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Thread: Pleas Advise...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Pleas Advise...

    Okay, this is my second year playing football and I am pretty good. I'm agressive and I play well and I work really fu**in hard. Last year I was a scrawny little bitch and even so, I was pretty good considering it was my first year. Now i've been working really hard, I just recovered from an injury a couple weeks ago, and they haven't played me one play on Varsity this year. I played more varsity last year. I think I should quit because my true passion is bodybuilding anyway and I guess the coaching staff just doesn't like me for some reason. But this is total bull **** because I get out there and bust my ass and work hard and I am one of the biggest 2 guys on the team, and all I get is **** from some of the coaches. (They suspect that I am juicing I guess... maybe that has something to do with it). In addition, I moved to this school last year and maybe they don't won't to replace the starters with me because I'm new?

    Should I quit or not? I'm not going to practice today - I'm just going to lift. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Land of the Ice and Snow
    Never, quit. Never ever ever quit. You will regret it in a few weeks. COaches are funny people, they can almost always tell if a player is good, but very rarely will they come out and acknowledge it to your face. They prefer to harp on the things you do wrong, in an effort to make you better. This is my 3rd year playing in college, and i have had a coach yell at me more times for something i did wrong more than praise me for something i did good. Nothing is ever good enough for a coach remember that. Just go out there and keep plugging, eventually your skill will get you put in there, keep getting bigger, stronger and faster and good things will happen.
    Just never quit, because not a day will go by that you wont question your decision.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Land of the Ice and Snow
    on second thought, quit, you are worthless to your team. I wouldnt want you on my team, you are selfish

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Land of Obesity
    First of all don't waste your time if you do not love the game. It is a game for real men and not for people who just sit there and whine to cover up that they are actually not good and just think that they are the sh*t. Don't waste your time and the time of your teammates who are committed to the sport.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2004
    I am assuming this is HS football and not college, i would not qiut, if you love the game i would stick with it and try your best, me senior year the did not startt me after being the startign on vrsity ans a junior the coachs were new and i was not at summer camp cause i wwas going to the mizzou camp, to make a long story short the coachs never got a real chance to see me play and after a few plays and seeing how ****ty the other guy was the put me in and i reaked havick, after that the coach would start other people infront of me just so i would get [pissed and play harder when i was out there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    coming from experience.. DONT QUIT. i got a scholarship to a community college out here and my future did not look to promising so i quit. i seriously can not even go to my old h.s. football games cuz i think i will cry... SERIOUSLY. i was at the old h.s. running just yesterday, and the team was practicing, and it made me so sad/mad. you only go threw h.s. once, you only have the chance to play h.s. football once.. so Stick IT OUT you lil Bit@#!! jk but dont worry im going back in jan. .3 sec faster and 15lbs heavier

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    dont be a bitch, they aint playin you b/c they dont like you, trust me. suck it up and play your back up roll on the team

    dcb face

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Okay, this is my second year playing football and I am pretty good. I'm agressive and I play well and I work really fu**in hard. Last year I was a scrawny little bitch and even so, I was pretty good considering it was my first year. Now i've been working really hard, I just recovered from an injury a couple weeks ago, and they haven't played me one play on Varsity this year. I played more varsity last year. I think I should quit because my true passion is bodybuilding anyway and I guess the coaching staff just doesn't like me for some reason. But this is total bull **** because I get out there and bust my ass and work hard and I am one of the biggest 2 guys on the team, and all I get is **** from some of the coaches. (They suspect that I am juicing I guess... maybe that has something to do with it). In addition, I moved to this school last year and maybe they don't won't to replace the starters with me because I'm new?

    Should I quit or not? I'm not going to practice today - I'm just going to lift. Thanks a lot
    WHat year are you. MY sophmore and junior year i was a stiff. a chubby weak linebacker. it really pissed me off. I came back about 30 pounds heavier and leaner bigger stronger. I beat out 2 other guys that were pretty good. better than average competition for a highschool linebacker. i would have eaten live meat sandwiched between freaken metal.

    its time to turn on the asshole switch and be the animal that you know you are!!!!

    you say you are one of the biggest strongest on your team. take those pussies who are starting in front of you and tear them to pieces. chew em up and spit em the **** out. every hitting drill go up against your competition. i had a kid behind me talk **** to me, so every hitting drill i went out of my way to match up against him. i won my spot hands down.
    killem all and let the paramedics sort em out.
    Last edited by IronReload04; 09-22-2004 at 10:01 AM.

  9. #9
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    also what position do you play

    also, not every kid is a favorite. you dont get handed your position. you freaking take it. take whats yours

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ok either your coach is a ****tard and you are good, your really not that good, or maybe they see your selfish attitude and don't want you on the field. Just keep busting your ass and maybe go talk to them, coaches are people too. I have the same problem right now sort of, I start at middle linebacker/ this game at d-end but I don't ever get to play running back even though I have the best size/ability/speed combo, the main reason coach says is that I might get hurt because I hurt my knee this summer and its tender and swells up big after every game. He wants to save me for the playoffs then put it all on the line, that is his reason.

    I suggest you go talk to the coach and ask him why you are not getting to play, don't mention the other players. Just ask him what you can do better. good luck

    and another thing never ****ing quit dont be a pussy bitch, when you are in a job in life and dont get the promotion you will quit just like you did in highschool.

  11. #11
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    Man Up!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    hey thanks for the advice, and the dissin on me... seriously though I am going to keep playing. I talked with my coach and I'm not even supposed to be playing until next week because of my injury but I have been anyway, and my only problem is that when I make a mistake I get so angry that it affects my performance. I am really good but that's what I need to work on. It is kind-of selfish i guess, but I think that being happy is important. I WILL keep playing and step it up even more and knock all those mofos around. I am not a quitter, and I've never quit anything before. Thanks again for the advice... peace

    (I play OT/DE)

  13. #13
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    hey thanks for the advice, and the dissin on me... seriously though I am going to keep playing. I talked with my coach and I'm not even supposed to be playing until next week because of my injury but I have been anyway, and my only problem is that when I make a mistake I get so angry that it affects my performance. I am really good but that's what I need to work on. It is kind-of selfish i guess, but I think that being happy is important. I WILL keep playing and step it up even more and knock all those mofos around. I am not a quitter, and I've never quit anything before. Thanks again for the advice... peace

    (I play OT/DE)
    seriously good to hear bro. when you mess up, just use it as fuel.
    kill em all and let the paramedics sort em out

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a winner never quits and a quiter never wins!!!
    u should stick with it sur ethey have u on scout team or something and that is your chance to F*ck some ppl up and make some good plays... when they see u making plays, they will move u up on the depth chart
    keep working hard

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    good see just a misunderstanding, communication is key, good luck

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Land of the Ice and Snow
    exactly dude, i didnt mean to be a dick, i was just trying to motivate you through negative reinforcement, good luck with all

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Yea man you dont wanna quit. I played an san diego state last year, with a full ride, but quit this year because of schooling. BUt still I regret it and wish I was back out there on the field...Stick it out

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