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Thread: Whats the worst spot you ever got?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Be Real
    I remember in college one time this humongous black guy is benching. And he has something ridiculous like 6 plates on each side and so everyone has stopped and is watching waiting to see if he can do it.The whole gym is silent at this point and the entire freeweights section is watching him. He sits back, takes a deep breath, lifts his legs up off the ground onto the bench then lifts them a little higher then lets out the most incredibly loud fart you have ever heard, then jumps up and starts laughing his butt off. The whole gym is laughing their ass off at this point.

  2. #42

    Whats the worst spot you ever got?

    was doing seated barbell tricep presses on a chair in a mates garage, i leaned back to cheat and the chair collapsed, my mate who was spotting me, with his hands under the bar jumped back and the barbell hit me on the head and then landed on my thumb which was torn in half, which hurt like hell lol. i still train with him tho, i was my fault mostly.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by On-my-way
    was doing seated barbell tricep presses on a chair in a mates garage, i leaned back to cheat and the chair collapsed, my mate who was spotting me, with his hands under the bar jumped back and the barbell hit me on the head and then landed on my thumb which was torn in half, which hurt like hell lol. i still train with him tho, i was my fault mostly.
    hahah thats rough bro

  4. #44
    I was doing dumbell shoulder press by myself, so i asked some random kid for a spot. I told him I was gonna need a lift on the first one, and to hit my elbows. He helped me get up the first one and then walked away. I yelled at him in the middle of my set to come back. Not that funny of a story, i was just amazed how someone could be in a gym and not have the first clue about how to spot someone.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Some are totally clueless

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Dropped a 600 PR on my chest, couldnt budge it, two spotters couldnt pick it off me for like 30 seconds, it just sat on my chest. Needless to say im never letting them spot me again.

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