Last Thursday i did my bi weekly inject of 1 cc of sust n 1 cc of Eq. I always shoot in my buttucks. I rotate each cheek. Well last thursday i took a hot shower right b4 i shot up to relax the injection site. I used a 23 g 1.5 syringe, i stuck it in pulled back a lil tiny bit, didnt c ne blood and slowly dispersed it. When i took the needle out blood shot out like a foot. All i have is 1.5 syringes n i have to shoot it 2morrow. I dont know what to do. I ****n hate needles, i know im acting like a lil bitch but i have really no fat on my body and my ass is the only place i can really inject. I just dont want that **** to happen again. I did everything perfect with injecting. Someone told me that the reason it happen was becuz i shoot it there everyweek