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Thread: New Fotos...Been Around for a While

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North America

    New Fotos...Been Around for a While

    I've been in the background for a while. Finally took some pics. Comments and suggestions welcome. A little background...

    Height 6.2
    Weight 320
    Body Fat 15% (Maybe?)

    Best Current Lifts Unshirted (FB Below is My Typical Hvy Chest Day EO Week)
    515 Flat Bench for 1 Rep for 2 Sets
    405 Flat Bench for 6 Reps for 1 Set
    315 Flat Bench for 11 Reps for 1 Set

    Standing Behind the Neck Military Press
    275 for 2 Reps for 2 Sets
    225 for 5 Reps for 2 Sets
    Skull Crushers w/EZ Curl Bar 205 for 1 Rep

    Current Goals
    Working Toward 600lbs Flat Bench
    Just Started Power Lifting Training 3 Months Ago--
    Now Working on Deadlift, Squat, and Powercleans
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	First_500lbs_Lift_Photo#1_Nov_2004.JPG 
Views:	437 
Size:	30.7 KB 
ID:	43309   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	First_500lbs_Lift_Photo#2_Nov_2004.JPG 
Views:	349 
Size:	32.8 KB 
ID:	43310   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Upperbody#1_Dec_2004.JPG 
Views:	658 
Size:	42.9 KB 
ID:	43311   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Upperbody#2_Dec_2004.JPG 
Views:	368 
Size:	45.4 KB 
ID:	43312  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    very good lifts mate
    keep it up
    i wish u all the best
    powerlifter from greece

    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bang
    I've been in the background for a while. Finally took some pics. Comments and suggestions welcome. A little background...

    Height 6.2
    Weight 320
    Body Fat 15% (Maybe?)

    Best Current Lifts Unshirted (FB Below is My Typical Hvy Chest Day EO Week)
    515 Flat Bench for 1 Rep for 2 Sets
    405 Flat Bench for 6 Reps for 1 Set
    315 Flat Bench for 11 Reps for 1 Set

    Standing Behind the Neck Military Press
    275 for 2 Reps for 2 Sets
    225 for 5 Reps for 2 Sets
    Skull Crushers w/EZ Curl Bar 205 for 1 Rep

    Current Goals
    Working Toward 600lbs Flat Bench
    Just Started Power Lifting Training 3 Months Ago--
    Now Working on Deadlift, Squat, and Powercleans

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i would say your bf was prob more around 20 but its hard to tell....i could be wrong....great lifts bro....strong as a bull

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Those are some solid #'s bro.......I agre probably btween 20-26%..fvck it you are a hoss!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I don't know about 20 - 26% BF, I would say around 17 -19% but who cares looking really thick Bro and Unreal strength!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    yeah, 20+%

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'll tell ya what! Your waistline seems really narrow in those pics! I'm impressed with that at 6'2" and over 300lbs. Your strength is outstanding too!

    Nice work bro!

    Oh yeah, you can easily be a member of the "MJBBMOFOC" Mighty Joe Big Bad MoFo Club!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Those are some big weights,......but, still not overly impressive for your size. I powerlifted for the Army for a couple of years. I weighed 148lbs, and I benched 305 in comps. That's more than double my body weight, and still nowhere near the records. The bench records for that weight class is over 400lbs.

    Big guys like you lift HUGE weight, and it's impressive. But when you factor in that you weigh 320, you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you at all, it's still impressive. But you have tons of extra potential to lift bigger weight than where you are now.

    Keep slinging the iron around and you will be there someday. Anytime someone benches double their body weight, I'm super impressed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North America
    Those are some big weights,......but, still not overly impressive for your size. I powerlifted for the Army for a couple of years. I weighed 148lbs, and I benched 305 in comps. That's more than double my body weight, and still nowhere near the records. The bench records for that weight class is over 400lbs.

    Big guys like you lift HUGE weight, and it's impressive. But when you factor in that you weigh 320, you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking you at all, it's still impressive. But you have tons of extra potential to lift bigger weight than where you are now.

    Keep slinging the iron around and you will be there someday. Anytime someone benches double their body weight, I'm super impressed.


    Thanks for replying. Just two comments...
    1) Most records are "shirted". My lifts are unshirted. Did you bench with a shirt in those powerlifting meets?
    2) When it comes to benching, length of arms plays a huge roll. Many guys of short stature also have short arms and this is a huge advantage. Yes I am over 300lbs, but my arms are long and much of that weight is in my legs (not much help in doing bench).

    Keep training hard!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North America

    No gyno, poor photo quality casts a shadow. Better photos next time. Just bought a digicam.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    big thumbs up.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Bang
    Thanks for replying. Just two comments...
    1) Most records are "shirted". My lifts are unshirted. Did you bench with a shirt in those powerlifting meets?
    2) When it comes to benching, length of arms plays a huge roll. Many guys of short stature also have short arms and this is a huge advantage. Yes I am over 300lbs, but my arms are long and much of that weight is in my legs (not much help in doing bench).

    Keep training hard!

    When I did 305 it was unshirted. I don't brag about shirted records. I didn't squat 595 once while wearing a squat suit though. My most ever benched while shirted at that weight class was 345lbs.

    As for the short arms, yes you are right, but you have a large chest that will help you out much more than us short guys. I'm sure your chest is probably near 50 inches or more. Mine is like 38 to 42 inches. So you don't have to come down as far as I do.

    Don't get me wrong, your weights are still very impressive.

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