ok new to the site please help i am asking for help not not to be raged on
please any help will be greatly appreciated
ok i am 20 years old 6'4 220 pounds i have the perfect frame to be muscular and that is what im looking for i am very interested in steriods i have lots of friends that have been working out for years and do not have the mass that i would want from 6 months i have worked out before and i have no problem with busting my ass but for high return i dont want to spend 2 to 3 hours a day at the gym for two years to be average i am looking for someone to give me the pros and cons and recomend some steroids to help me acheive my goal of getting big please please if you would like to help me out please do i would greatly appreciate it but if you dont please dont say anything i am not looking for anything crazy i am looking for something to just help me get where i want to be faster than the normal method also a friend mentioned that his roomate took dbols to and got big rather fast so any info on this would also greatly help me out
once again any help would be awesome thanks so much Tyler![]()