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Thread: before you started roids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    before you started roids

    how big did you guys get naturally before you started using steriods... height,weight,bf, and measurements if ya want! just curious!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Im 21 years old , 5.11,203 15.1% BF.
    I never use AAS or Prohormones.

    I Think you can get a very good muscular build without steroid, it's just it take so much more time...

    I know i can still progress great and make good gains...

    Just my 2c

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'm 23 years of age training 4 years. Height 5' 11", weight 220, BF% i'm not sure i can see my abs (well berely). 1 cycle over two years ago. Natural then til now. Started cycle at a fat 198.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    second grade, was 4'2 1/2" 80 lbs. did a dbol only cycle and gained 30 retainable pounds of muscle. just kidding... I was at 200 naturally and got sick(surgery to remedy) low as 153 fed intraveniously by pickline for 3 months. Now, got up to 175 and hit my limit as my body just would not grow even eating all the time. I had worked out solid going on 4 years but have been lifting for 15. Now after 5 cycles I weigh 238 right now on pct and clen. high of 244 lost 8 lbs. hope to loose another 8 of just fat. Which would put me at 230 5'10" about 14%bf. then lipo on gut in the future if i can or dnp.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    second grade, was 4'2 1/2" 80 lbs. did a dbol only cycle and gained 30 retainable pounds of muscle. just kidding... I was at 200 naturally and got sick(surgery to remedy) low as 153 fed intraveniously by pickline for 3 months. Now, got up to 175 and hit my limit as my body just would not grow even eating all the time. I had worked out solid going on 4 years but have been lifting for 15. Now after 5 cycles I weigh 238 right now on pct and clen. high of 244 lost 8 lbs. hope to loose another 8 of just fat. Which would put me at 230 5'10" about 14%bf. then lipo on gut in the future if i can or dnp.
    do you have any pics ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Heart of Dixie
    32y/o, 6'4", 245lbs about 12%bf after training natural for 4-5 years. When I started working out I was 220lbs, same bf%. Working hard and eating right will go a long way my friend.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    18 years old, 215-220, 6 feet tall, 15% fat before i used anything.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    1st cycle @ 30yrs old 5 10 190...17inch bicep 46inch chest 30 inch waist...10% bf

    Lifting most of my adult life...



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Puerto Rico
    went from 5'8" 120 to 170 naturally in 3 years before hitting the roids.. middle of my 1st cycle im at 186 now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    started working out i was 17 130lbs at 5'6" started juice weighing 160lbs at age 21. did 2 cycles and now at 22years old i am 190lbs 11%bf 18"arms

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by crosby7117
    how big did you guys get naturally before you started using steriods... height,weight,bf, and measurements if ya want! just curious!
    5'7" and around 225-230 when I first started training. I was a big fat hairy ogre but pretty strong from work. In 6 months of training I was down to 195 and probably 12% or a bit less and looked pretty darn good. After my beginner's gains I didn't really gain much more, but I looked pretty decent and always got favorable comments, and I got asked a lot if I juiced. After nearly 3 years of natural training, I did my first cycle, deca/sust/dbol and it was amazing, my results, but frankly I thought my natural beginner's gains had been more impressive.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMatt
    Im 21 years old , 5.11,203 15.1% BF.
    I never use AAS or Prohormones.

    I Think you can get a very good muscular build without steroid, it's just it take so much more time...

    I know i can still progress great and make good gains...

    Just my 2c
    True, of course. Up to a point, there is no need to mess with gear. It is only when you have achieved your true genetic potential and still desire more, that AAS are truly worthwhile. Especially in your early to mid 20's, the "beach god" look is generally quite attainable without gear.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    First cycle @ 35 years old 155lbs (test & tren)

    Went to 190lbs cut and lean

    Currently 36 years old and between cycles
    Slin 25 iu, creatine, l-arginine, l-glutamine

    back on soon to (test & tren)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    It is only when you have achieved your true genetic potential and still desire more, that AAS are truly worthwhile. Especially in your early to mid 20's, the "beach god" look is generally quite attainable without gear.
    Yeah but i think no one would ever reach his genetic potential before using...That would take Years! of training... and you never know if you reach it...

    Anyway who want a "beach god" look ??! Not me! I want to get freaky! hehe

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by profbiv
    First cycle @ 35 years old 155lbs (test & tren)

    Went to 190lbs cut and lean

    Currently 36 years old and between cycles
    Slin 25 iu, creatine, l-arginine, l-glutamine

    back on soon to (test & tren)
    be careful with that much slin... humulin R or humulog?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMatt
    Yeah but i think no one would ever reach his genetic potential before using...That would take Years! of training... and you never know if you reach it...

    Anyway who want a "beach god" look ??! Not me! I want to get freaky! hehe

    i do!!! when i was 250lbs even at like 13% bf i didnt get any chicks man! when i was 140 back in my senior years of highschool i was a ****ing pimp at only 140lbs then i started juicing and girls disapeared!!! when you really think about if you're not doing any competitions then id rather be like 180-190 ripped i think thats ideally what girls like! i learned the hard way! i went like 8 months without any ass! when you think about it you really workout to impress the opposite sex not other guys in the gym unless you're a homo! just my opinion but it does feel good pushing big weight dont get me wrong about that!
    Last edited by crosby7117; 12-09-2004 at 02:57 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    in a van down by the riv.
    i do!!! when i was 250lbs even at like 13% bf i didnt get any chicks man! when i was 140 back in my senior years of highschool i was a ****ing pimp at only 140lbs then i started juicing and girls disapeared!!! when you really think about if you're not doing any competitions then id rather be like 180-190 ripped i think thats ideally what girls like! i learned the hard way! i went like 8 months without any ass! when you think about it you really workout to impress the opposite sex not other guys in the gym unless you're a homo! just my opinion but it does feel good pushing big weight dont get me wrong about that!
    I agree with the statement that if building body to impress chicks (i do) the majority really do seem to like the cut look, a little size. A lot of girls get turned off when a dude is a jacked like the hulk.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by akiraproject24
    I agree with the statement that if building body to impress chicks (i do) the majority really do seem to like the cut look, a little size. A lot of girls get turned off when a dude is a jacked like the hulk.
    i know this for a fact cuz it happened with me!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    be careful with that much slin... humulin R or humulog?
    sorry bro offline for a while it's humulin R did'nt score the other yet

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    from what I know, even though I have never done AS, is that you should start at or almost at your natural peak. And its different for everyone. But If you havent noticed, you watch pro sports and you see baseball players for example: any pro athlete is usually at their best physical condition, training is what they do for a living. They stay the same shape for years. Then all the sudden they get huge. Thats because steroids enable one to exceed their body's natural potential. It seems like most of em do it when they get older cuz thats when stuff starts going down hill. I dont think AS just "help you get there faster." It seems like the best way to do it is when youve reached your peak, and when you reach your peak you will know it cuz only where to go from the top is down, and thats usually when you start getting old. It also seems like people dont want to wait that long. Including me, I am still contemplaing on wether I should or not.

    I kind of feel bad for those young teens that dont know what they are doing to their health!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ
    from what I know, even though I have never done AS, is that you should start at or almost at your natural peak. And its different for everyone. But If you havent noticed, you watch pro sports and you see baseball players for example: any pro athlete is usually at their best physical condition, training is what they do for a living. They stay the same shape for years. Then all the sudden they get huge. Thats because steroids enable one to exceed their body's natural potential. It seems like most of em do it when they get older cuz thats when stuff starts going down hill. I dont think AS just "help you get there faster." It seems like the best way to do it is when youve reached your peak, and when you reach your peak you will know it cuz only where to go from the top is down, and thats usually when you start getting old. It also seems like people dont want to wait that long. Including me, I am still contemplaing on wether I should or not.

    I kind of feel bad for those young teens that dont know what they are doing to their health!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    From my experience not many folks reach their "natural potential" before starting a cycle. I believe you should have alot of weight traing under your belt, and tons of research before u start AS to avoid injury or medical complications. As far as teens, for the most part, the majority are not ready for AS from a standpoint of training time in the gym, knowledge and body maturity levels. However, I do know a few that were ready. It all depends on the person. Also, you have never done AS, how the #$%% do u know? Dont start rumors that you have no experience with please.
    Stats: 6'3", started AS at 21

    Before AS, 6 years of training great physique: 190lbs, BF 5%
    After 1st cycle: 225lbs, BF 8%
    Last edited by m1514; 12-13-2004 at 06:31 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i was 5 11 170lbs 4% BF. i was so ripped I miss having no body fat.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    6'2 220, i know i started wwaaaaaaay to early....hindsight is always 20/20.

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