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Thread: Clenbuterol handbook

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hi I'm new here, and I am also about to start on clenbuterol. I just have a few questions abuot it before i start. FIrst of all, are there any sexual side effects to taking clenbuterol?
    Secondly, I will be taking the liquid clen, so how long after i take it shuold i start my workout?
    Third, if i take clen, would i be able to consume alcohol while on it? (cuz i know when taking stuff with ephidrine and drinking, is not at all a good mix)

    I hope someone can help me, Thank you

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dark Side of the Moon
    Bump on the sexual sides question.
    I have had some Clen for a few months,but have not tried it yet. (chicken****)
    If the effects are similar to ephederine, then I know what to expect...

  4. #84
    Join Date
    May 2004
    just started back up after my first two week break...can't believe how tired I've been right after dosing...I realize I've been crazy busy and not taking any ephedrine like I was for the last two weeks...but I realized it gets noticeably worse right after taking it...normal for anyone?...xxxSass

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great info! thanks a lot

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    ok tell me if this sounds right i have liquid clen 125mcg/ml i put 1 ml in a syringe divde 125 by 10 because there is 10 lines so i think im getting 12.5mcg of clen per line does that sound correct?

  7. #87
    wot happens when potasium levels are low? what are the signs?

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Let's say you run a 2-week-on/2-week-off cycle for 12 weeks (the maximum limit). How long would you have to wait to start another cycle after that?

  9. #89

    Exclamation Name Brand vs Generic

    I have considered cycling clenbuterol. But I have a few questions about it. 1. Which exactly should I buy?, I do feel more secure about buying the name brand Spiropent, however, it is a bit more pricey, but I am willing to pay. I also found a generic brand of Clenbuterol for atleast a third of the price. Which do you think I should purchase? The Spiropent or the "Other." 2nd. Also I heard from a bodybuilder that trains in my gym that he had great results from cycling clenbuterol 1 day on 1 day off because of its half life, and to prevent receptor downgrade. He used this for 4 weeks, what is your opinion? Is there really a difference? 3rd. I wish to stack this with pro androgenic supplements something similar to like tribulus but with a bit more pizazz heh , according to the product it may help me produce up to 220% more test in my body. Now I wish to stack this Clenbuterol with this Stack, and moreover just supplement the hell out of my body , i am currently 180lbs, my stomach is getting flatter, and i wish to like gain mass at the same time cut the fat, i know that it really cant be done, well it can but its harder heh.

    what i plan to do is this...
    monday -legs 20sets /5 dif exercises
    tuesday -chest 20 sets/5 dif exercises , 20 mins cardio 160hbm
    wed -off
    thursday- back 20 sets/5 dif exercises,20 mins cardio 160hbm
    fri -arms 24 sets/5 dif exercises, 20 mins cardio 160hbm
    sat - off , possibly swim (this will happen either 1 day out of each weekend)
    sun - off
    all the exercises are not secondary exercises but primarily mass building
    this is a hypertrophy cylce for me 8-12 reps, moderate to moderately-high weight
    i will add clenbuterol, weight gainer 1850 but use only about half during a workout, and a stack similar to tribulus, its supposed to raise my test levels through the roof! guarenteed what do you think?

  10. #90
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sporty273uk
    wot happens when potasium levels are low? what are the signs?
    typ. low potassium=high heart rate, irreg. heartbeat, fatigue or weakness may even pass out and many more.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    How many degrees does clen raises body temp on a moderate dose at around 60mcg on a 205 pound guy?

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bignatt
    ok tell me if this sounds right i have liquid clen 125mcg/ml i put 1 ml in a syringe divde 125 by 10 because there is 10 lines so i think im getting 12.5mcg of clen per line does that sound correct?
    The math is right so 1/10 of ml would = 12.5mcg of clen

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    this is an awesome post, thanks! My wife and I just got back to the US to have a baby, we have a 6 week old now. I am working in Juarez, Mexico, rather than going back to India until the baby can travel. My quesiton is this: I used to give my wife a little Winny and Clen to help her get cut. She is a former Bikini model. She wants to get back in the gym with me, but she is breast feeding. Would the CLen hurt her now?


  14. #94
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    dude don't give it too her if she's feeding your kid. I belive its the same as anything else. There should be some kind of transfer of substance. I know my wife had some caffine once and my youngest wouldn't go to sleep until about 1:00 a.m.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forty shades of green
    Bumpety Bump.

    Great thread have to read this again.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    KFred, thanks that makes sense. Our baby was 9 lbs 12 oz and at 6 weeks she is 14 1/2, she is size 2 pampers allready. I am thinking she will need to be doing some good mornings and squats real soon! My wife's BF is dropping like a rock just from breast feeding, she has lost almost all the weight allready from the pregnancy.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Anyone know the schpiel witht he t3 ?

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    whats the shelf life of liquid clen?

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    What exactly is tuarine???

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    Although taurine (2-aminoethanesulfonic acid) was discovered more than 160 years ago, and much of the important research regarding its chemistry and biochemistry has been reported since that time, its real importance with reference to musculoskeletal physiology has only been recognised within the previous decade thanks to a series of fantastic studies by Anna-maria De Luca (Italy). "Human skeletal muscle is such an amazing structure allowing enormous variability in its functions but no doubt its ability to contract is of greatest importance" especially when it comes to human locomotion or our daily shimmy to the weight room for another challenging session. In this issue of MJ we are going on a journey of discovery regarding the use of this complex & multifunction sulfonated amino acid with some revolutionary views on its possible application to muscular performance enhancement.

    [ Abundant In Nature ]

    Taurine has been shown to be involved in many important physiological processes such as osmoregulation (control of water balance), antioxidant actions (free radical quenching), cell membrane structure, and most importantly for us the control of muscular contractions. The latter will form the basis of this article. To convey a comprehensive explanation of taurine supplementation & how it may effect muscle contractility would involve discussion on calcium transients, chloride conductance and the such, which its outside of the scope of this article and would probably send most of you to sleep within the first paragraph. Therefore I will stick to an applied approach, which will be just as informative (but not as dull).

    As the above subheading suggests, taurine is abundant in mammalian skeletal muscle (yes that's you) but its physiological role is not yet completely understood. Let's bring you up to date on what we know so far... "All muscle fibres use Calcium (Ca2+) as their main signalling source for the initiation of contraction". They bind to specific proteins that are constituents of our muscle fibres allowing a controlled and fairly regulated process of muscular movement to occur. For this reason the importance of proteins or amino acids that are involved in the control and expression of Ca2+ will also have a significant effect on the contractile and relaxation properties of muscle fibres (in short they will effect the efficiency of your muscles). One such amino acid that regulates Ca2+ in such a way is taurine1,2. Taurine can work in such a way by modulating the uptake and release of Ca2+ from the muscle cell; it may also control other systems in the intracellular environment including sodium and chloride movement3.

    [ Application To Exercise Performance ]

    As a conditionally essential amino acid the biological role regarding exercise and taurine is poorly understood, on that score alone is worthy of study, however showing you the data available on muscle injury and exercise may be a more direct route showing its relation to improving or at least maintaining intracellular function. Matsuzaki et al4 is the latest paper to demonstrate a direct effect on muscle taurine concentrations following exercise. Although a rat study, it yields some interesting information regarding the effects of different exercise durations on intramuscular taurine contents. Three groups each carried out either 30, 60, or 100 minute treadmill running after which muscle biopsy analysis showed that there was a significant loss of taurine in the type two fibre (our fast twitch power fibres) but no loss in the type ones (slow twitch endurance fibres). Suggestive of the fact that taurine may be important in even the resistance-trained athlete undertaking endurance type training.

    The study did not look directly at isolated single muscle fibres (individual fibre removed from a muscle biopsy sample) rather they looked at fibres from a biopsy taken from different muscle groups of which has previously shown a greater proportion of type one's or two's dependent on which muscle they are looking at (e.g. more type ones in your gastro's than in you pectorals). There have been at least two other studies5,6 that have also shown a loss of taurine into plasma with exercise with the greater loss coming from higher intensity work.

    So lets try to fit this information with some applications to what goes on in the real word rather than a clinical setting. Lets take the Body-for-Life programme... we know that we do at least 20 minutes of high intensity aerobic 3 x a week and 3 x resistance work. The result of this intensity of training will no doubt lead to a loss of muscle amino acids including taurine and as Bill Phillips says, "without the spark (exercise) and the fuel (nutrition), there can be no flame (results)". And it is the optimisation of our nutritional programme, which concerns me most regarding intramuscular taurine depletion due to exercise or dietary inadequacies. The use of drinks containing taurine may be one way to combat or even offset taurine loss, which may decrease muscle contractility and consequently performance and training induced physique changes.

    [ Nutritional Studies ]

    One of the most thorough papers released to date discusses the cytoprotective role taurine feeding can have after exercise induced muscle damage. Let me explain a little; Dawson et al7 studied the effects of 90 minutes of down hill running (known to induce a great deal of muscle damage due to the eccentrics involved) on markers of muscle damage. The study also tried to investigate what impact both elevation and depletion of muscle taurine contents may have on muscle protection/damage. There were three groups involved in the study, one group supplemented with taurine, one with a known inhibitor of taurine uptake, and a placebo group taking water. The results were interesting to say the least... as expected muscle taurine was increased with taurine feeding and depleted with the taurine inhibitor.

    The exercise data demonstrated greater markers of muscle damage in the depleted group but an increase in running performance in the taurine group. Although this looks promising no actual measurements of muscle structural change were assessed only indirect biochemical markers of muscle damage.

    On a final note there is one study that is not really a feeding study but does demonstrate the effectiveness of taurine on muscle function and force production8. Bakker et al provided data indicating when muscle cells where bathed in taurine versus an innate (a substance with no physiological effect) substitute, a much greater force production in the individual fibres could be measured with the use of taurine. The conclusion to the study suggested that taurine modulated the accumulation of Ca+2 in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (a sac within the muscle where calcium is stored) allowing a greater supply when needed or decreased contents when not during the process of contraction and muscle movement.

    This paper gives us some direct evidence of the mechanism as to why if we can change muscles taurine we can improve muscle efficiency, and corroborates to some degree the earlier work we reviewed showing an increased run performance following taurine feeding.

    [ Conclusive Proof Just Around The Corner? ]

    What of the studies in humans I hear you say? Well it's disappointing for me to say that in all these years of research and scientific advancement no real human data is available regarding muscle performance and the use of taurine supplementation. However there is at least one demonstrating some data to implicate the positive effects of taurine (2g) on cycling time to exhaustion demonstrating an increase compared to placebo9. However the study looked at a combination of supplements including caffeine well known to potentate endurance performance. A further study examining the effects of a 1 gram dose on cognitive function and well being showed that positive benefits occur with relatively low taurine supplementation10.

    So what take home message can we use from the data? It's true we do not know what level of supraphysiological supplementation we need to use to effectively enhance performance but we do know for certain is with intense exercise we lose taurine from the muscle in significant quantities. There are a variety of anecdotal report with user's of EAS very own Cytovol, which without knowing the full implications of taurine use, EAS may of come across a great combo supplement that might aid in the replenishment of taurine loss during exercise or inadequate dietary intake. We also know that with ageing there is a loss in muscle taurine11 so the implications for use in an ageing population are probably even more far reaching.

    So for now a 2 gram dose has shown some positive effects, which equates to using around 30mg per kg of your bodyweight. Taurine's future in the sports supplement market is unknown but once future research can clear up the unknowns regarding its use in both endurance and resistance exercise, this compound may find a resurgence of popularity to all fitness buffs to whom the discovery that maximizing

  22. #102

    Talking Clen Route

    Just a quick question about route administration of liquid clenbuterol. I've take the oral pill before, but only recently heard about kitsnmore liquid products. Just need clarification if this liquid is ingested or injected after dosing in insulin syringe. thanks

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Shawn- The liquid clen I have is from AR-R and it is oral...

    Can anyone tell me how they supplement Taurine?????

  24. #104

    Clen question

    Thanks for the clarification; how is your satisfaction with the clen from AR? Not well educated on the taurine supplementation.

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I just got their clen, T-3, Nolva, and Clomid

    Everything looks in order, but the Nolva, I think some of the stuff isnt fully disolved, and I have heard of other customers having this problem too.

    I would not recomend the Nolva.

  26. #106

    couple more clen questions

    first off, great information for a new member, you guys are terrific. Just would like to clarify some things. First off, swoledave, you listed clen, t3, nolva and clomid. From my understanding, neither clen, nor t3 do anything for testosterone levels, so are nolva and clomid necessary since they'll be trying to compensate for a lack of test thats not really there?....or am I way off totally. Secondly, with clen, will there be a "rebound" period when coming off which will drive metabolic rates down lower than they were before the clen cycle? If so, how can it be avoided? lastly, Yohimbine.........listed as a btw cycle supplement for clen, is this just a run of the mill CNS or what? I've done my share of anabolic muscle-building cycles, but the goal at the moment is strictly fat loss and definition, so keeping that in mind, please reply with any and all answers or comments.

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Can someone PM me with a place to get clen tabs? Are they illegal to possess?

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    the knowwhich1
    bump for spring break prep

  29. #109
    To anyone that knows:
    Will Clen show up in a routine drug test? I mean, I heard that it shows up as an amphetimine or something...does anyone know?
    Thanks in advance.

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS

    great post thanks


  31. #111
    thx u helpd me alot

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS

    Thumbs up ten times

    I read this thread 10 times before i started my clen cycle
    awesome thread my cycle is going fine!

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    ? about clen

    I have been following the handbook (great info) and am up to 80mg or .08mcg a day – I haven’t felt any side effects other than cramps when I didn’t get enough water or taurine. Does this mean my system is handling it well, or were the cramps a coincidence and my clen is bunk? the source has given me legit products in the past. Last question at what point do results start to show to the eye?


  34. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your Mom's House

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

  36. #116
    Great post but I was wondering how many cc's = 1 mcg? thanx

  37. #117
    I have a couple questions.I started off today with clen @ 40mcg in one does of liquid. I took it at 7:00pm. Do I have to take it at the same time tomorrow ? Or can I take it say around 2:00pm ?


  38. #118
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    sust500mg a week
    eq200mg eod
    clen/t3 liquid? how much a day? please help

  39. #119
    this is going to be my first time trying is going to be mixed with nothing....what is the possibility everyone thinks that i will get shakes or feel uncomfortable....a little nervous to be honest

  40. #120
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Bump + Questions

    Excellent post!

    My question: are there any reccomended PCT's for a clen only cycle? Thanks for your time.

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