interested to know if anyone has done this or would you just loss a lot of your strength and size?
interested to know if anyone has done this or would you just loss a lot of your strength and size?
of coarse people do it, not many juice all the time without stopping, with proper pct you wont lose strength or size
yeah i did, i trained without juice for 1 and 1/2 years. It was very hard to maintain my size (was 280), by the end of my off period i was 255 but i was cut the fvck up. Intensity was down for a while but the about 6 months in to it I was getting pumps and sh1t and my workouts were getting very intense. I almost like training natural more than i do while i'm on cycle.....i know i'm crazy.
I've done it - I waited to start using until I was older and had reached my natural potential ( IMO ) - I had stopped for almost a year once- lost just a little size and strength but found myself leaner with more endurance
Been AAS-free over a year now (maybe going two years...would have to get back to you on that)
training AAS-free is about learning/re-learning your body.
I think alot of it has to do with your body's natural makeup because I've always had a hard time keeping my motivation for long periods of time without aas. I've usually been able to maintain my size and strength for as long as I could stay motivated but I'd then lose size more due to my lack of motivation to train. Could be in my head I guess. I think hormones are the biggest contributor for my motivation.
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