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Thread: Bonds 70th HR......I was there!!!!!

  1. #1
    ptbyjason Guest

    Bonds 70th HR......I was there!!!!!

    I just got back from the Astros/Giants game and I cannot believe I saw Barry Bonds crank his 70th homerun. It is definitely a moment I will never forget. I have never had a chance to attend a game like this since I have never lived in a big city. I can't believe the first game I have been to in years will be something I will never forget. Just wanted to share it with everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i knwo what you mean

    i was at a mets/cards double header back in 98 when mcgwire hit i think was cool to be apart of that. gives you chills right? now thats' what i'm talking about when i say BB isn't a real never got that feeling from seeing a BB contest right?good shit bro.i'm glad to hear you got to be a part of it.i saw it on tv and was all choked up.i've been a giants fan since i was a kid.

  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    Yeah, you hit it on the head. I mean I have had good friends of mine who I have watched win their first BB competition, and it was great to be a part of it. But in 2 years few people remember, and no one besides your close friends even knows about the competition. Watching Bonds hit that home run was history. It is something that I can always say I was a part of. I never would have thought that McGwire's record would be broked, espescially this quickly, but I saw it happen (well at least tied). I will never forget this day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    that's sports baby

    you'll tell your kids about it someday and your's always knwo when you saw jordan drop 63 on my man Bird and the celtics, cal ripken breaks the consecutive game record, jordan's shot agianst utah(which should be have been teh end of a legacy), micheal johnson crushing the world record in the 200/400.times .the first time you saw mike tyson knock someone'll never forget any of it. sports are amazing like that.i'm really glad to got to be a part of it.

    PS check out the sportscentury on barry bonds.i saw it last night and it was great.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    Ive been playing ball since i was 6 yrs old. Im 19 now , alot of kids play little league and stop at that because they grow out of it. The ones that really have a passion for the game stick with it. I played all through jr. high and high school , ill be playing for college this spring. I cant imagine how it must have felt to see that in person. I caught it on tv and i got the chills. That had to give you a high huh , the sound of the crowd , watching the ball sail , looking at barry trot the bases in person , hugging his kid ass he crosses home. Everytime i hit a homer i feel as if something was hoisted off of my back as i jog the diamond , now can you imagine doing that 70 times . I love this shit !

    PS. chicks dig the long ball......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm happy for Barry. The look on his face as the ball left the bat said it all. All along he was claiming that the record didn't mean anything...that ear to ear grin told a differen't story

    On a related note Ricky Henderson scored his 2,246 run last night in dramatic fashion by swatting a dinger over the left field wall. As promised Ricky slid home even though he was in a HR trot. The run puts him ahead of Ty Cobb as the leagues all time leading run scorer. This is his third major league record (walks and stolen bases).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    How would you like to be the guy who paid 3 million for McGuires 70th. What do you think it's worth now? Hey lets not forget Sammy...60 hr 3 seasons. And BB's got 3 games left. I see a couple more!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    the guy who bought that ball is the guy who created the comic book, "spawn". i HATE barry bonds. i played ball my whole life, including college, and i've never seen a pro ball player be such a dick! anybody ever meet him? was he cool?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I used to work for a major league team in the NL and i knew the visting team clubbie pretty well. He said Barry was the BIGGEST asshole he had ever come into contact with. Everyone dreaded it when they came into town

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i like him

    i always have.i've been a giants fan since i was a kid same w/ the raiders.west coast sports fan, new yorker for life. he's a great player and isn't afraid to tell you. modesty is way over rated.haha.confidence , even arrogance, fuels the psyche to remain on top of your game.thats' how i see it, but i love myself more than anything or anyone else so maybe my opinion is jaded.

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