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Thread: Sharing my cycle with the world :P

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Sharing my cycle with the world :P

    Hi everyone i just got most of our cycle.. me and my roomate.. he's on bulkin and im cuttin so anyway hows this look.. hes on test en and deca the rest is all me
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Kinda hard to make out what's what in the pic. Howa bout putting it in text?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i remember u, the advice u were givin was to stay away from AS due to ur age (even if ur cutting) u obviously havent taken it and not gone for the sensible and safest route have u

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    um im 20 why shouldnt i do AS ;/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    u showed pics too wit a little gyno?? id wait til older than 20, til about 22+ then think about AS, i also remember others gave the advice to wait

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    well im turning 21 soon and plannin on gh once i hit 23.. yeah im gonna get gyno surgery soon

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Prop ED Builds Character
    why are you even thinking about GH. you need to first worrying about getting a body that is somewhat in shape to even take AAS! No offence bro but your looking like the type of person who feels they have no outs as to get into shape so they turn to AAS to do the trick. Lesson for you bro, i hope your ready to work your ass off with them because once your on you have to intensify every workout ten fold. also diet has to be strict as hell. And from looking at the photos you have posted it looks like both arent in check just yet. my opinion it to put all those AAS on a shelf, look at em as inspiration to make you wanna lift harder and get in good shape so that then once your ready you can finally use em. IMO Big mistake by your part. No offence tho bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well bro great work on your fat loss but i'll give it you like i see have NO base for doing AAS at this time. I'm sorry to tell you this but your journey has just begun. Look at your pics do you truely believe you need steriod you grow? You need to get your diet/training right on before you start to even think about juicing. Seems to me your're one of those dudes who think steriods are super drugs that will forgive sloppy training/diet. I know i'm coming across harsh, but i want to get in your head to leave the drugs alone for now, You must be hyped to do your cycle but doing steriods with a base like yours will not yield the best results in the long run.
    You have the gear already so i know you'll start so best of luck.
    P.s going back to the thread you did 2 cycles already?! Somethings wrong.

  9. #9
    ditto on the bklg comment. fantastic work on the weight loss. i would get the gyno surgery while you can esp if insurance will cover it, work out for maybe 2 years doing deadlifts and squats out the yin-yang (and cardio if you want to cut), then hit all that gear. dude, it is a leap of faith to listen to people online. I bought tren pills, made that ****, then let it sit for going on 3 years (obviously now with no intention to use it) and feel good about my decision not to use that harsh substance at such a young age (though older than you at the time).

    You look really good compared to where you were at before in that link bklg put up. Keep doing complex movements and get more muscle which will eat more fat which will make you look even better (and without all the sides, to boot).

    anyway, just some more input.

    oh wait, i just read you already did cycles... gah. ummm, i'll still post this since I think it could be a good idea, but you should know all about sides then (did your gyno get bigger at all from the previous cycles?).

    goodluck with whatever you choose.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanks for all the comments i really take it all seriously guys its just that no matter what doc i go to they all say u need to do surgery to loose that excess skin and all the errors from being fat.. After my first cycle sustanon/primo my body took the basic shape and ive been trainin for 2 months on nothing.. and as for diet/training? trust me im the only one who goes to the gym from 6 pm to 10 pm i ALWAYS ALWAYS come out with sweat all the way down to my toes.. everytime i do cardio i loose around 2 pounds.. and a pound when i lift weights.. as for gyno its been like that since i was fat really cant figure out why... my stats atm are 172 cm height / 162 pounds / and very active.. anyway thanks for the remarks guys... appreciate it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanks for all the comments i really take it all seriously guys its just that no matter what doc i go to they all say u need to do surgery to loose that excess skin and all the errors from being fat.. After my first cycle sustanon/primo my body took the basic shape and ive been trainin for 2 months on nothing.. and as for diet/training? trust me im the only one who goes to the gym from 6 pm to 10 pm i ALWAYS ALWAYS come out with sweat all the way down to my toes.. everytime i do cardio i loose around 2 pounds.. and a pound when i lift weights.. as for gyno its been like that since i was fat really cant figure out why... my stats atm are 172 cm height / 162 pounds / and very active.. anyway thanks for the remarks guys... appreciate it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Prop ED Builds Character
    first of all i cant believe that you are in the gym for that long. way too long and really farfetched if i say so. secondly, please listen to us when we tell you to hold off of the aas for now and let your body take a good base naturally. This will actually be a better decision for you when its time to take the aas. but its your choice and you will do what you will. good luck with whatever you decide.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    first of all i cant believe that you are in the gym for that long. way too long and really farfetched if i say so. secondly, please listen to us when we tell you to hold off of the aas for now and let your body take a good base naturally. This will actually be a better decision for you when its time to take the aas. but its your choice and you will do what you will. good luck with whatever you decide.
    You are beating a dead horse. He's going to do it.

    good luck with your cycle and keep us posted

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by Phatso
    thanks for all the comments i really take it all seriously guys its just that no matter what doc i go to they all say u need to do surgery to loose that excess skin and all the errors from being fat.. After my first cycle sustanon/primo my body took the basic shape and ive been trainin for 2 months on nothing.. and as for diet/training? trust me im the only one who goes to the gym from 6 pm to 10 pm i ALWAYS ALWAYS come out with sweat all the way down to my toes.. everytime i do cardio i loose around 2 pounds.. and a pound when i lift weights.. as for gyno its been like that since i was fat really cant figure out why... my stats atm are 172 cm height / 162 pounds / and very active.. anyway thanks for the remarks guys... appreciate it
    What on earth are you doing on the gym for four hours ?? I would need an ambulance to take me home if I worked out that long !!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Well there is not much I can add here, but I will restate this- you must train and diet harder, smarter, longer than you ever have before. Starving yourself in NOT hard in comparison to what you are about to embark on(trust me I know I was a claasic case of Anorexia). It sounds like you are obsesed on weight. I recommend not stepping on a scale during your cycle. Focus on physique and that only. I will tell you now that you MUST eat while you are doing any AAS. You may start to see some chub domming back, which you WILL immediately want to stop eating(worked the first time-work again), if you do this you are lost. DO NOT STOP EATING CORRECTLY. Keep us upsated on your cycle- I wan to help in anyway I might beable to while you are doing this-

    Question- have you went to counseling for your eating disorder??

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