I found this on the ibenutrition site on the oral igf-1:
(1) How do we know Oratropin-1 is working? When Oratropin-1™ is administered orally, you will notice an immediate adhesion effect followed by semi-dry throat and less saliva. This effect is caused by Intracellular mucosa cells that immediately recognize and locate Oratropin-1™. These cells initiate uptake of Oratropin-1™ while simultaneously decreasing secretion of saliva yielding an anaerobic environment (an anaerobic environment increases epithelial “spacing” and intracellular signaling). The effects of adhesion and dry throat are not anecdotal; the desire to drink water about 10 minutes after administration must be avoided at least for 30 minutes, preferably 1 hour after administration.
So am I not suposed to drink anything for a while after administering? Would it be fine to drink a good bit b4 administering?