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Thread: Cheque Drops experiment

  1. #1

    Cheque Drops experiment

    Ok so an older guy I lift with is getting soem checque drops. He's 6" 1" 230 close 50yrs old, and im 5' 9" 170 and 27yrs. He benches over 300 and I bench about 240.

    We are both gonna do cheque drops on bench day. 1 day a week. We will record our numbers and then post them after 8 weeks of this.

    Can anyone tell me about your experiences with cheques - how often you took it, what doses, strength gains, sides etc.

    Id like to know what to expect. What Ive heard is this:

    You get brutally aggressive and want to lift your entire house. And while under the inluence your personality can change drastically and even the most laid back people can exhibit roid rage behavior.

    Of course the flip side is that the extreme androgenic quality gives you significant strength increases.

    Maybe ill try it on legs day too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    in your brainz
    let me know how that goes seirously this **** is what im trying to tell you alla bout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I heard Tyson was on CDs when he bit Holyfield.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Crex
    I heard Tyson was on CDs when he bit Holyfield.
    that is not comforting ;(

  5. #5
    Are you doing this off cycle, or are you on something?

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