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Thread: The Drop Zone is Nearing!!!!!

  1. #1

    The Drop Zone is Nearing!!!!!

    Since there are several of us that are closing in or are already in what I call the Drop Zone"weeks 4, 3, 2,". I think that it is only appropriate to post what we use to kill those hunger and phsycological pains.

    For me when I enter the "Drop Zone" I start to think I'm not lean enough and that I 1) either eat less or 2) do more cardio. This type of thinking often haunts me because I end up F***cking up and do too much cardio and eating to little. Now I ask another BB, or the guy who helps me to take a look and see how I'm doing. To kill the hunger pains I freeze crystal light and eat them like popsicles, one after the other. I have also frozen diet root bear and diet orange drinks and ate those like Ice pops. If your still using protien powder during this time I would only mix a little water with it and stir it up and eat it like pudding. You can also add cinninnmon to it to spice the taste. Anyway enough from me lets her what helps other BB use too keep themselves in check.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I do the same popsicle trick tangerine-grapefruit is my favorite...i still have my protei drinks with a bit of flaxseed oil so that thickenss it a bit...sometimes if i am really starving and craving i will put a teaspoon of Light Jam into my cottage cheese and pretend it's cheese cake....ohhhhhhhhhh cheese cake...anyway...i am constantly looking into the mirro thinking i will never be ready, and as most of us when i panic, i reduce my calories and endup burning more muscle then fat and looking even more like this time around i am relaying on other peoples opinions and if they say I am looking good then I am looking good, I must say it’s one of the hardest things to do, is to keep believing in yourself when you get this close…

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    What kind of calories are you guys taking in during the last
    4 weeks or so? I tend to ramp up a bit. First my current scale weight is 185#. I'm eating right now 2600 to 2700 calories a day.
    Counting in the flax oil. My cardio is 5 morning for 30 minutes at #4 speed. Then some time during the weekend I'll do a bit more.
    OK lets just call it 7 days a week for 30 minutes. I eat animal crackers as my night time snack. Up to a few weeks out. Then I just do my best not to overly cheat. I find some cheating keeps me from getting to goofy and becoming a prick to others.
    Tell me what your stacts are and your intake of calories.
    O'yea I also enjoy some low fat mint choc chip icecream. Again it keeps me sane.
    good luck,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well I am kinda like the Dr. and mike i think i look like shit do more cardio, cut more carbs etc.. you know the drill, but what i try to to is picture how i want to look on stage. That keeps me focus and out of the junk food. I am eating about 2000-2600 cals per day, carbs go between 40-120g per day with one day around 300g, protien is always between 300-400g ED, and fat is coming from flax oil right now and whatever i get in the meat i eat. 6l of water per day. Cardio is 45-60min. in AM then after night workout 30 min. again. Only day i do none is on leg day. Have come down 40lbs since Jan 7.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Eye candy,
    What is your scale weight now?
    What weight did you start at on Jan. 7th?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I was 240 15.5% Jan 7, on scale I am right around 200lbs 199 in am , 202 in PM so i will call it 200. I have some before pics posted here, but they are down on 2nd or 3rd page

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Who is eating animal crackers and cottage cheese?
    What happens here, stays here

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I'm eating plain animal cracker with my protein pudding.
    Also like to cheat with choc animal crackers and natural peanut butter. Just alittle bit goes a long way my friends.

  9. #9
    kdt primo is going to come kill you.. I would not tease her like that. Anyway my calories right now are 4100 over 9 meals spaced 2 hours apart. I'm eating around 400 grams protien, around the same in carbs and 60 grams in fat. I don't get to eat animal crackers and ice cream though, I only dream of it. My scale weight can flucuate anywhere from 245-250 depending on the time of day I weigh myself. my BF is in the vincinity of 8 to 9 percent right now.

    anyway primo stick in there girl... bet your looking good about now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    My weight is down to about 182 lbs, 3 weeks out, got omake middleweight at 176 lbs or i am as good as dead, i usually gain about 12 pounds from carbing up and loose about 10 lbs by droping my waterso net gain is about 2-4 pounds, so i really got to get down to about 170-172 pounds to be on the safe side, time to add some more cardio after the workouts. So my calories are down to about 1800-2000 cal. a day, i increase it to 2700 cal on saturday and 2400 calories on sunday and then back to low carbs...on weekdays protein at 300gm carbs at 110 most of them first thing in the morning (45 gm) and after work out about (45 gm) and the rest 20 gm of carbs throught out the day....

    Hey primo keep going just like Dr.Derek said, you must be looking real good about now...and to all you guys GOOD LUCK AT YOUR SHOWS...i am going to get me after...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fortress of Soltitude,North Pole
    220 lbs. at 6%. I'm 8 weeks out for a warm up show and 12 weeks out for the Peak. Gonna hit the synergy stack about 4 weeks out from the first show and go through up to the 2nd.Sill cheatin' like a mofo with the GOOBER's Peanut butter Strawberry jam swirl. I just can't let it go

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Can I temp anyone with some banana pudding or a slice of cherry pie?

    <------ is a bad bad boy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Dr D you are eating FOUR HUNDRED grams of carbs a DAY?

    That's about what i have for a 6-day total before my high day which i guess isn't really high (160g)... WTF?
    What happens here, stays here

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Bustard-400gm of carbs, i guess it must be nice to weight 250 pounds...give me few more years and i'll be there...then i can diet on that many carbs...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You notice that too eh mike.... 400g carbs..... maybe in a week.

  16. #16
    Hey I'm not into carb bashing. From my experience I loose to much muscle if I dont keep my carb intake up. I hate losing muscle. This is my total carb intake for the day-1 cup oatmeal- bananna- 2 potato's- 1 1/2 cup wild rice- 1/2 sweet potato- 3 cups peas 2 cups corn- and celltech after workout. hummmm am I forgeting anything, this is the way I've done it for years. I tried to drop my carbs one time and fucking freaked out. Anyway maybe now that I'm here to stay. you guys can teach an old dog new tricks. I will have to post an updated photo soon, I woke up last nights and saw a vein running across my glute. when I got up to go to the gym it was gone-shit where did it go. I wish they had shows at midnight, thats when I look the best-get up to take a piss and end up in the bathroom for a half an hour hitting most musculars, veins popping out all over-go back to bed get up in the morning and they are all gone. shit...............sorry to bore you guys I'm starting to lose it now-----

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Hey nothing wrong with having a great metabolism...if i could eat 400 gm of carb and loose weight, f*** i'd do it, i started at 200gm a day, but now down to 120 or are right i feel like shit most of the time all falt and shrinking but when i hit the high carb day on saturday, it all comes back with veins popping every where, and then i am loving...for a day i just got to dial in like that and it's all good...
    I am starting to loose it to Bro, i felt like crying today it's getting that tought...hey don't tell anybody about the crying part, alright...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    XXL- I won't tell anyone about the ing

    DD are you 6 or 7 weeks out now?
    What happens here, stays here

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Mike, just curious, how tall are you? How long ago was that pic by the tree taken?

  20. #20
    primo~ I'm 5 weeks now~ it's starting to suck ass!!! You guys have got me thinking about lowering my carbs, but I'll hang in for a two more weeks my b/f is dropping but my back fat, is being really stubborn this time. Estrogen build up~even us guys go through it!!!!! Its a BB worst enemy.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    That was about 2 years ago, an i am 5'9" on a good tall day...

    My back is being real stubborn as well, i added cardio after my training to try to force that shit of my back, and need to loose a bit more on the hams too.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    NO SHIT.... lower back love handle area... is driving me NUTS

  23. #23
    the shit is finally coming off me, thanks to that low carb day.....

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Someone better respond to my "screwed thread" before i go out and get 10 P'Zones from pizza hut
    What happens here, stays here

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by primodonna
    Someone better respond to my "screwed thread" before i go out and get 10 P'Zones from pizza hut
    Oh boy...someone answer it QUICK !

    Girl don't you do that....I may be skinny but if you mess up your diet for the show I'll kick your muscled fanny from here to the show stage ! <wink>

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