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Thans again everyone....
Mr. Sparkle, I'm using Research Tech, Inc. I can try to get some info to you if you'd like......
Gear, yes, there is nothing like seeing results!!!!!! Frainkly, it's been getting harder and harder to get results and I really don't want to take more AAS - so 6 lean pounds from IGF has been incredible!!!
Chionardo, here is my cycle (roughly as is it changes a fair amount!)
Test E 1000 mgs EW (I've gone up to 1500 mgs EW, but the side effects really start to kick in for me)
Deca 600 mgs EW (I was using EQ, but had to stop due to some side effect problems with it - increased anxiety)
Test Prop 100 mgs ED (first 8 weeks and last 8 weeks of cycle)
Tren A 100 mgs ED (I do this for 6-8 weeks and then off for 6 then back on)
Proviron 50 to 100 mgs ED
Nolvadex 20 mgs ED
GH 4 IU's ED
Slin will be incorporated during my 5 off weeks from IGF (they'll be alternated)
If I've got a contest coming up I will often incorporate Winny at 50 mgs ED for 6-8 weeks as Winny works very well for me..
My AAS cycle is typically for about 30 weeks, then I do a PCT (HCG, clomid, and nolva), and then I start my cycle again (I know I need to be off more, but with competitions I really have to be on pretty much all the time except for the brief PCT). Hope this helps!!!!
I'll let everyone know how my slin cycle goes starting next week!!!!!!