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Thread: Found 3 year old natural pic

  1. #1

    Found 3 year old natural pic

    Hey bros, just stopped by my mother's house to get some stuff outta the garage and was on her comp and she had this saved. 3 years old before I began the needle. This was my base before touching anything by the way.

    I'm researching on a digi cam and only have about 400 bucks to spare for new pics. Love to show what 3 years has done. The pic in my avatar is a little more updated(about 2 years old), but it's not clear cause it regualar camera quality. Can anyone recommend somthing in my price range?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC00343t.jpg 
Views:	791 
Size:	16.4 KB 
ID:	44052  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look very good bro...nice base to start with...would like to see your recent pics.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MER
    Hey bros, just stopped by my mother's house to get some stuff outta the garage and was on her comp and she had this saved. 3 years old before I began the needle. This was my base before touching anything by the way.

    I'm researching on a digi cam and only have about 400 bucks to spare for new pics. Love to show what 3 years has done. The pic in my avatar is a little more updated(about 2 years old), but it's not clear cause it regualar camera quality. Can anyone recommend somthing in my price range?

    On the camera question. I just got a fujifilm E550 for $350 (after rebate) and 12 months same as cash from circuit city if you want to finance it rather than drop all your dough. All digi cams over $350 have that financing option. I have only had the cam a week so I cant really comment totally on the thing although it does take d*mn good looking pics so far.

  4. #4
    Do the megapixels really make a difference? I mean if I were to get a 4.0 instead of a 5.0 would it make that large of a difference?

    Thanks shred, I'm working on the new pics.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MER
    Do the megapixels really make a difference? I mean if I were to get a 4.0 instead of a 5.0 would it make that large of a difference?

    Thanks shred, I'm working on the new pics.

    I dont know they say it depends alot on what you are wanting to use it for. The higher the megapixs the better quality you get when you blow pics up and edit them. My cam is a 6.3 megapixel with a 4x optical zoom for whatever that is worth.

    btw your base looks solid Im sure you have made great strides since picking up the juice.

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