first ,Just like to say love this forum.You guys are very well informed.I have been lurking on this site for a while with no posts just taking in as much info as possible.been training 3 years on & off 1 year straight and i think i'm ready for the dark side.also i'm from OZ so good gear isn't isn't easy to come by.Anyway please tell me what you think of 400mg/week of enanthate for 10-12 weeks .Training in order and diet in order 3500 cal day seperate Protein/Fat & Protein/Carb meals and only simple carbs straight after training.Will up the calories to 4000 cal on cycle.Oh yeah nolva 10 mg /day aswell.Will look in to getting some Arimidex just in case nolva doesn't help with bloat & gyno.
PCT- Nolva 2 weeks after last injection
Day 1 - 80mgs
Day 2 - 15 40mgs
Day 16 - 30 20mgs