Last edited by primodonna; 05-03-2002 at 11:54 AM.
What happens here, stays here
Hey primo i would deffinitely do what the guy is telling you to do, ro you can go and really have some of those PizzaHut little things, whatever you are talking about...and i will tell you why...once upon the time i was stuck and could not loose any weight for 2 weeks in the row, so i thought hey the fuck do i have to loose...right...well i went out got myself a nice big pizza and a 2L of rollo icecream, i set down and ate the whole thing, and you know what the following week i lost weight again and it started coming off...we had to do the same to my wife last show she just stoped loosing weight, so we shocked the system, to get her going again, after that she lost 4 pounds the following week. I know it's kind of risky, but i have done it with success with me and my wife. When the liver glucogen gets really low, the conversion of T4 to T3 is made almost impossible, and you are fucked unless you use T3 and i don't. They say it takes full 4 days of carb intake to restore all of the glucogen in your liver and start the conversion of T4 to T3 again. I think it's a lot quicker then that if you really force your body to do some work. Another way would be to injest 50gm of fruit a day, i know a girl who got 5 in lightweight in The World Championships, and her trainer has her eating about 70gm of fruite a day, i think that's a little bit much and i think 50gm would do the trick. The function of fructose found in fruit is to restore the glucogen levels in your liver...once again to restore the conversion of inactive thiroid to active T3. however our body only has so much enzymes requiered to convered fructose into liver glucogen and it's enough for about 50 gm of fruit a day. So there you have it Primo, my 2 cents on your problem, i hope it's somewhat helpfull and good luck...keep on going.......MIKE_XXL
primo, next time you compete pm me before yoou start dieting I may have a few suggestions, that will help. I dont want to be the third person giving unwanted advice. Peace ~ hang in there
How much longer do you have to go and what's you BF.
Mike one good reason not to drop your carbs so low, for such long periods of time, especially if your natural, or not taking a boatload of T-3
I know man next time i am keeping them up around 200-250gm a day range, when i started i was taking in aroud 180gm a day, now i take 100gm, and i don't even remember lowering them, WTF...but i guess i had to lower them, the things you learn...it's so hard to just leave things alone....
Dr D- go ahead...i would like to hear what you have to say
Mike- thanks for your input...i'm the same way...i don't remember dropping...i think we're the same weight right now so does that mean i should try 200-250 next time as well?
I think that post can officially be called a freak out....i had 280g yesterday and haven't had a workout as good as the one i had today in recent history and i look better than i ever have so who knows...
I know i'll read this after it's over and see what an idiot i was
What happens here, stays here
We are the same weight right now?...that either means i am really skinny or you are just huge...well maybe so but not for long because in 13 days I AM GOING ON UP...say hello 200 puonds in a week or so..........and you are welcome any time...
Hey you got only 5 weeks left so just hang in there, i find the whole time i think i look like shit, and when i put on the color and drop my water, it's like WOW, it all comes together at the end, and that's what's important right, we have to look good at our show not 3 or 5 weeks before...so everybody relax and let it ride it'll all be alright...if it was only this easy...right...
Carbs, Carbs, Carbs~cant live with, cant live without them. As Mike has pointed out, when carbs are cosumed in the diet, they get used for a variety of purposes. imo the only way your carbs will be coverted and stored as b/f is that all your glycogen stores are already filled up when you consume carbs, which for you would be impossible at this point. Now think about it for a minute primmo, you have been on a limited calorie, specifically carb defcient, diet for weeks, your b/f is low, do you think your stores are full. propably not, so at this point consuming more carbs every 2nd or 3rd day is not going to make much difference. They say the average person can store 300 to 600 grams of glyocogen in thier muscle cells, depends on LBM of that person, Susie Currie's storage, for example, is going to be different than Ronnie Colemans, because of the differnce in LBM. Now thats really not that much storage space at all if you think about it and if you were to train intense for 90 minutes most of your muscle glyogen would be spent.., which in your case is not getting replenished. Now listen close, your liver, which Mike has stated acts as a storage house for reserve glycogen, so that it can help replenish your muscle glycogen when it gets low. Now IMO and I stress IMO I think your gas tank is empty...... Little Glycogen in the liver, cuts T-4 to T-3 conversion, ouch that hurts, your metabolism starts to slow down. Now you have no glycogen to replenish your muscle stores, that hurts, your body instinctively breaks down muscle tissue and stops using stored fat for energy bam oh, there you have it your body in severe catabolism, Now mike has said to restore liver glycogen eat fruit, he right, but because your muscle are or were so depleted, all the fruit would automatically be converted to glucose and sent straight out to your muscle cells, I suggest this eat 150 to 200 grams of dextrose over four hours, early in the day, take in some fruit, my suggestion two bananna's once every hour after the four hours, do this on a day you do not train or do cardio. This should fill all your tanks up, including the reserve and you can adjust your carbs from there. I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS EVERY DAY... THIS WOULD BE USED TO BRING YOUR BODY QUICKLY OUT OF CATABOLISM. Or as I say self canabolism. My two cents, it sound like the second fellow with the high carb day is sorta given you the information. You must remember that when you a talking with pro and national level competitors, they are probably using alot more AAS HGH or whatever than you use. IMO it is very difficult for someone who has never done a precontest diet without pharmacuticals to help someone who is either limited use or is natural. Not cutting on them but, I just think that you should think about this whenyou ask someones opinion. Good luck SIS and your koolaid will be enroute tomarrow, add some dextrose to it and drink it after you workout
Well said Derek, always willing to help, i like that..............
Mike...what are you now? Actually, i think i may be a few lbs more than you...I'm not huge...i have 5" arms or something like that...just have broad shoulders, a good back and a really big ass...i mean glutes haha plus i'm 5'10" so all the 5'6" women who are 150 are going to look 10x my size no matter what i weigh
Dr- invaluable information there...i think i know i need that, it just messes with your head when you're supposed to eat carbs
Anyway, i appreciate your advice as well as everything else...you are a good example of how bb'ers should be
What happens here, stays here
I am 179 pounds, i tried fat loading this weekend, instead of my regural high carb day, and i gain 3 pounds...WTF...i am suppose to be loosing weight...not gaining, so i guess you can say i am totally freaking out here...i am all full in my muscle bellies, holding a bit of water, and the weired thing is i don't think i look any worst then i did on friday...at this point i just don't care any more, i just want this to be over like RIGHT NOW...but i got 11 more days...
Originally posted by MIKE_XXL
so everybody relax and let it ride it'll all be alright...![]()
There is an article in Flex about fat loading instead of carb loading i just read...quite interesting but if you don't look any worse than you did on friday, you are fine...the scale is bullshit anyway...supposedly i lost 4 pounds in the past 48 hours...
How many g of fat did you eat?
What happens here, stays here
I ate about 72 gm of fat on saturday and 50-60 on sunday, it was a pure guess on how much to eat because i can't find any info on the subject. So i am going to buy me a Flex magazine now...and see what's up, was it the one with Jay Cutler on the cover, i hope so, because if not i got myself some good pictures to look at and that's about it.
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