You're only looking at certain aspects of History - you have to look at it as a whole...
Man is an animal today - he was an animal yesterday as well ... In Rome , Greece , Turkey , Japan and various middle eastern cultures a man could have a romance with a young male child . Would you be " ok " letting your son into a relationship with a pedophile ? Infact homosexuality was so prevelent in these countries there wasn't a word for it - it was accepted , no difference between homosexual sex and hetrosexual sex in man's early mindset.
Certain places in the middle east male rape was an accepted part of life. How " romantic " is that ?
In Japan , If a woman commited a dishonorable act ( a pretty bad one.. ) she could be except to be gang raped and beaten to death. This was called " Bukkake " , basically all the men from her village would beat her , strip her , pull a train on her then kill her. More often than not she'd be beaten as she was being raped. Real honorable.
Also , you , being a commoner - you have no rights. Say samurai billy bob comes up to you with his new sword , you're just a farmer ... no one of importance... who the hell is going to care if he commands you to bow to him and he hacks off your head ? Your wife ? You think anyone is going to listen ?
Then you have diseases... yea , I think its fairly safe to say a lot of people on this board would die if they went back in time. Today we have medicine , we have vaccines and we've just about erraticated several forms of diseases or we have cures for them...
An american going back in time would be exposed to diseases he's never faced before - like small poxs. Chances are you'd die . Oh , another thing... Knights started training at age 7 , samurai I would imagin started there training at a similar age - You would probably get housed by one of these " medival " bad asses unless you're just naturally gifted and possesse some skill or if you've trained like them... ( of course.. you could bring back some weapons like guns and grenades with you and make the masses worship you as a god ... )
A gladitor from Rome would probably rape any man in Ufc , pride , or anyone in the heavy weight boxing divisions today....
There is no such thing as a Utopia - Man is a beast , Man is an animal and in the end all he does is for himself no matter how selfless his acts may seem at first .
( Btw... the samurai were good warriors ... but the Hwa Rang warriors of Korea beat them without using weapons... Also , the samurai would have been wantonly slaughtered by Rome

Samurai prefered to fight one on one and made little use of formations and tactics like the Greeks , Romans , and Egyptains did )