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Thread: Are Lotions In Tanning Salon A Scam?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk

    Are Lotions In Tanning Salon A Scam?

    I've been convinced time and time again by these workers that these lotions "enhance" the tan. I really don't think this is true, all I see is that it bakes a bronzer on you that comes right off after a shower. Wouldn't the lotions actually prevent all the rays from hitting your skin like a shield almost? Once again, are these lotions just a scam? Or am I just using the wrong ones..

  2. #2
    They will definitely help you get darker than without using any lotion at all. The main thing lotion does is moisturizes your skin. Moisturized skin tans about 70% better. I do think different lotions work better than others though. Try some different ones, but you don't need a top of the line, really expensive lotion to do the job.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Warren, MI
    i use one that has a tingle and bronze in it, and i usualy go for the really high power stand up ones, when i come out i'm hot and as red as a beet but with in a few hours the red goes away and i'm alot darker than before, and if i dont use the stuff i'm usualy jsut a lil darker so yeah i'd say they work, and i really prefer the tingle ones

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I hate tingle. I seem to burn so much easier when I use it. I like using the lotion that cools your skin, if that makes any sence

  5. #5
    While I agree that moist skin is always going to tan better than dehydrated skin, I am still not 100% convinced that spending money on a special tanning lotion is the way to go. What's my reasoning?? For those of you who have spent time tanning in a tanning salon, how many of you actually put the lotion on your back?? I never used to bother with trying to reach all areas on my back and after reaslizing that my back had the same amount of tan/colour as the rest of my body, I stopped spending the money on these lotions.

  6. #6
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    I never used to bother with trying to reach all areas on my back and after reaslizing that my back had the same amount of tan/colour as the rest of my body, I stopped spending the money on these lotions.[/QUOTE]

    that is a great point, I can't reach areas of my back also, and my tan comes out the same as the rest of my body....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I don't think there a scam, I thought about this a couple of weeks ago. I think the reason our backs/ass tan faster is because they are pressed up against the glass and have 100% of the light. But I have also noticed that my legs and arms tan faster when I use the lotion as opposed to none.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2004
    I've done both options, No lotion and lotion. I personally like a tingle lotion with bronzer best. it makes you feel burnt at first but I get darker on a tingle than I do with just a bronzer or no lotion at all. I personally like the swedish beauty tingle line from what I have tried

  9. #9
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by calidude
    I think the reason our backs/ass tan faster is because they are pressed up against the glass and have 100% of the light.
    ding ding we have a winner

    and yes lotions help... i recomend not showering for a while afterwards as to let the tan set.. your washing off the lotion, not what the lotion has done to teh skin

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    ding ding we have a winner
    Do I get a year supply of lotion??

  11. #11
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by calidude
    Do I get a year supply of lotion??
    you can get them at sallys beauty supply for 10 bucks... seem to work pretty good

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I was talking about me being a winner.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The bronze does seem to wash off after a shower but I feel better using a lotion. 20 bucks for a bottle that lasts for a year or two isnt a bad bargan. Plus it leaves you smelling like a fresh hawian flower

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Forty shades of green
    My fav is artic heat. It give you a warm tingle andbut is cool at the same time. Wikkid.

    What you need to watch for is that some lotion colour the skin without boosting your actual melatonin levels.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The tingle ones are pretty good. Just do a search and buy em online though. It's a lot cheaper.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    the reason why some parts of your body are more tan than others while using a tanning bed is because of the amount of fat in that area, fat absorbs UVA and UVB rays alot more than muscle

  17. #17
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    Sep 2003
    i just a good lotion that is gettin me a lot darker than any others i have tried, its called x power bronzer. just dont shower within 4 hours of tanning, kinda sucks cause u'll smell like coconuts for a while but wutever.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Forty shades of green
    So than lean or fat for a better colour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tose22
    the reason why some parts of your body are more tan than others while using a tanning bed is because of the amount of fat in that area, fat absorbs UVA and UVB rays alot more than muscle

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by GREENMACHINE
    So than lean or fat for a better colour.

    Tan fat people rule!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    deep south
    I cant agree w/ the body fat thing b/c my calfs tan better than anywhere on my body and have the least fat too, as for lotions hell yes they work better I use stuff called platinum, it tingles like holy hell but works well. The older woman at the salon hits on me and my boy all the time so we get free samples of it whenever she is there.

  21. #21
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bitta
    I cant agree w/ the body fat thing b/c my calfs tan better than anywhere on my body and have the least fat too, as for lotions hell yes they work better I use stuff called platinum, it tingles like holy hell but works well. The older woman at the salon hits on me and my boy all the time so we get free samples of it whenever she is there.
    other way around.. fat tans better then leaner parts.. but your calves probably tan good because they are pressed right up aginst the glass

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    deep south
    well actually the front of my calfs tan better than the back usually, also the bottom bulbs are supposed to be weaker then the top b/c of this, I also tan very good on my chin and lower face area(no fat there) I would think that even if the fat absorbs uva/uvb rays better it has nothing to do with culmination of meletonin cells which can be concentrated in certain areas thus giving those areas a better tan, not b/c of fat.

  23. #23
    Excuse my ignorance on this but Im new to he tanning salon scene. Are the lotions you talking about the "self-tanners" that leave you streaky and what not? Or are you talking about the SPF4 sunscreen stuff?


  24. #24
    Join Date
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    deep south
    they are just moisterizers w/ added plant sterols and oils that have been shown to increase the depth of your exposure to the rays, they are not self-tanners and will not leave you streaky.

  25. #25
    My bro bought me a gallon of Coconut oil for a supplement but I use it for tanning instead and it works great. I just smear it all over my body and it's way cheaper than tanning lotions, I also rub in on my arms and chest before going out all the time too. I get lot's of complements, here's the usual " 2 sniffs close" hey! you smell like coconut, I love coconut!. To bad most of them are only 14-18 damit.

  26. #26
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    Playing w/ tits
    I own a tanning salon and we sell tons of lotion. The reason? it works, If it didn't how long do you think we could keep selling it? Try alot of different sample packets and use a sticker and see the difference

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    i just a good lotion that is gettin me a lot darker than any others i have tried, its called x power bronzer. just dont shower within 4 hours of tanning, kinda sucks cause u'll smell like coconuts for a while but wutever.
    Glad to see you like the x bronzer, we sell lots of it at $70 a pop. How much did it cost you?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Glad to see you like the x bronzer, we sell lots of it at $70 a pop. How much did it cost you?
    $25can. my buddy owns a salon and gives it to me at cost. they sell it for $100 tho.

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