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Thread: Shorter cycles of Humalog possible?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Shorter cycles of Humalog possible?

    Do you have to slin for 4 weeks at a time? Can you do smaller cylces w/higher dosages like humalog 2 x a day, 10 iu's morning and 10iu's PWO for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off? I too noticed that after about week 2-3 on humalog 2x a day the gains slowed down. I think the bulk of the gains on humalog are made in the first couple of weeks.

  2. #2
    I don't see why not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I havent found using slin both in the AM and PM to be very productive as far as gains are concerned and I dont think that slin by itself will be that great with out AAS. Even using humalog in the AM you would have to be very dialed in with you carb count to not gain fat. i use humalog right now in the PM with post but it only about 3-4 times per week max and it is non stop through out my cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I agree with you about slin + AAS being most effective versus slin by itself. I only use humalog with AAS. I take the morning shots of slin on non-workout days only. I see you run it throughout your entire cycle. How long is that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big4nuthin
    I agree with you about slin + AAS being most effective versus slin by itself. I only use humalog with AAS. I take the morning shots of slin on non-workout days only. I see you run it throughout your entire cycle. How long is that?
    it has been over 20 weeks now. I am getting ready to com off in the next few weeks and i am thinking of trying slin in the AM to block catabolism from cortisol levels, but at the same time i am not sure since I am cutting. I might just use clen in tis case and keep slin to post

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    20 weeks of slin use? Are you worried about the insulin resistance issue? Also, what kind of dosages are we talking about? And do you up the dosages at certain points to a max amount? Thanks for sharing, I have only run one humalog cycle and really like the added fullness and it seemed to enhance the effect of my gear. I want to learn as many ways as possible to use insulin safely.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by big4nuthin
    20 weeks of slin use? Are you worried about the insulin resistance issue? Also, what kind of dosages are we talking about? And do you up the dosages at certain points to a max amount? Thanks for sharing, I have only run one humalog cycle and really like the added fullness and it seemed to enhance the effect of my gear. I want to learn as many ways as possible to use insulin safely.
    well I dont shoot insulin everyday. I only use it 3 to 4 times max per week. I have cut my workouts to 3 times per week now. I only use 10ius. I did start out a bit smaller, but I jumped up quickly to 10ius for the most part. I have gone as high as 12-13 ius , but really didnt see much of a difference to 10ius in my case. I do agree! the pumps and fullness you have when on slin is a great feeling.

  8. #8
    how many lbs did u gain on 10ius and how fast u gained them?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    i have to throw in my .02 here...i havent used slin while being on, but i am useing it as im comeing off in my pct and i think its very effective in gaining some size w/o AAS...ive been off for 3 weeks now and i have gained weight, but its nearly irrelevant because i was dieting pretty hard before i came off...but im back to my normal weight and still seem to be growing, or at least keeping all of my gains...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    but on the subject...i know einy once told me that some can get away with ed use of slin for over a year...but the best way to run it is time on = time off in short i would think 2 weeks would be a good experment...maybe keep a little journal here, or report on it when your done

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by REM
    how many lbs did u gain on 10ius and how fast u gained them?

    well in the beginning of my cycle I jumped up to a rapid 30lbs in weight. I was almost at 200lbs, but I did gain some fat while I was using humalog in the AM. Now i am cutting back down and roughly close to the 190's. i still use slin in post right now and really havent seen much of a gain, but then again i am cutting so my cals are pretty restricted right now.

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