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Thread: hypoglycemia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq


    Ok, my body responds to low blood sugar in an interesting way...I do NOT show typical signs of hypoglycemia...Not until my BGL is INSANELY low...

    For instance yesterday, I did a chest and triceps workout, and post workout I ran my regimen.

    60mcg of IGF-1, 10iu of humalog, and 4mg of pgf2a.

    Drank 9grams of carbs per IU with creatine 5 mins after injection.

    15 mins later I had 75g of protein from whey isolate...

    5 minutes later I took my blood glucose, and it was 41
    My BGM said this exactly on the display "DangerCall911"

    So i proceeded to eat my entire package of glucose tablets I always keep on hand in case of an event like this.

    After I took the shot before my dextrose, it was 79...Now what scares me, is that at 41, i didn't feel hypo...

    Anybody else experience this?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
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    Hey bro, as you would already know by now, we are all different, and you may feel hypo at 60mg/dL but I might not. Now, genereally speaking, 41mg/dL is very low. However, everybody has a point they get to where they can't bare the side effects. Your point is obviously under 41mg/dL as you feel fine on 41. How much lower than 41 I don't know, but I wouldn't say it would be too much lower that that. If you keep on pushing your limits you have to come to a "dead end" where you will feel hypo. Once you do, check your BG and remeber it. I suppose that's all you can do.

    I see you are taking 9g of carbs per 1IU, try taking less than that.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Hey bro, as you would already know by now, we are all different, and you may feel hypo at 60mg/dL but I might not. Now, genereally speaking, 41mg/dL is very low. However, everybody has a point they get to where they can't bare the side effects. Your point is obviously under 41mg/dL as you feel fine on 41. How much lower than 41 I don't know, but I wouldn't say it would be too much lower that that. If you keep on pushing your limits you have to come to a "dead end" where you will feel hypo. Once you do, check your BG and remeber it. I suppose that's all you can do.

    I see you are taking 9g of carbs per 1IU, try taking less than that.

    Typically I take less than 9g of carbs per IU...when running slin alone, i use 6g per iu....but now that i'm running concurrent compounds, I upped the intake a bit...

    I dont feel i should lower it much, as even if I am feeling symptoms or not, 41mg/dl is extremely low. I might have felt SLIGHTY hypo symptoms, but not severe. Maybe a slight light headedness, but that is all!

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
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    I never judge how far away from hypo I am by the readings that my BG monitor tells me. Instead, I judge that by how I feel. If I was on your spot, felt no hypo symptoms, but my monitor was telling me that my BG was 41mg/dL. Just because my BG monitor is telling me to call 911 as my BG is insanely low, It doesn't mean I wouldn't still push my limits with Insulin. This is dangerous, but it's good to know what extent you can push your body to. That's just my opinion. You know what you are doing, you will be right. Good luck either way bro.


  5. #5
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    thats crazy, if mine drops down to <60 i feel horrible.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sin
    thats crazy, if mine drops down to <60 i feel horrible.
    Like I said, everyone is different, and I don't believe those monitors are a 100% accurate either, but I'm sure they are pretty close to what they say.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Like I said, everyone is different, and I don't believe those monitors are a 100% accurate either, but I'm sure they are pretty close to what they say.

    Of course there is a certain level of error using these. I know I am playing with fire, and putting myself to 41mg/dl is pushing the limit, but hell, why not try to push it further?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sin
    thats crazy, if mine drops down to <60 i feel horrible.

    Ha for me 65 made me sweat my ass off, and feel very lightheaded...

    Everyone is different thats for sure.... 41 I think id be dead..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    Ha for me 65 made me sweat my ass off, and feel very lightheaded...

    Everyone is different thats for sure.... 41 I think id be dead..
    yeah ive dropped into the 60s a few times and each time i got light headed, sweaty, and felt like **** for a couple hours after.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sin
    yeah ive dropped into the 60s a few times and each time i got light headed, sweaty, and felt like **** for a couple hours after.
    Wow, all I have to do is chug half of a soda, then casually drink the rest and feel fine by the time the drink is finished... Id rather get fat then feel hypo!

  11. #11
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    Just wondering something - whenever I feel hypo, I just mix 20g or so dextrose into some water and chug it. Is there any particular reason to eat glucose tabs? I just figured they were for convenience if you are out and about. Dextrose = glucose, and it's a lot cheaper that the tabs...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey
    Just wondering something - whenever I feel hypo, I just mix 20g or so dextrose into some water and chug it. Is there any particular reason to eat glucose tabs? I just figured they were for convenience if you are out and about. Dextrose = glucose, and it's a lot cheaper that the tabs...
    Your right, it is a lot cheaper than tabs. But it is for the convenience...Its hard enough to bring my monitor kit, pre-loaded pins, a shaker with whey isolate, and a bottle with dex and creatine. It'd be that much more of a pain to bring another bottle, so i just bring a tube of the glucose tabs!

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    Of course there is a certain level of error using these. I know I am playing with fire, and putting myself to 41mg/dl is pushing the limit, but hell, why not try to push it further?
    That's right, push your limits by how you feel bro. Good luck, and hope everything goes well for you.


  14. #14
    Gear's Avatar
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    Hey angel, if you push your limits beyond 41, would you mind letting us know at what BG level you felt hypo at? I'm crurious. Surely you could not push yourself much further. Be carefull bro.

    Thank you.


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