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Thread: Pizza Place Beatdown

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    This video gives a prime example why everyone should carry a gun. Doesn't matter how big or bad you are S&W makes all equal. Hell, I bet that woman would have never EVER cut in line had she known everyone was packing and it was legal to shoot cocksuckers like her and her brain dead ****stick.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Everyone does carry guns, that's why 14yo kids are killing fathers with children at home. If that guy that got beat up lifted some iron instead of strombolis maybe his eye socket wouldn't be smashed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    This video gives a prime example why everyone should carry a gun. Doesn't matter how big or bad you are S&W makes all equal. Hell, I bet that woman would have never EVER cut in line had she known everyone was packing and it was legal to shoot cocksuckers like her and her brain dead ****stick.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Everyone does carry guns, that's why 14yo kids are killing fathers with children at home. If that guy that got beat up lifted some iron instead of strombolis maybe his eye socket wouldn't be smashed.
    The guy only beat up the pasty little white guy cause he knew looking at him he couldn't fight....**** you and I can tell that fact ourselves within three seconds. A simple FO or "step out side...." whoud I have settled any "honor" this guy was proving by standing up for his crack whore. To beat him like that was just showing off. Like I said, drop the ****er as he comes through the door and her for good measure....if it were legal I can garantee you'd never see films with this horse**** on the net cause no one would act like a cock if they knew someone could shoot them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    It is buried deep in this thread, but I will restate my stance on this. Anyone that lives in America knows we have an epidemic of spontaneous violent crime. You can be a victim anywhere at any moment. This does not make crime ok, but if you are not prepared for that fact and you fall victim, you played a role. That is why I work out, and study combat techniques, and never leave the house unarmed. Even if it isn't a gun I carry a knife, brass knuckles, something.

    Who is the bad guy in the video? The black dude.
    Who's fault is it? The white guy. He was unprepared while well aware of life in America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut
    The guy only beat up the pasty little white guy cause he knew looking at him he couldn't fight....**** you and I can tell that fact ourselves within three seconds. A simple FO or "step out side...." whoud I have settled any "honor" this guy was proving by standing up for his crack whore. To beat him like that was just showing off. Like I said, drop the ****er as he comes through the door and her for good measure....if it were legal I can garantee you'd never see films with this horse**** on the net cause no one would act like a cock if they knew someone could shoot them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod

    Who is the bad guy in the video? The black dude.
    Who's fault is it? The white guy. He was unprepared while well aware of life in America.
    the problem was he was unprepared to encounter 2 ignorant animals that belong in cages....hence...prison....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    the problem was he was unprepared to encounter 2 ignorant animals that belong in cages....hence...prison....
    Right and they are everywhere, so it is his fault. I am prepared. I would of struck first with a weapon if someone was twice my size obviously about to attack me instead of acting like a pussy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Right and they are everywhere, so it is his fault. I am prepared. I would of struck first with a weapon if someone was twice my size obviously about to attack me instead of acting like a pussy.
    struck first??? how the hell could that guy know the black dude was gonna throw a punch to try and take his head off?? for all he knew the black dude was gonna say some **** then just leave.....just cause people are standing face to face like that doesnt mean a fight at all, alot of times it can end up in a fight but i would say the majority of the time it doesnt, the 2 guys will eventually just back off or somebody will break it up, no violence occuring....if he could know for sure the black dude was gonna do that then it be different but i dont know many people that can see into the future....dammit loz u made me spill over this thread to page 6...oh well, would have happened anyway

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The middle of nowhere.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Right and they are everywhere, so it is his fault. I am prepared. I would of struck first with a weapon if someone was twice my size obviously about to attack me instead of acting like a pussy.
    no, its not his fault because he wasnt "prepared" for a few delinquents coming and cutting in front of him, then knocking the hell out of him..
    it is the fault of the guy who took a cheap shot on the victim, and the girl for not having any respect for a citizen of the united states. This shows you how badly our society is failing. This is the kind of crap that should not happen.

    im surprised jesse jackson and al sharpton didnt jump all over the white guy for breaking the black guy's fingernail...

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