I heard that MBH. I'm thinking about how much cake I'm losing... I'm out, later!Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
I heard that MBH. I'm thinking about how much cake I'm losing... I'm out, later!Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
Originally Posted by billy_ba
I'm sorry, what have I said that you've proven to be BS?
They are both estrogen antagonists like proviron as well.Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
Originally Posted by Ntpadude
Bro that was total crap i just read. Look at this!
Senior Member Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,839
Originally Posted by FamLay
what's the difference between: test e, test cypionate, and test prop-and how do each work, if not the same
Most simple terms possible:
Testosterone in pill form or suspended in water for example, your body processes what it can, and dumps the rest out in urine... in this form no matter how much you inject, its all removed from your body in less then 24 hours.
Testosterone Prop - is an oil that bonds to the testosterone. Testosterone is released as the oil slowly breaks down to become water soluable, as we know oil and water doesnt readily mix, so by doing it this way, we add a time release element to the testosterone by bonding it to oil. IN prop they use a special type of oil that takes approximately 3.5 days to break down completely.
Testosterone E or Cyp - two different oils that basically are almost identical, one is sesame seed oil (Cyp) and other is cotton seed oil (enanthate). The cotton seed version (enanthate) is significantly less likely to cause alergic reaction then sesame seed (cyp) and thats the only significant reason to choose one or the other. Cyp tends to be used more in the United States for FDA drugs, enanthate tends to be used more in Europe and elsewhere although both are available by prescription in both regions.
Test E or Cyp is an oil that takes longer to break down, it takes approximately 16 to 18 days to break down the oil completely, so it has a longer time release property then testosterone prop.
This thread is very interesting. It has many valid points, and addresses different perspectives. In keeping an open mind, one can learn a lot. What I don't understand is he says he has always cycled for 6 weeks on 6 weeks off, then he takes 6 months off a year. I thought he said he has never taken large doses either. And yet he built such a massive physique. That doesn't add up to me.
No sir. Never had a problem. Packing heat and coconuts...Originally Posted by Decakur
It's because I had good genetics and responded well to AS. My competition season ended every year in June so I would stay off until January.Originally Posted by JdJuicer
Thats just amazing, your where huge. LOL.Originally Posted by SVC
Amazing physique althought..
Did you eat any supplements like protein or elese?
what did you eat to get that freaking huge (yes a lot
of it was your genetics)
I just want to go on the record as saying I love this thread and would like it to continue forever. Very entertaining.
Apparently. You were jacked bro. For the record, I wouldn't want to be that big. Just a little bit smaller will do!Originally Posted by SVC
LOL j/k. Seriously though, what would your average cycle look like? Just roughly.
Yeah what did you eat? How clean was your diet? Did you use clen/T3/DNP or anything like that to get so ripped but stay so big?
Nope wrong. Nolva is a mixed antagonist/agonist. Anastrozole is an aromatise inhibitor not an estrogen receptor antagonist.Originally Posted by SVC
Never had to do any thyroid. Had a super fast metabolism... The only time I did T3 (triacana) was when I did the Crescormin (real HGH, which didn't do anything)Originally Posted by JdJuicer
Back in the early 80's the supplements sucked and there was no whey protein, just clumpy horrible egg protein. I ate lots of chicken and basmati brown rice.
man how often did you eat?Originally Posted by SVC
your diet had to be clen and alots of food to get that look.
did you brusch your theeth every hour? cleeen WHITE!!
And your skin was nice too..
A good mult-vitamin & multi-mineral.Originally Posted by Decakur
I trained like a lunatic! I hurled almost every workout... I treated every workout like a life or death struggle... forced reps... I worked out with a freak 5'5" 290 benching 600 and front squating 600 for 10. We pulled the hack machine out of the floor...
I used to wake up at 3:00am in a cold sweat thinking about the next leg workout...
thats just amazing, ****ing guts to the gymOriginally Posted by SVC
Thanks man, I appreciate that!Originally Posted by Decakur
I ate every 2 hours and always took digestive enzymes half way through each meal.
man, when i started this thread i had no thoughts about it to bee
this big.
anyway, everbody has their own opinions like i sad, but i think
alots of people are intresting to ask you questions like i doo right
now, and i must thank you for hanging out at this forum and
answear both our nice & stupied quest.
(sorry for my english)
I still dont understand what the problem was. This stuff about differences in ester have nothing to do with my post. Was it the part about pushing yourself with the heaviest weights possible, trying up your lifting capacity 20 lbs a week and watch your muscles very rapidly adapt? The part about winny causing joint problems? There are dozens of guys in here with winny and EQ related joint injuries. The part about SVC gaining too much strength too fast for his body, bones and joints to keep up with the muscle and strength grow and the fact that he took full advantage of steroids to be able to lift the sickest weights? I donno I am lost as to your thinking.
Originally Posted by big k.l.g
that distilled water dosent take minerals out of the body, you contradict yourself by saying that DI water takes out inorganics and metals however, what you dont understand is that Inorganics/metals=minerals. So I pointed out that you contradict your own statments thats my point. Anyone who knows anything basic about chemistry would know this.
Originally Posted by SVC
well, im getting out of this discussion because there's an old saying that you can't argue with stupidity.
wow- This was a cool thred to come into for the first post.
He brings up many things I agree with-
I have been lifting and compeating for years.And have been a national competitor for some time now. I saw this dude in a show years and years back while visiting a frend. He was unbeatable, I think that was the show Jay Cutler was in back when. Think the Plymouth Rock.
I beleave the kids should be edjecated and also adults about the bad stuff involved in juice.
I would have loved to know years ago that I would be how I am now.
my balls never came back one time. Thay always used to come back in, I have no sex drive now, my shoulder is gone, my hips kill and snap like a basterd when I am on top of my woman, My dick even srank, I used have a great unit, The dick thing from juice????????? probibly from lack of use.( learned something from me, use it or loose it) My colesteral is 278 and the good is 34, My cpk is way out, and my natural test is 00000000000
Have to go into get blood test every 3 to 6 months now. ( want to have kids some day)fat chance.
I have gone natural for this year to try to get every thing back on track. If it goes well I will probibly do some more juice again. ( with a doctor that knows what he is doing)
I agree with you all- There is nothing like it the power, the muscle, winning all the time and freeking every one out
couple facts for some people that didn't know how it used to be and is still to this day-
Doctors- in the 80"s and 90"s none new any thing about juice and didn't even know it exzisted.
Doctors of today- You wil find one in every thousand that know what juice is never mind how to use it for good, most don't even know how to read the blood test. It is ****ed up. These fat ass doctors with the cigrets and donuts hanging out of there mouths can tell us how to do juice? I think not
No body - No one knew how to do juice back then- It was all here say and trial and ara. That is probibly why this guy tried the 13 things. How the hell should you know until you tried it.
Dan Ducain learned from his ginny pigs. He never got any results him self.You read his books and a lot of the stuff is contradicted in the new books.
No humen studies- There have not been any human studies done to say what the affects of juice is, Just hear say and theries.
It is great that this guy is coming out with this dvd to eduacate people and hopefuly people will start to do servays on all the juice related things.
Is there any where on this site where we can put up a servay. No names just age- when started juice and have a list of things that we can check off, like side affects and most of all possitive affects.
It probibly would not work becouse people are to macho to say what ails them.
Great post guys and can't wait to see the finnished dvd
is there a spell check here You will notice that I can not spell for ****. I know juice and lifting but don't spell to well
Hmmm? IP check?![]()
lol Look like SVC has a new fan!
As much as i like you, i have to disagree. I was arrested for assualt for telling someone if he didnt shut up i was gonna hit him.
Maybe its just in MA.
Originally Posted by MMA
Agreed.Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
It was over AIM 4 years ago. I wasnt convicted as there wasnt enough proof it was me. It didnt believe it at all.
Originally Posted by MMA
The reason there was an arrest warrent issued was do to previous problems with me and this person, including a prior battery of him that was on record. That and i said "i know where you live". Hell i was only 20, didnt know the law or anything.
Originally Posted by MMA
bdtr? Or SVC?Originally Posted by GrimmReaper
Link dosnt work for me i get this .... error 404: File not found
The document you requested is not found.
AR wins another one.Originally Posted by mitch428cj
thats just amazing..![]()
I wouldn't bother explaining myself. Some of these guys on this forum obviously think they are experts when it comes to A.S.. People are going to think what they want and you can't control that. You have a sad but excellent story to tell that hopefully will help others before they possibly end up with similar medical problems like yourself. You can help others with your misfortune and if you profit from it I don't see anything wrong with it. Have you ever thought about writing a book? Good luck and take care of yourself.
QUOTE=SVC]I'm not the same guy I was 20 years ago... I've learned from my mistakes.
Maybe some of you wouldn't want to hire me but many of the top athletes in the world do...
Let's see if you guys can grasp this ONCE & FOR ALL...
57,657 hits in past 3 weeks - Thanks!
Yeah, I guess it's all about the hits.Originally Posted by SVC
Pretty soon you'll have banner ads up so you can really make a buck.
I agree with a lot of the points everyone is making. But, I look at it like this. Regardless of what you think of SVC, or he thinks of you, I think we are all missing a major point. And that point is this.
Whether we like it or not, there are dangers/risks to AS. If we are all sitting here thinking there isn't, we are crazy. I think we sometimes get defensive because we don't want to hear the bad things. Personally I do. It reminds me that it is very important to be safe!!! I could care less how much weight he lifted with his neck. I do like to remind myself that Steroids are NOT a joking matter, no matter how safe we think we are. Yes, the more educated we are, the better. Yes, there are people/teenagers giving steroids a bad name. But, we have to just be careful. Since being on steroids, I have had major shoulder problems. I have pulled muscles in my neck and back. It's hard to sleep at night.
Be safe,
Originally Posted by Carlos_E
No, it's all about bringing attention to a serious issue. One of the many aspects of the issue is:
Do you think that's cool? Oh yeah, you must, your 20 year old buddy (who you've defended) has done a cycle... looks like he'll stay 5'6"...
Normally a male's body makes less aromatase then normal until after 25 years old. This is what allows an 18 to 24 year old to have the very highest natural testosterone levels of their life because estrogen is one of the devices a male's body uses that limits or controls testosterone production. What these kids dont understand is that they naturally have testosterone levels that a 35 year old is shooting testosterone in order to get back up to. You kids can grow very well on what mother nature is giving you for free, in fact these high levels of testosterone and growth hormone is what is limiting your body fat accumulation and sometimes holding back your weight gains on the scale since both testosterone and growth hormone have natural tendancies to make you very lean and trim.Originally Posted by SVC
Its not testosterone that closes the growth plates, its estrogen. Unfortunately, nolva, clomid and others "directly" shutdown growth plates on their own without the help of estrogen coming from conversion from testosterone. Get a little bit of real estrogen going and you've surely stopped your growth potential. Ask any adult and they will tell you, often up to the final 6 inches of height growth happens after the age of 20.
OK you say I am happy at 5' 10" and dont want to get taller. Well your hip, bones, foot size all prepared themselves for you to get to your maximum height, if you shut it off early you get out of purportion oversized feet for your height and can cause knee and hip problems later in life. If you decide no clomid for PCT because clomid directly shuts down your height growth, then why did you do steroids if you've now taken a man that should be producing 900 levels of testosterone and got him stuck making only 50 because without clomid, the restarting of testosterone production is extremely slow and hap-hazard.
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