Nice proportions. IMO you could go in either direction with what you've got, either cut and look shredded or bulk and get bigger. BTW, the tan/burn helps.
Nice progress is less than a year. Give us your stats.....and if your cycled during this time what you used.
pic won't show.
still being in ur teens and at 6'3 u look very good with allot of potential.......the only thing i would change at this point is the last word in your profile........other than that you are on the right track...............![]()
Thanx all!! I'm thinking of maybe doing an teen contest in holland so it al depands if i do that contest when I'm gonna cut or when I'm going to bulk.
also thanx for al the positive comments!
I hope that you can understand me my englisch issn't that good.
Your English is great, dont put yourself down, its way better than my Dutch thats for sure. You are looking great bro, good luck with the compOriginally Posted by !!BarmaN!!
looking good bro, how bout them wheels? gotta se the complete package if you are expecting to compete soon. other than that you look great. keep up the good work bro.
Awesome progress bro.... and the tan post.... i agree
Looking good
Care to share:
yes ofcourse but I'm afraid that I don't no al the words in englisch but I wil try. I dont now what these measurements is in inches but i hope that you now wat cm is?Originally Posted by Narkissos
I'm 1,92 long
my weight is at the moment 101kg
my bodyfat % is ....? 9 or 10%? I realy dont no
And stil clean I'm thinking a whily of doing a cycle en have learnt a lot about it. But my naturel progress is til good enaugh atleast i think so. So havent used AAS.
My arms are 47cm
chest 126cm
schoulder 146cm
waist 78cm
legs 71cm
calves 44cmthese **** things wont grow
any tips?
my personal records are
190kg benchpress
210kg squat
260kg deadlift
I dont now al the words so i cant translate my diet completely.
but i eet per day about 400 gram protein 375 gram carbs 130 gram fatt
difeded over 7 meals a day. I get my protein out chicken, rundergehakt sorry dont now the word in engelisch. tonijn crap my englisch sucks![]()
I train 4 times a week. And do al Hihg volume high intensity kind of training. My training last for about 40 a 45 minites and i rest 30 til 45 sec between sets. I do lots of supersets, dropsets, half end complete movements, etc...
and i do every set til failure every training is someting completely diferent.
a acsample
-benchpress 50, 30, 6, 15
-incline bench 3 x 8
-supeset of flyes and smal benchpress 20, 8, 10
-dippen 3 x max
-cable cross 6, 15, 30
as you see i do also high end low reps reps are between 50 and 4.
I hope that you could understand everything if you have more questions i will try to anser them![]()
Last edited by !!BarmaN!!; 01-05-2005 at 02:44 AM.
And stil clean I'm thinking a whily of doing a cycle en have learnt a lot about it. But my naturel progress is til good enaugh atleast i think so. So havent used AAS.
2/1/2005 ????????
day first, then month Mass. Thats how Europeans and South Americans jot dates down.
must be an european/metric thingOriginally Posted by mass junkie
Last edited by FCECC2; 01-05-2005 at 11:08 AM.
that means 2 januar 2005.Originally Posted by mass junkie
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