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Thread: New to gym steroids question UPDATE

  1. #1

    New to gym steroids question UPDATE

    I posted back in november about being fresh in the gym and started taking deca and explained my cycle to get feedback. I told you I was benching 135 and got 20 pounds in 2 weeks and was up to 155 on my bench. I was upset when you guys flooded me with the BS of I shouldnt be taking roids...I should work out natual....It wasnt what I wanted to hear. I did stop my cycle short and started to eat better. 6 weeeks ago I stoped juicing and 2 weeks ago I started my diet. I am on a weight watchers type of diet with a little whey protein daily. I am happy to say I am happier with my gains I make today. I now agree I should not of used the gear to start with. My training partner did finish his cycle but he was not a novice like me. I benched 200 lbs yesterday and In my pictures you can see I am making gains in my body. I look less fat and more muscular and I weigh 13 more pounds than I did in the before picture. I dont plan on using gear again. I just wanted a short cut but now I know the gains I have are from hard work and I thank you all for the help and advice. It has been 6 weeks since I injected and my training has not slowed down at all. I am just getting stronger every week.....I am took some chlomid becaue I had it. I dont know if I needed it. I want feedback now to continue to give me some motivation to get less fat and more muscular. I do cardio and free wieghts. I know I am still real fat....I know 200 lbs is not alot but I started out a real piece of **** and am getting enough progress that I love to work out. thanks again for your help and needed advice...P.S. I dumped my gear....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	before fat guy.JPG 
Views:	948 
Size:	37.8 KB 
ID:	43673   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	after fat guy.JPG 
Views:	745 
Size:	16.0 KB 
ID:	43674   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lessfat.JPG 
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Size:	39.4 KB 
ID:	43675  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Sounds like you have seen the light, learned some things and made progress in the right direction. Stay with the diet and training. You should post what your diet is like now and what your workout schedule is so that we can have a better idea of how to critique.

    Going from a 135lb bench to 200lb in 6 months? That is great gains. I wish I could increase my poundages by that percentage every 6 months. Just realize that gains will slow down the longer you train, but you have to stick with it and bust through tough spots.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I remember you, wasnt there some big thing about you, and two different sets of pictures? Claiming to be different people or something... im not sure.

  4. #4

    yes there was a thing

    I work with a guy who got me into the whole lifting thing. we took some before pics and after pics in the same location and some of you thought we were the same guy....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    dude if you dont like people telling you that you shouldnt of done a cycle then your not gonna like it here, everyone will tell you that you need to build a base, start with something and move up. its solid advice that you were given, trust me the guys on here know what they are on about

  6. #6

    did you read my post?

    I am NOT using gear... I am thanking the ones who told me to stop using gear. They knew what they were talking about and I didnt have a clue and I thought I should listen to those who know morwe than me. and I do like it here. straight up honest guys and gals who want to help..... I am however still getting bigger and stronger. I am in no hurry and dont need to be in competition I just want to look good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by britishdragons
    I am NOT using gear... I am thanking the ones who told me to stop using gear. They knew and I didnt and I listedn to those who know.... I am however still getting bigger and stronger. I am in no hurry and dont need to be enourmous...
    but you did take gear yea?

  8. #8


    for a few weeks. I learned that I should stop.

  9. #9

    My diet

    I am using the weight watchers as a guide. I limit the amount of fats and no junk food.... I ususally eat things like subway or grilled chicken or steak. I am losing around 2 to 4 lbs a week. I am doing 30 min of cardio and my lifts are usually.
    day 1
    150lbs X 10 bench 3 sets
    65lbsX10 tricept pull downs 3 sets
    55lbsX10 upright rows 3 sets
    75lbsx10 chest machine.? 2 sets
    85lbsx10 incine bench 2 sets
    150lbs x20 legpress 2 sets
    day 2
    75lbsX10 curl bar 3 sets
    50X10 curl bar 1 set
    110 lbs X10 lat pull down 3 sets
    75lbsX10 row machine 3 sdts
    100X20 leg curls 2 sets

    I usually go 2 days take off one to rest.
    My legs are naturally too big. I am mostly wanting to lose fat and build upperbody....My diet will need to get better but for now I am losing weight. I just want to lose fat not muscle. Help if you can... What other free weight or machine should I add....should I do cardio before weight training or after or during sets....or should I seperate the days.... I ask alot of questions because I trust you all.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You should do EARLY morning cardio, without anything to eat prior. Arrange you workout days in such a way that you alternate between cardio and weights, when doing weights work on specific groups per day, e.g chest/triceps, Biceps/Delts

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Good job and that was asmart move stopping the cycle..........

    On the diet......... The Weight Watchers" diet isn't the best thing for bodybuilding but it's a better way of eatting then you were and it will help you on how to plan your meals. The diet section of the board has a lot of great info and there's a memeber named SwoleCat that is a guru in that area.

    Your training needs work........... You should train eash muscle group by itself so you can concentrate on the muscler at the time.

    This is just a example of what you can do where you put focus on one muscle group at a time:
    Group 1
    Incline 4 set X failure
    Decline 3 sets X failure
    D.B. Flyes 3 sets X failure

    Seated Military Press (Front) 4 sets X failure
    Side laterials 3 sets X failure
    Bent over laterials 3 sets X failure
    Shrugs 4 sets X failure

    Group 2
    Lat Pull Down to front 4 sets X failure
    Bent Over B.B. Rows 4 sets X failure
    Reverse Grip Pull Down 4 sets X failure
    Seated Rows 4 sets X failure

    Stiff Leg Dead Lifts 4 sets X failure
    Leg Curl 4 sets X failure

    Group 3
    S.B. Curl 3 sets X failure
    Incline Seated D.B. Curl 3 sets X failure
    Preacher 3 sets X failure

    Close Grip Bench 3 sets X failure
    Push Downs 3 sets X failure
    Skull Crushers 3 sets X failure

    Group 4
    Squats 5 sets X failure
    Hack Squat 4 sets X failure
    Leg Extention 4 sets X failure

    Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    congrats bro. Keep up the good work. Like Mudman said check out the Diet section of the board. They have stickys at the top that gives great advice on cutting diets and will get you headed in the right direction


  13. #13

    how about this

    I got some creatine it is cellucor M5 I got it at gnc....Is this ok for me to take.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'd switch up the routine like MudMan said... also check out the cutting sticky in the diet forum, it is extremely helpful.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Congrats on your progress man. Just keep at it. It'll be a way of life eventually and you'll look back at old pics and not believe it was you.

    As for your diet and routine, keep researching the threads/ stickies. The hardest part of a diet is drawing the whole thing
    Best to ya,

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