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Thread: Why GH bloats me....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Why GH bloats me....

    Hey guys i have been on GH for the past 8months and i started at 2iu then after a month went up to 3iu and then soon as i started going up i started getting really weight went from 200 almost to 242 i came back down after a while but i still hold water even at 2iu after all this time...last 2 weeks i went down to 1.5iu and all the water or edema is completely gone...I am taking winni at 50mg eod and tren at 75mg eod also...but why is it that people will take up to 5-6iu without any edema and i cant even take 2iu after this many months? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    is it jintropin???

  3. #3
    i am taking 4iu of jintropin a day i just started it less than a week and already put on 10 lbs. in 3 days.i have no bloat yet.i have found that i do get migrane headhaches after about an hour of taking it in the afternoon,i dont know if i am coming up with a cold or not but how about you,has this happened yet,when i take 2 iu,in the morning no headache just afternoon.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007
    i am taking 4iu of jintropin a day i just started it less than a week and already put on 10 lbs. in 3 days.i have no bloat yet.i have found that i do get migrane headhaches after about an hour of taking it in the afternoon,i dont know if i am coming up with a cold or not but how about you,has this happened yet,when i take 2 iu,in the morning no headache just afternoon.
    I had headaches with jintropin for the first couple of weeks too, but they wend away after that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Headaches can be associated with your blood glucose levels sinse GH antagonizes your insulin function your BG will rise as a result of a lessened insulin sensitivity. you can correct this by using slin or adequan (metformin) also adding r-ala will increase insulin sensitivity...basically when you have high BG levels you can experience headaches, drowsiness, etc...water retention from GH will cause a rise in BP which can also cause headaches.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i am also using jino but i did get the headaches at 4iu plus the bloating so as mallet said it def had to do with my BP...but i still dont understand the edema and water retention..3 of my other friends who also started jino, also got really big quickly and all of us gained a lot of weight in our abdomens but I thought people say it causes local fat loss so we all now start shooting it in our legs and the bloating in our abdomens went down...but i still dont think i can take more than 1.5iu without getting bloated again....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im really starting to think jin is garbage.... they are all supposed to be the same but there has to be some difference???? I had no sides on nutropin and awesome fat loss in only 6 weeks 3.2 Iu's ed.... im on week 11 with jin and nothing but sides.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sorry to hear that man about the jinos man that sucks.....and you are taking 4iu a be honest with you i know every place you look at everyone says do min. of 4iu but to be honest when i was doing it i felt like ****...but now that i am doing 1.5iu everyone tells me my body has changed and i feel so much better maybe you should try that a bit go lower dosage and see what happens...i am just going to stay at this dosage oh and another mistake i made initially was i did not run any juice with it......but i am running some tren and winni now as its great so i dont know what cycle you are on but make sure you take something with it.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by djacosta
    Hey guys i have been on GH for the past 8months and i started at 2iu then after a month went up to 3iu and then soon as i started going up i started getting really weight went from 200 almost to 242 i came back down after a while but i still hold water even at 2iu after all this time...last 2 weeks i went down to 1.5iu and all the water or edema is completely gone...I am taking winni at 50mg eod and tren at 75mg eod also...but why is it that people will take up to 5-6iu without any edema and i cant even take 2iu after this many months? Thanks
    To answer your question: body chemistry is the reason for the difference. Each person is affected by steroids differently.

    When you changed your dose of GH from 2IU to 3IU, did you make any other chagnes? For example, did you change your diet or increase doses of any other AAS you were taking?

  10. #10
    well i am using slin so why would i still get headhaches and feel tired only in the afternoon shot.,ive also had no joint pain whatsoever so far on hgh.maybe its too soon,hope not. ive been on gear now for at least 20 years with no side effects and no ancillary drugs for a long time until the last 2 -3 years. i only take nolvadex only when needed,if at all, but i do take clomid and hcg.pct for about four weeks than start cycle again.usually i use ancillary drugs after every16 weeks on mass cycles.tell you what guys,this is my mass cycle,any advise would be appreciated..i am on a mass for 8 months,then for the other 3-4 months i cut up for the canadian championships.after 8-10 weeks on this cycle i do another 8-10 week different cycle immediately,no ancillary drugs in between.only after16 to 20 weeks,but usualy 16 weeks when i do 8 week cycles.

    week;1-8 or 10.......test 300 (200mg.enanthate and 100mg.prop.) every other day.
    deca......150mg. every other day,total 6oomg.a week
    d-ball tabs....50 mg.a day.only on workout days
    hgh.2ui. at 8;00am; and 3;00pm
    humalog.6 iu...only post workout so far at 6;30pm.
    i plan at adding 8iu. humalog in the morning soon,i hear you should not eat right after taking hgh.for at least 1 hour after taking it,so if i take 8;00am. i take my slin at 9;00am. i only train once a day around 5;00pm. 2 days on 1 day slin an hgh. on saturday and sunday,just anabolics.
    my protein is from 300-350 gramd a day,my carbs are 200-300 a day so far,fat is around 100grams. i am 5'7'' weight is 200lbs now like i sais i put on 3 days.and i am 46 years old. first time ive done,i know friends of mine that the jintropin they receive,on some there is a paper label on the powdery vials,with flip yellow tops on them.on others just a print in black on them,no paper label.which one is real or are they both real,
    i hope this has been helpfull to most of you guys.ive been bodybuilding for over 30 years now i said any advise would be appreciated,

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by hulk007
    well i am using slin so why would i still get headhaches and feel tired only in the afternoon shot.,ive also had no joint pain whatsoever so far on hgh.maybe its too soon,hope not. ive been on gear now for at least 20 years with no side effects and no ancillary drugs for a long time until the last 2 -3 years. i only take nolvadex only when needed,if at all, but i do take clomid and hcg.pct for about four weeks than start cycle again.usually i use ancillary drugs after every16 weeks on mass cycles.tell you what guys,this is my mass cycle,any advise would be appreciated..i am on a mass for 8 months,then for the other 3-4 months i cut up for the canadian championships.after 8-10 weeks on this cycle i do another 8-10 week different cycle immediately,no ancillary drugs in between.only after16 to 20 weeks,but usualy 16 weeks when i do 8 week cycles.

    week;1-8 or 10.......test 300 (200mg.enanthate and 100mg.prop.) every other day.
    deca......150mg. every other day,total 6oomg.a week
    d-ball tabs....50 mg.a day.only on workout days
    hgh.2ui. at 8;00am; and 3;00pm
    humalog.6 iu...only post workout so far at 6;30pm.
    i plan at adding 8iu. humalog in the morning soon,i hear you should not eat right after taking hgh.for at least 1 hour after taking it,so if i take 8;00am. i take my slin at 9;00am. i only train once a day around 5;00pm. 2 days on 1 day slin an hgh. on saturday and sunday,just anabolics.
    my protein is from 300-350 gramd a day,my carbs are 200-300 a day so far,fat is around 100grams. i am 5'7'' weight is 200lbs now like i sais i put on 3 days.and i am 46 years old. first time ive done,i know friends of mine that the jintropin they receive,on some there is a paper label on the powdery vials,with flip yellow tops on them.on others just a print in black on them,no paper label.which one is real or are they both real,
    i hope this has been helpfull to most of you guys.ive been bodybuilding for over 30 years now i said any advise would be appreciated,
    It's **** nice to see someone who has lifted for 30 years AND competes using doses that total only around 600mg of AS per week. I wish more people would see that you don't have to use mega doses to get good results.

    Hulk, if you have any pics, please post them. Since you compete, you'd be a good example of how people don't need to use a gram of AAS to get a good body.

    Questions for you:
    1. You've stayed on cycle every year for 30 years? No off-cycle time?

    2. The 10 lbs you said you put on in three days--I'm guessing that's a combination of fat and water weight, not just lean bodymass. Do you have any comments on that?
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 09-11-2004 at 08:07 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    When you changed your dose of GH from 2IU to 3IU, did you make any other chagnes? For example, did you change your diet or increase doses of any other AAS you were taking?

    Hey bud no i didnt make any changes as far as diet...i eat clean with high protein 300-350g and about 100g of carbs and 40g of fat a day...I thought maybe it was my thyroid levels that were off but when i got them checked they were fine...
    Do you also think the older you get the more HGH you can use without sides..i am 29 say would 4iu of GH not get me bloated when I am 39...
    Also i read GH increases your testosterone levels so if thats true if someone takes GH say at 4iu could some of that extra test turn into estrogen and cause the bloat and the edema....
    Thanks and I think you are absolutely correct about different people having different body chemistries...

  13. #13
    if you look at my mass cycle right now i am taking more than 600mg. a week,as far as being on as for 30 years no.i started working out at age 16 and my weight was only 95 lbs.then aroung the age of 26.i started using anabolics for 12 first two weeks i put on 17 lbs.i was taking 200mg.deca....200mg.test. and 6 d-ball tabs.thats the end of 12 weeks i put on a good 30 was the time i reached 176 lbs.i was benching 405...squatting 505 ...and barbell curling with 205.mind you when i first started training at 95 lbs.i couldn't even press over my head a lousy 80lbs.weight,i was getting pushed around and beat up a lot by big fat bullys for no reason.not now.they buy me a drink now and wnat me to be their friend,i had a hard far as having a picture on here.i dont have a scanner yet,when i get one ill be glad to post a few of them.

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