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Thread: Cycle Help!!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Cycle Help!!!


    I have been debating for about a year now to go on a cycle and I have finally made my decsion to do it. I am curious on how I should set up my cycle. I will be taking the following and please dont tell me anythign additional I should take this is what I baught and I dont have a dollar your help is appreciated

    2 10ML Bottles DecaQV300
    3 10ML Bottles Test Enantat QV250
    1 50ML Bottle Liquid D
    50/20mg Nolvadex

    Thanks for your help as I am a newbie...Here our my stats...

    5'11" 215pnds. body fat 19% not sure though...I have just got back into lifting seriously and eating properly the last month...I ahve made some good gains fairly quickly...put 100pnds flat dumbells for 4 and same w/ decline...bench 225 for 4...idk if this all help but figured i would throw it in...

  2. #2
    Also before I start I will take pics and post exact stats and give weekly updates of my progress...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    well I dont think ya wanna hear this but you also need clomid for pct. it is cheap at AR-R. I would recommend 12 weeks of test only and save the deca for
    your next cycle

  4. #4
    Yes I do plan on taking clomid for post cycle just curious on how i should spread out what I have so far?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    I would store the Deca and the D for the next cycle. Do 400mg Test E per week for twelve weeks. You will need Clomid for PCT, use the Nolvadex if your get sore, itchy or sensistive nipples you can run it 10mg EDif you want as well

  6. #6
    So you guys really think I should hold off on the Deca? Why is that just curious....thnx for the input

  7. #7
    Well I would mix 1 ml of the test and 1ml of the deca in a shot and take one of these cocktail's every 3 day's. Also I would not take the liquidex and go without anti's until their was a need, No estrogen will keep your water down and will hurt strength gains, Also buy some Vitimin b-6 as an anti for the deca since anti estrogens do not work with deca. Also grab some clomid you can buy it right at this site. Don't worry you'll have 10 weeks to save the money up for it.

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