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Thread: prop and tren sides and such

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I live at the gym

    prop and tren sides and such

    1. What is the expected concentration of a 2g fina kit, it is a AR-R kit?
    2. My tren and prop shots hurt alot more than just straight prop, is this normal?
    3. do any of you guys get cold sores more often on cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I live at the gym
    oh, and for thoes dealing with insomnia from tren, i found that melatonin at about 1500 mcg 1 hour before bed works wonders and i wake up feeling like a million bucks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    1.Usually a 2g kit will make 20ml @ 100mg per ml. So that will last 4 wks at 75mg ed.

    2.The tren/prop hurts more because there is more ba per ml than if you just ran the 2 seperately.

    3.Acne, insomnia, night sweats and increased aggressiveness with tren, but you do get ripped and pretty **** strong from that stuff so I guess its worth it.

    Also I would suggest that you do every day injects because with tren your moods can swing pretty dramaticly and you can get an increase in all the sides mentioned above if you do it eod.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mule1983
    1. What is the expected concentration of a 2g fina kit, it is a AR-R kit?
    2. My tren and prop shots hurt alot more than just straight prop, is this normal?
    3. do any of you guys get cold sores more often on cycle?
    1.) Theoretical yield should be 100mg/ml for 20mls, but I usually factor in a 25% wastage factor in the conversion, so more like 75mg/ml.
    2.)Yeah, like mentioned above... more BA. Try cutting the shot with B-12 or steril oil to reduce the concentration.
    3.) No, no cold sores. I get night sweats and mood swings even with ed shots.

  5. #5
    Insomnia & site injection pains is my problem. I'll have to try the Meltonin deal. I'm debating to go to EOD injection because the area's sore for like a week.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I live at the gym
    im going every day, quads, delts, glutes, tris.... repeat. It is sore but i can handle it and it dosent affeect my training as i plan it out so it is not as sore.

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