Hey guys.......Im currently on my sencond cycle which includes:
Eod Fina 75mgs
Eod Prop 150 mgs <----homebrew
My strength is looking amazing so far,and im not looking to be all puffy and bloated iv done that on my last cycle which included d bols and sus. I know my eating habits are not what they should be. I eat about 3000 cals a day.I take 2 protein shakes one right after lifting along side with some oatmeal for complex carbs...My second shake is right be4 bedtime...I kno I need more cals. Im going to be honest and say I simply cant spend that kind of money to eat 5 to 6 meals a day..If anyone has any suggestions on what foods I can eat that help with gains and dont cost ALOT of money please offer your help.. THanks