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Thread: Right Foods For Weight Gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Right Foods For Weight Gains

    Hey guys.......Im currently on my sencond cycle which includes:

    Eod Fina 75mgs
    Eod Prop 150 mgs <----homebrew

    My strength is looking amazing so far,and im not looking to be all puffy and bloated iv done that on my last cycle which included d bols and sus. I know my eating habits are not what they should be. I eat about 3000 cals a day.I take 2 protein shakes one right after lifting along side with some oatmeal for complex carbs...My second shake is right be4 bedtime...I kno I need more cals. Im going to be honest and say I simply cant spend that kind of money to eat 5 to 6 meals a day..If anyone has any suggestions on what foods I can eat that help with gains and dont cost ALOT of money please offer your help.. THanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    try the diet forum. alot of good info there.

  3. #3
    lots of egg and good protein....try 20 eggs a day...make ur food at home to save money

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    you can't do 6 meals a day? Heck, i do 9.

    Maybe try 3 huge meals, plus protien shakes with a muffin or banana.
    Plaenty of ways to get cheap protien powder. I would use 3 scoops since yer juicin. I like optumum nutrition 100% whey. You canget it for like 24 bucks for 5 pounds or 10 pounds for 48 bucks. And it tastes good.
    Eggwhites are kickass. I go through 20 dozen eggs a week myself. Consider it.
    I would just eat the whole egg though if you want mor bang for your buck, cuz the yolk isn't useless, it actually contains half the protien of the egg. Plus there's some good fats and vitamin A in there as well as other stuff.
    I would try to get closer to 4000 cals on a cycle, maybe 4500 or 5000 actually.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Here there and everywhere
    I have the same problem as you mate. I simply cant afford to buy loads of stuff for that much intake. A good way to combat this is to firstly on your weekly / fortnightnly shopping trip be sure to pick up a big bag of potatoes along with loads of frozen veg cos its cheap enough. When you come to making your meals all you need to do is peel some potatoes and boil them for 20 mins and do your veg for 5 mins. Then all you need is some meet or sumthin. If possible you want to be using fresh at all times like but its cheaper and quicker to do it this way. I tend to also buy frozen mince as it is ready to eat in minutes and can be used for things like spaghetti bolognese.
    I could go on all night about this as I used to be a chef so if you need any more help just PM me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    oh...and don't shop at superfresh. Go to Giant, it's cheaper, but idealy go to one of those discount places like BJ's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thanks for all ur help guys ill be sure to take in more protein powders and def load up on eggs...thanks again

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    don't take in more protein powders... whey protein is absorbed too fast, real food has a greater benefit.

    Good cheap protein - TUNA!!!, peanut butter, peanuts, chicken breast, hamburger
    Last edited by AandF6969; 09-29-2004 at 01:48 PM.

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