30 days...

  6. #6
    Some people claim to get real hungry after there slin shot but this is not happening to me. Am I not taking enough. I am 5'10 and 235. I have cycled for around 4 years now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    10iu is planty in my opinion, while bulking i usaully go 6-8iu and most of the time 6iu...XXL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    In a combo of gear, slin and extreme nutrition i gained 24lbs in 30 days yes some of it was fat no doubt but nice bit was solid gains...i will be doing a cycle soon first one in over 6 month and will post it on here it will be 30lbs in 30 days...
    Holy sh*t that is incredible. How much of that was water/fat you think? And what gear were u running? Was it prop ester or suspension? That is some d*mn good gains in a short amount of time. By the way what are you weighing these days? I havent seen any recent pics from you in quite some time to know.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    Holy sh*t that is incredible. How much of that was water/fat you think? And what gear were u running? Was it prop ester or suspension? That is some d*mn good gains in a short amount of time. By the way what are you weighing these days? I havent seen any recent pics from you in quite some time to know.
    I would say atleast 50/50 probably more on the muscle size, I think it was some kind of long ester i can't remember, i am down to 185lbs and not too lean, looking kind of sh1ty have been clean for over 1/2 year and will be getting back on in a few weeks, and my plan is to get 30lbs in 30 days, the plan is still under construction but i will post a journal when i am ready to go with before and after will include just gear, slin, possibly GH and sh1t load of food

  10. #10
    Bump for more imput????

  11. #11
    I have noticed that I seem to be fuller and is it possible that I could be getting leaner?????

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by goheavy63
    Just wonder what type of results you guys got on your first run of slin?? I have been taken 10 IU pwo for 2 weeks and to be honest with you I can tell no difference. I did however take a week off between because I ran out of slin pins. I have gained no weight or strength at all. Perhaps I am expecting to much to fast. You know how impaitient we get some times when we try it for the first time.
    dude something is wrong here, if your shootig 1000mgs of test a wek and taking 10ius of slin pwo its hard to believe you havnt gained a pound or even a little strength. maybe your gear is fake or maybe your not eating enough caloires and protein.

  13. #13
    I have only bumped it up to 1000mg over the last two weeks because my gains had stopped at 500. The test is not fake nor is the insulin. I think maybe I should just give it some more time and see. The problem with calories is that I am so full from the protein and cell-tech that I take right after words that all I can eat at the 1 1/2 hr meal is a chicken breast and baked potato.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by goheavy63
    I have only bumped it up to 1000mg over the last two weeks because my gains had stopped at 500. The test is not fake nor is the insulin. I think maybe I should just give it some more time and see. The problem with calories is that I am so full from the protein and cell-tech that I take right after words that all I can eat at the 1 1/2 hr meal is a chicken breast and baked potato.
    it sounds like the priority is protien not carbs r u taking enough carbs to be safe ......

    and the size prob def sounds like calories

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    im loving my slin...i think ill be a user for life...ive gain some fat, but i think that primarily because i came off of a cutting portion of my cycle, and then had to increase my eating so i gained some weight pretty quick....and also all of the excess cals to help maintain during pct are the culpret also...

    i love it though...gain 5lbs so far through my pct

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdStone
    im loving my slin...i think ill be a user for life...ive gain some fat, but i think that primarily because i came off of a cutting portion of my cycle, and then had to increase my eating so i gained some weight pretty quick....and also all of the excess cals to help maintain during pct are the culpret also...

    i love it though...gain 5lbs so far through my pct
    how long do u stay on and off the slin cs

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by steggs
    how long do u stay on and off the slin cs
    ill go 4 on 4 off forever as of now...i may come clean everynow and again, but i will run it up to, and through my next cycle

  18. #18
    Do you use it PWO only?

    There is 75 grams of carbs in the serving of cell-tech so that is 7.5 per iu which seems to be plenty to me.

    I still haven't gained any weight????

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by goheavy63
    Do you use it PWO only?

    There is 75 grams of carbs in the serving of cell-tech so that is 7.5 per iu which seems to be plenty to me.

    I still haven't gained any weight????
    yes pwo only...get your carbs from dextrose, and use a cheaper creatine mono...that will save a ton of $$$...fukk cell tech

  20. #20
    Next time I will buy a cheaper brand of creatine. I do fill much harder now than before I started the insulin. So far thats the only positive I can tell. I am going to continue at 10 IU pwo this cycle but I may increase it next time. I think it may have something to do with my weight as I weigh 238 now.

  21. #21
    I've been on humalog 10ius pwo for about two weeks along with 1000mg of test prop for 4 weeks. I can definatly tell a difference when the slin is added, It's like I'm pumped for a couple of days after the shot. Still too soon to tell about size gains but in the last four weeks I've gained 14lbs, but it was after a cutter so I was fairly lean.

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