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Thread: Anyone ever had to withdraw from a fight?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Anyone ever had to withdraw from a fight?

    Yup, only thing I'm fighting this morning is the 'blues. I was suppose to be competing in a Judo competition today but hurt a Rhomboid 10 days ago. I said I'd take all the physio etc going and make a decision on the morning of the competition. I've WITHDRAWN and feel like sh*t. I worked hard for this one, I know I'd have done very well. My instinct is to fight, my body is screaming for it. But the injury is murdering me. I'm going to watch the competition, I might put my gear in the car but hopefully my better sense keeps me from fighting...

    Anyone been down this road before?.

    Here's my injury..

  2. #2
    Hey bro. I know how it feels training for a competition, then having to back out with an injury. But you have to let yourself heal, or you could have worse problems down the road, and may never get to train or compete again. Take it from me, I've had to back out before b/c of an injury, and I've also competed with an injury. Do not compete! Let yourself heal. Also, DO NOT take your gear. You may get caught up in the moment, and compete anyway. Hope this helps, and hope you a speedy recovery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    I've been there bro! As I get older I pick and choose which competitions are right for me. This sounds like just another event for you, not the one thats gonna make ya rich and famous. Relax, keep training and wait unitl the next one and then just go be an animal!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well I went, didn't put my gear in the car and didn't compete!.. I'll be happier about it when I'm back in training sooner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    If thats you in your AVATAR and I suspect it is. Well, lets just say you look like a guy who would be one tough SOB in a street fight. And thats a compliment bro, guys like that are truly a rare breed!!!!!!!!!
    Good Luck in the next competition.........


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    taking you down
    **** bro, i know exactly how you feel. Senior year in Highschool i was 25-2 on my wrestling session. one month before regionals i dislocated my elbow in a tournament. I was devistated and made the huge mistake of "toughing" it out and competing in regionals and state. I taped it up really well and wore elbow pads on both elbows to keep kids from ****ing with my elbow. Didn't pop it out again, but definitly tweaked it real bad in my semi final match. Looking back on it i wish i would have never done it. I've had two operations on it and its still ****ed, kills me in my traning...Never has stoped bothering me.

    Good move not to compete its never worth it in the end

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks guys, and yes Joe thats me in my avatar. You'll always know me by the pint of GUinness in front!!. Well after the Christmas I should have some Judo and Kickboxing competitions to prepare for. Because of the lack of heavy weights here in Ireland I've been approached to fight some MMA (Novice) fights. But hey, I'm 38 yrs old, lol... No spring chicken!. About the injury, well its still pretty bad. And standing on a door (I'm a bouncer!!) for the last 3 nights hasn't helped!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I have to put this photo from the competition up. No disrespect to our female members, but these two chic's looked like they were kissing. So being the perv I am, I shot this photo!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC_1756.JPG 
Views:	137 
Size:	100.4 KB 
ID:	42427  

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Is always the right decision to not fight when u have the slightest doubt or arent feeling 100%......i learnt the hard way because i always get injured bad when i compete that way.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Ya gotta let me know where you are in Ireland. I'm planning a trip to England (Birmingham) from the States sometime in late Feb or early March, not sure yet, But maybe my Wife will let me slip on over to the Emerald Isle and we can toss down a Guiness or two! Americans Love the Irish and every American who has been to Ireland always raves about that place! I gotta see it for myself!

    Later, MJ

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Joe

    Ya gotta let me know where you are in Ireland. I'm planning a trip to England (Birmingham) from the States sometime in late Feb or early March, not sure yet, But maybe my Wife will let me slip on over to the Emerald Isle and we can toss down a Guiness or two! Americans Love the Irish and every American who has been to Ireland always raves about that place! I gotta see it for myself!

    Later, MJ
    Sure, drop me a PM whenever you wish. We'll get together for a Guinness or 20. If you get over to England you have to come here, we're much friendlier!. I'm in Dublin BTW.

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