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Thread: My cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    My cycle

    first ,Just like to say love this forum.You guys are very well informed.I have been lurking on this site for a while with no posts just taking in as much info as possible.been training 3 years on & off 1 year straight and i think i'm ready for the dark side.also i'm from OZ so good gear isn't isn't easy to come by.Anyway please tell me what you think of 400mg/week of enanthate for 10-12 weeks .Training in order and diet in order 3500 cal day seperate Protein/Fat & Protein/Carb meals and only simple carbs straight after training.Will up the calories to 4000 cal on cycle.Oh yeah nolva 10 mg /day aswell.Will look in to getting some Arimidex just in case nolva doesn't help with bloat & gyno.

    PCT- Nolva 2 weeks after last injection
    Day 1 - 80mgs
    Day 2 - 15 40mgs
    Day 16 - 30 20mgs

  2. #2
    Your proposed cycle looks fine.

    And Since you're from OZ, you should look into getting gear shipped to you from TF (oils) or paper orals from RC....they can easily and cheaply get stuff through your customs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Los Angeles
    Your going to need Clomid for PCT. Nolva by itself isnt going to help as much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    You need more nolva, 14 day at 40mg, then 14 more at 20mg and if your sex drive isn't back keep using it until it does


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Vancouver, Canada
    Personally, I like a Nolva and Trib PCT. Clomid just doesn't feel right. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pilo18
    Your going to need Clomid for PCT. Nolva by itself isnt going to help as much.
    Incorrect. Essentially, 20mgs of Nolvadex equals 150mgs of Clomid.

    Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7.

    Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men.

    Vermeulen A, Comhaire F.

    The administration of tamoxifen (Nolvadex), 20 mg/day for 10 days, to normal males produced a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels, comparable to the effect of 150 mg of clomiphene citrate (Clomid). However, whereas Clomid produced a decrease in the LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH), no such effect was seen after the administration of tamoxifen. In fact, prolonged treatment (6 weeks) with tamoxifen significantly increased the LH response to LHRL. Treatment of patients with "idiopathic" oligospermia for 6 to 9 months resulted in a significant increase in gonadotropin, testosterone, and estradiol levels. A significant increase in sperm density was observed only in subjects with oligospermia below 20 X 10(6)/ml and normal basal FSH levels. When basal FSH levels were increased or oligospermia was moderate (greater than 20 X 10(6)/ml); no effect on sperm density was seen. As sperm density increased, FSH levels decreased, suggesting an inhibin effect. Sperm motility was not improved by tamoxifen treatment. In five boys with delayed puberty, tamoxifen treatment appeared to activate the pituitary-gonadal axis and pubertal development.

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