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Thread: *Sigh*...Another PW Carb and Insulin Question...

  1. #1

    *Sigh*...Another PW Carb and Insulin Question...


    I've notcied some Slin users taking in an extremely low amount (40 grams or so) of carbs for their PW Shake. This is low for ppl who DON'T even use slin. I don't use slin and take in more than twice that amount.

    It was my understanding that ppl take Slin so they can take in more calories. Am I wrong? Aren't ppl taking away from possible growth by restricting their cals to such an extent at this time? Is the object of slin to take in the minimum amt. of carbs w/o going hypo?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    what people want to do is take the lowest amount of carbs that will get the job done (to ensure hypoglycemia doesn't occur) so that the excess isn't stored as fat. This may account for the low carb numbers.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    When you use slin, if you have too much carbs it will just be stored as fat. So you will still put on weight, but not quality weight. When using slin, its best to keep the carb intake at the minimum safest level. This will ensure to keep you out of hypo, and will also be just enough for your body to absorb without leaving any excess carbs that might be stored. Everyone is different.

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