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Thread: progesterone test, whats does this actually mean?

  1. #1

    progesterone test, whats does this actually mean?

    Your Progesterone is low. Progesterone may help to inhibit the conversion of androgens to estrogens as well as serve as pre-cursor to cortisol

    Not sure what this means, anyone????

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Progesterone is a female hormone like the esterogen. Androgens are male hormones (i.e testosterone) and can convert into esterogens and cause gyno (bitch tits). Cortisol is a catabolic hormone (called the stress hormone).

    Does some of this make sense to you?

  4. #4
    yeah I know all that and what the hormones are but what does it mean: Progesterone may "help to inhibit" the "conversion of androgens to estrogens"

    and whats a "pre-cursor to cortisol"


  5. #5
    Inhibit = prevent. pre-cursor means it changes to that once its in your body meaning not as effective as straight up cortisol.

  6. #6
    quality, thanks thats helps out

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