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Thread: Winstrol & It's Effects?

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area
    There is no need for an anti-estrogen as Winny may have such a property of its own and does not aromatize at any rate. The only counter-indication with Winny would perhaps be an anti-hypertensive if you use for a longer stack. Be sure to get liver values checked if you use for longer than 6 weeks on end. There is no real use for Clomid or Nolva post-cycle for Winny specifically since there is no post-cycle aromatisation to cause negative feedback. That makes whatever gains you made on Winny quite easy to maintain.

  2. #42
    And no i am not bashing AAS, i use them myself and would not be on a site dedicated to AAS if i disagreed with their use.
    I was just pointing out the possible side effects OF ALL AAS and how best to prevent them arriseing are to at least minimise them. And again if you had of read it you would have noticed this.

  3. #43
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    The specificity of Winny however, lies in how it counteracts estrogenic side-effects such as gyno and excess water retention. First of all it's a 5-alpha reduced substrate. 5-alpha reduction breaks the double bond between positions 4 and 5, which is required for conversion to estrogen via aromatase, the primary enzyme for the manufacture of estrogen in males. Because some of these compounds nonetheless show some affinity for aromatase they may have some use in blocking estrogen from other steroids they are stacked with. Wether or not Winny acts in this way is not entirely sure. What has been a popular point of discussion with stanozolol is its suggested anti-progestagenic effects. The theory goes that Winny can bind and compete for a position at the progesterone receptor much like Clomid of Nolvadex would at the estrogen receptor, thereby inhibiting progestagenic effects. Now, progesterone can aggravate estrogenic side-effects by agonizing estrogen and it does play a role in gyno.

  4. #44
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    Winny is mostly quite well-tolerated in men. Cramps, headaches, elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels and liver damage are noted, but on a not so-frequent basis. Standard virilization symptoms associated with the stimulating of the androgen receptor, however, are a problem. Acne, prostate hypertrophy and an aggravation of male pattern baldness can occur, so use by women has to be discouraged.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    The specificity of Winny however, lies in how it counteracts estrogenic side-effects such as gyno and excess water retention. First of all it's a 5-alpha reduced substrate. 5-alpha reduction breaks the double bond between positions 4 and 5, which is required for conversion to estrogen via aromatase, the primary enzyme for the manufacture of estrogen in males. Because some of these compounds nonetheless show some affinity for aromatase they may have some use in blocking estrogen from other steroids they are stacked with. Wether or not Winny acts in this way is not entirely sure. What has been a popular point of discussion with stanozolol is its suggested anti-progestagenic effects. The theory goes that Winny can bind and compete for a position at the progesterone receptor much like Clomid of Nolvadex would at the estrogen receptor, thereby inhibiting progestagenic effects. Now, progesterone can aggravate estrogenic side-effects by agonizing estrogen and it does play a role in gyno.
    Do you own stock in Winny or what??? Ok, we get it, you use winny only and you are one huge mofo with no bodyfat. Got it.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Saluu I see you down there you roid monkey snake that bites from the back, no need to add to the stupidity.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Winstrol is an ester less anabolic, which makes the user not hold any water from the drug. The drug also makes the user look hard and dense, which is why many believe it has fat burning properties.

  9. #49
    okay you lost 10-15 percent bodyfat off of winny only just a sec gotta laugh

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    okay you lost 10-15 percent bodyfat off of winny only just a sec gotta laugh
    I really wonder how many people in this forum really work out. Im hearin alot of arguing and opinions but no facts. Oho saluu did you read the part of my post that stated I work out 6 days a week? Just because many of you have nerd genes dosent mean all of us do. End of discussion.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Longhorn you need to do some research on this subject. Yes winstrol does help with fat loss.
    so youre telling me you lost more fat from winny than people who run DNP? Im gonna continue to call bs on this until you show me before and after pics.

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    so youre telling me you lost more fat from winny than people who run DNP? Im gonna continue to call bs on this until you show me before and after pics.
    Go to Oprah! Got to Oprah! Go to Oprah!

    God I missed saying that.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Winstrol is an ester less anabolic, which makes the user not hold any water from the drug. The drug also makes the user look hard and dense, which is why many believe it has fat burning properties.
    Its not the ester that causes water retention. Its largely due to whether the drug aromatises to estrogen are not that is why winstrol can make you appear that you have lost body fat because it causes no water retention. But it does not burn body fat the only AAS that an argument can me made that burn body fat are strong Androgens eg tren, test

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    so youre telling me you lost more fat from winny than people who run DNP? Im gonna continue to call bs on this until you show me before and after pics.
    I dont have before pics so I guess you will call bs all the way to your grave. I can care less just dont post bull****. Everything ive said is true. Why the **** would I talk so good about Winstrol, no I dont have stock in it. If I wanted to impress you all and lie I would say I ran a test\drol\tren 15 week cycle and put on 50 pounds of muscle, then show pics of someone else. jeez

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area
    Any of you non believiers from sacramento area. Ill go as far as to meet you and rip my shirt off and I bet you will have a big jacket that has the zipper stuck.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    so youre telling me you lost more fat from winny than people who run DNP? Im gonna continue to call bs on this until you show me before and after pics.
    If I had any idea what Winstrol would do for me, and all the nonbelievers out there I would of taken before pics. All I have to prove it is a 6`3 frame with 240 pounds of solid muscle thanks to winstrol. If you call me a liar again we can meet and see whos cycle does the most damage to the other one. Im down with that all the way.

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    care to explain to me why you posted on Jan 21st, the day you took your first glute shot, that you were already at 15% bodyfat? Here's the thread in case you dont remember.

    By the way, I never called you a liar, dont put words in my mouth. I calling bs b/c your results seem to change in everyone of your posts.

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    central gerzy

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    care to explain to me why you posted on Jan 21st, the day you took your first glute shot, that you were already at 15% bodyfat? Here's the thread in case you dont remember.

    By the way, I never called you a liar, dont put words in my mouth. I calling bs b/c your results seem to change in everyone of your posts.
    I will call that pos a liar. glock you are a liar... rip off your shirt??

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Jesus H. Christ. What's with all the arguing? Glock is trying to help her out and he's getting bashed for it? Give me a break. QUIT THE ARGUING. If any of you want to act like kids, go to the Disney board.

  22. #62
    Join Date
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    central gerzy
    sorry, i guess i got a little carried away

  23. #63
    Join Date
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    just hate liars

  24. #64
    lol @ the post requesting a photo of me. With all of you guys being gym rats (I mean that in a very positive way, I respect ANYONE with the drive and determination to achieve the results you guys do) I'm embarrassed! lol

    I'm 5'10", 150 and rather content with the parts that are soft and those that are hard on me! lol

    He's yet to read this string, but I assure you he will very soon.

    Again, thank you all for your help. I apologize that by doing so, you subjected yourself to the bashing that commenced.

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Do you own stock in Winny or what??? Ok, we get it, you use winny only and you are one huge mofo with no bodyfat. Got it.
    actually he said he has 17% bf... which we all know you are not ripped at 17% bf..

    The answer to your every question


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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  26. #66
    Winny burns fat. Here's the short scientific logic:

    First off, winstrol is a superior anti-catabolic compound, second only to trenbelone in its ability to prevent protien degradation in the absence of caloric intake.

    Secondly, winstrol is pyrogenic, meaning that it increases body temperature.

    Increased body temp equals increased calories burned. That, coupled with its singular anti-catabolic properties (and anabolic ones as well, when training and taking in adequate protien), equals fat loss.

    Simple as that.

    Winstrol does move water, and this is one reason that it can be such a great asset cosmetically. Fat cells shrink when they are not water-logged, and that adds to the already effective adipose disposal mechanism of the liquid white gold. However, this does increase the risk of organ damage, so extra care must be used with regard to liver/kidney/prostate issues.

    Also, many people complain of increased tendon damage while on heavy winstrol cycles. Generally this is attributed to the "drying out" effect, but I disagree with that theory. I think that the likely explanation is accelerated collagen synthesis that winstrol causes. This synthesis occurs at nodes within the tendons, and those nodes are not equally spaced theoughout the tendon. Accelerated growth in certain spots can result in "knots" of collagen in the tendon, which would create a stress point more likely to snap or tear under stress, especially the high impact stress often associated with winstrol users (boxers, sprinters, etc.)

    Hope this helps.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Im going to quote ~SC~ here for the bit aout Nutrionists..
    "they also support the physique of Urkel" k thnx
    i dont know about you but ~SC~ or Urkel.. ~SC~ or .. Urkel?
    i thought i had a plethora of knowledge before i started reading his krap ... and Hooker too

    and no im not sucking up .. im on Perkasets!

  28. #68
    jordanfanatic23's Avatar
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    you guys know how ridiculous you look when you sit there and argue right?

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ConcernedGirlfriend
    lol @ the post requesting a photo of me. With all of you guys being gym rats (I mean that in a very positive way, I respect ANYONE with the drive and determination to achieve the results you guys do) I'm embarrassed! lol

    I'm 5'10", 150 and rather content with the parts that are soft and those that are hard on me! lol

    He's yet to read this string, but I assure you he will very soon.

    Again, thank you all for your help. I apologize that by doing so, you subjected yourself to the bashing that commenced.
    I like my women a little curvy.

  30. #70
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    Sacramento area
    Quote Originally Posted by fukkenshredded
    Winny burns fat. Here's the short scientific logic:

    First off, winstrol is a superior anti-catabolic compound, second only to trenbelone in its ability to prevent protien degradation in the absence of caloric intake.

    Secondly, winstrol is pyrogenic, meaning that it increases body temperature.

    Increased body temp equals increased calories burned. That, coupled with its singular anti-catabolic properties (and anabolic ones as well, when training and taking in adequate protien), equals fat loss.

    Simple as that.

    Winstrol does move water, and this is one reason that it can be such a great asset cosmetically. Fat cells shrink when they are not water-logged, and that adds to the already effective adipose disposal mechanism of the liquid white gold. However, this does increase the risk of organ damage, so extra care must be used with regard to liver/kidney/prostate issues.

    Also, many people complain of increased tendon damage while on heavy winstrol cycles. Generally this is attributed to the "drying out" effect, but I disagree with that theory. I think that the likely explanation is accelerated collagen synthesis that winstrol causes. This synthesis occurs at nodes within the tendons, and those nodes are not equally spaced theoughout the tendon. Accelerated growth in certain spots can result in "knots" of collagen in the tendon, which would create a stress point more likely to snap or tear under stress, especially the high impact stress often associated with winstrol users (boxers, sprinters, etc.)

    Hope this helps.
    Looks like someone did thier homework. Couldnt have said it better myself. Thanks for helpin me educate among all the flames and nonbelievers.

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    glock you are a fcuking idiot, and you're making an ass out of yourself.

    250lbs @ 25%
    240lbs @ 17%

    10lbs lost is ~4%, not 8%...nor is 4% = 10%, corresponding to your OTHER estimate of 15%

    and i agree - 17% is FAR from "ripped"

    i hate arguing on forums, but i make an exception for this case.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    How can you say there is a direct formula for lbs:bf% ? That would mean bf% is not a percentage at all, but rather a simple calculation based upon weight alone.

    ie. if you're this heavy - this is what your bf is.

    That can't be done, obviously.
    Last edited by Godspeed; 03-04-2005 at 09:31 AM.

  33. #73
    lol Glock,you should be a winny-v salesman!Good ****.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Godspeed
    How can you say there is a direct formula for lbs:bf% ? That would mean bf% is not a percentage at all, but rather a simple calculation based upon weight alone.

    ie. if you're this heavy - this is what your bf is.

    That can't be done, obviously.
    assume he didnt GAIN mass while LOSING fat, which is not easy to do, although if anyone is going to do that, it's a fat guy with 25% BF

    more than likely he lost some muscle with the fat lost, which makes the 4% BF lost actually too high.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    glock you are a fcuking idiot, and you're making an ass out of yourself.

    250lbs @ 25%
    240lbs @ 17%

    10lbs lost is ~4%, not 8%...nor is 4% = 10%, corresponding to your OTHER estimate of 15%

    and i agree - 17% is FAR from "ripped"

    i hate arguing on forums, but i make an exception for this case.
    Youre confusing yourself and my eirlier posts I was guessin at my bf I later got a bf scale. I wish these people who call names and just post to argue would get thier asses banned or send me a pm and we can meet and try callin me a ****in idiot to my face. Takes a tough guy to call names online...

  36. #76
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    Estrogen rebound has nothing to do with negative feedback. estrogen rebound is POSITIVE feedback. High estrogen levels stimulate the hpta to produce testosterone. Why do you think SERMS (synthetic estrogens) are used for PCT?

    You need PCT for ANY compound.

    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    There is no need for an anti-estrogen as Winny may have such a property of its own and does not aromatize at any rate. The only counter-indication with Winny would perhaps be an anti-hypertensive if you use for a longer stack. Be sure to get liver values checked if you use for longer than 6 weeks on end. There is no real use for Clomid or Nolva post-cycle for Winny specifically since there is no post-cycle aromatisation to cause negative feedback. That makes whatever gains you made on Winny quite easy to maintain.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    Its day 5 off my winni cycle with no pct. What should I expect? I feel stronger than ever. The first 3 days I felt a little drained but It might of just been mental.

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    just do yourself a favor and order some pct supplies from ar-research.. your test levels are at rock bottom right now.. and without the winny in your system you're going to go catabolic.. keep your calories, especially protein and essential fatty acids as high as possible to prevent as much of it as you can.

    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Its day 5 off my winni cycle with no pct. What should I expect? I feel stronger than ever. The first 3 days I felt a little drained but It might of just been mental.

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area
    thx bro, Im still eating like a Lion.

  40. #80
    Join Date
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    Sacramento area
    Hey dude man, anyway I can talk you into bannin all the arguers on this thread? Guys like LezoMorphyl, Crane, and the brakes? Just askin because it takes a real loser to hijack a thread to argue or call names...

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