Originally Posted by
Doc M
Well, coming from both sides of the fence..Being really broke to finanacially successful, it's all relative to what makes YOU happy..I can tell you that although financial freedom is nice, it does not equate to unequivocal happiness..I can tell you that I am no more happy now then when I was broke..Going from driving a 1200 dollar car to a 60 thousand dollar SUV does not make me any more or less happy..It still gets me from point A to point B..
The best thing about being financially set is that it takes a lot of drive and determination to get there..Unless that is you inherit it or win the lottery..For all you younger guys that are striving to have thousands in the bank, a 5 thousand sq. ft house, and nice cars..Don't forget that it is all jsut material and means nothing at the end of the day..What matters most is who you are, not what you have!!!
Doc M