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Thread: 1st Picture/First Log(21y/o,250lb)

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by GMuscle
    You must be a true Endomorph. Bump up the cardio and if your serious about this, stay with eating a good clean diet a least 5 days a week and splurge on the weekend. But during your five clean days eat good no junk. The weekend slurging will help spark your metabolism and you will get your bodyfat down in weeks and still gain some quality muscle. Sounds like you need to work on picking your metabolism up. Get some calipers to measure your bodyfat every week it will help keep you motivated and on track. You can lose the bodyfat fast if you are serious. I did this for my last contest. I used Ketosticks and Stacker 3 diet pills to get me into the state of ketosis. I lost 1% of bodyfat a week until I was shredded.

    thanks for replying! very useful post

    I do believe my metabolism is really slow right now. I dont know if aas made it slower but its def. alot slower now.

    I feel full all day, it may be odd but my ****s were much larger before cycle, now they are smaller. seems like food just sits in my stomac.

    Oh I will lost fat fast. Im so motivated, its embedded in my brain what Im doing. I cant wait to cut. This was my first bulk, i was eating extremley clean before this. no cheating, no junk, not even a taste for so long. then I added alot of foods that I havent been eating to my diet (hamburger,much more fat,more sugar,flour,fastfood) once I cut I will cut out all the bad stuff and I will start up my clean diet, maybe I will get some fat burner and I know my body will kick the fat i gained asss! : )

    So you ate very little carbs, thats ketosis right?

    Anything you can recomend for a fatburner? Ephedrine hcl?

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by LightWeightBaby
    good job, now just get a razor and shave that chest.

    I know I know

    I hate my hair, but it grows so fast!

    Also I cant even reach my back, its bad. my back is real bad!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    I used Stacker 3

    I had my carbs low when I dieted. 100-120 grams a day. I used Stacker 3 with Chitosan. I use Ketostrip to see if I was getting into the state of Ketosis and the only time I really got there was when I was using the Stacker pills.

  4. #44
    I am sure my site will be taken down soon, so check it out while it is still up. I have the original stackers for sale at EXTREMELY low prices as I am in desperate need of some cash. I am out of a job, so you can rest assured that shipping will be quick.

    anywho I don't have many left so get them while you can.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    gj bro!

    go to a professional and get that hair waxed every 5 weeks. and then tanning - would make a big difference!

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