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Thread: Albuterol Question?

  1. #1

    Question Albuterol Question?

    I am in Costa Rica, and the farmacies don't have any clen. All htey have is albuterol in 4mg tablets. I did research amd found out that it should be taken at 16mg/day, split up into 4 doses because of its short half life. My question is: Do you cycle it like clen (2 weeks on/2weeks off)?
    Last edited by tallyjuice; 10-24-2004 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    my friend of mine uses it for medicinal purposes and he used to be on varsity football so he worked out all the time and now he hasnt worked out in forever....Two things are for sure...He is still pretty chunky so I would not use albuterol in replace of clenbuterol and another thing...he still has as much muscle as he did when he played football...ive read in a magazine (might have been TIME) that albuterol preserves muscle and is very anti-catabolic.

  3. #3
    anyone else know anything?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    The only thing i know is that albuterol comes in that inhaler that asma people use. If you dont have asma dont use it!! I have and it messed up my breathing. I wouldnt take it, but like i said i really dont know anything.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    well clen was also used as asma meds correct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackman
    well clen was also used as asma meds correct?

    correct, it is a bronchioldialtor (sp), same as ephedra.

    it is actually still used in some eurpean countries for asthma

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    yeah clen was too but i meant not to use it by inhaler!! ive heard (which doesnt mean much) that asma inhalers can have a neg affect on non-asma users.... but then again, even clen messed up my breathing as well!!

    sorry bro,,, im no help!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you can get albuterol in pill form

  9. #9
    so I guess no onw knows?

  10. #10
    albuterol is not as hard on the you can take it for say 4-8 week cycles...allot of people in the "know" like it better than clen...doesnt leave you feeling like crap...and is better known for muscle building purposes than clen...since clen doesnt help at all...must be tab or liquid...inhaler is useless...

  11. #11
    4-8 weeks straight? IT doesn't downregulate your receptors?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    4-8 weeks straight? IT doesn't downregulate your receptors?
    you can take clen that long as well. with taking benedryl every third week to refresh them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    OK, I have asthma. I am sick right now. Have sinusitus and trying to keep it from heading down to my lungs and turning into pneumonia. I'm taking albuteral for my wheezing. It says 4 times a day. It's an inhaler.

    If I continue to use it when I'm well, will it help me put on some lean body mass?

    One dude in this thread says it's useless in inhaler form. I imagine he means useless as an anti-catabolic. Am I correct?
    Please help. At 6'3" tall and barely 190 lbs, I'm a stick boy.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    the drug store
    Yes, useless as an anabolic (or as an anti-catabolic).

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    I once knew this lady that came by my shop which could somehow with her medicaid get just about anything from her doc. She was sort of a crackhead so i would throw her 10 buks and she would do it for me.
    One day i told her to tell her doc to get her a priscription to clens. She got it. When i took it to the pharmacy they said sorry this is not carried in the US because it lasts to long in the body. They told me the Us version is Albuterol which lasts half the time and its why the FDA likes it.
    So 1 week later i got Albuterol in pill form. There is something in Clenbuterol which is not in Albuterol. I took these not knowing about this and seen absolutely nothing.

    Clenbuterol is given to cows by farmers before slaughter and i guess it makes them come out leaner. If Albuterol was the same then why not just give them that instead at twice the dose? (who cares its a cow).

    So the answer is no, its not the same..........

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