I think you have already made you mind up about me so your aren't getting what I am trying to say.Originally Posted by bdtr
I think you have already made you mind up about me so your aren't getting what I am trying to say.Originally Posted by bdtr
I already told you in PMs that I have no problem with you. It just seems you're trying rather hard to some way justify this.
I love watching that. That version is way better. He acted all tough in the girls face but caught a bad one when another man stepped to him. What the black dude did was brutal, but I still don't see the big deal, I been in plenty of fights, you win some and lose some.
What amazes me is how scared all them white guys were. That makes me embarrased to be white sometimes when a bunch of white guys can't stop one black guy from attacking someone. I am glad I am not a bitch like that.
man you get it, you must be my brother from another mother..Originally Posted by Lozgod
. You understand now you will probably be flamed.
LMFAO!!!!!!!! There is the real issue. Stay out of fat peoples way.Originally Posted by EatRite
**** him, that black guy did nothing wrong
if you open your mouth like that to a women you deserve a beating like that, next time i hope that guy has a little more respect for women.
and bdtr, if someone called your girlfriend a slut, bitch, whore etc. with such tone, im sure you wouldnt let that stand - and besides, the guy just got KOd.
he got what he deserved
its pretty obvious both the ppl were on something, the woman tried to cut line or something, the shop owner should have killed both of them. i hate ppl who cant go out in public without starting a fight, yelling or acting ghetto. bill cosby is right..
now let the flames burn hi
I don't care what no one says. It was just a fight. You don't cry like a little girl if you lost the fight and call the cops.
That wasn't a fight, that was one big ass guy beating the **** out of some helpless little guy because his b*tch ass girlfriend was pushing him in his face, calling him names. If someone pushed me in my face and said **** like that to me.. I would have probably reacted worse then he did. All he did was slam his phone and get mad, he didn't touch her or anything. They should both rot in hell. They don't belong in society.Originally Posted by Lozgod
Well if my girl ever comes out to the car and says this guy that looks like a pussy is acting tough because I am a woman and would never step to a man like that, you might see Lozgod on a surveilance camera smashing someones skull. What's right is right, don't act tough if you can't back it up.
Originally Posted by dieseL atC
Yes, if he was acting like that unprovoked. If a woman wants to act like a man, treat her like a f*cking man and let her handle her own sh*t...Originally Posted by Lozgod
so it's ok to hit women?Originally Posted by dieseL atC
exactlyOriginally Posted by Lozgod
I bet that guy $hit an eggroll when he saw her bf come walking in there!!Originally Posted by D-END
Or a stomboli... It was a pizza placeOriginally Posted by Monkeytown
do u actually think for one second that the stupid hoe would have acted that tough if she didnt have her big dumb animal with her??? HELL NO, she had him around so she thinks she is a badass, IMO she needed to be the one that got ****ed up, somebody should have cracked a chair over the guys head then proceeded to give her a turn with the chair, reminds me of frat guys and certain people at clubs i go to, they will talk **** like crazy in a group, but once they get separated they arent ****....she wouldnt of been saying a WORD if she didnt have her man around.... its unreal that alot of guys are trying to justify that situation saying yea she didnt do anything wrong, the guy that hit him did nothing wrong....etc etc...i dont know where u guys are living but in the real world thats not the way you function in society...Originally Posted by Lozgod
Whats your avatar of??Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
50 cone head cent
50cent mug shot, HA! thug life ain't easy gangstaOriginally Posted by HeavyHitter
Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
Originally Posted by Monkeytown
my thoughts exactly![]()
this thread just went from flaming the black guy to defending him.
God i love AR
Well there was no reason for the cops to get involved. Nothing makes a man look more like a punk than to get beat up then take someone to court.
Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
... well, in all seriousnessOriginally Posted by Lozgod
The police should be their to uphold the rule of law
Lets face it, this wasnt a fight, it was a beat down - and that blackguy was just a drug dealer it wasnt his girlfriend (allthough thats what they told the police to get a reduced sentence)
The lady their was strung out on either coke or meth (judging by her energy level, increased confidence & willingness to use aggression)
--- but dont get me wrong, im still on the black guys side ---
....and I know, in his heart SwoleCat is too
You don't deal with too many black women do you? Most are high energy like that if they feel disrespected. I dated enough of them to know. Had a BMW windshield smashed in, had one stab me, I could go on but I don't know if there is enough bandwidth.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
hahahah, LOL
nice, your right Lozgod - we dont have a big black population up here in BC, so ill take yoru word for it![]()
So did they get their pizza?
maybe........do they serve pizza in prison?Originally Posted by NoobJuice
O yea- a white man would have never gotten four years for this bs. Sad but true
uh-o, i can smell the flames already....
Nope. Not in the 4 years I was there.Originally Posted by D-END
This video gives a prime example why everyone should carry a gun. Doesn't matter how big or bad you are S&W makes all equal. Hell, I bet that woman would have never EVER cut in line had she known everyone was packing and it was legal to shoot cocksuckers like her and her brain dead ****stick.
Everyone does carry guns, that's why 14yo kids are killing fathers with children at home. If that guy that got beat up lifted some iron instead of strombolis maybe his eye socket wouldn't be smashed.
Originally Posted by Juggernaut
The guy only beat up the pasty little white guy cause he knew looking at him he couldn't fight....**** you and I can tell that fact ourselves within three seconds. A simple FO or "step out side...." whoud I have settled any "honor" this guy was proving by standing up for his crack whore. To beat him like that was just showing off. Like I said, drop the ****er as he comes through the door and her for good measure....if it were legal I can garantee you'd never see films with this horse**** on the net cause no one would act like a cock if they knew someone could shoot them.Originally Posted by Lozgod
It is buried deep in this thread, but I will restate my stance on this. Anyone that lives in America knows we have an epidemic of spontaneous violent crime. You can be a victim anywhere at any moment. This does not make crime ok, but if you are not prepared for that fact and you fall victim, you played a role. That is why I work out, and study combat techniques, and never leave the house unarmed. Even if it isn't a gun I carry a knife, brass knuckles, something.
Who is the bad guy in the video? The black dude.
Who's fault is it? The white guy. He was unprepared while well aware of life in America.
Originally Posted by Juggernaut
Not everyone is a fighter. If someone is assaulted first and is continually beat, they are obviously not a fighter. THat's what a good punking is for. So what if the guy got an attitude with a girl, he didnt touch her. SHe started the whole thing, and her big BF came in and had to be THE tough guy. He coulda gotten by just punking him, but he had to get physical.Originally Posted by Lozgod
the problem was he was unprepared to encounter 2 ignorant animals that belong in cages....hence...prison....Originally Posted by Lozgod
Right and they are everywhere, so it is his fault. I am prepared. I would of struck first with a weapon if someone was twice my size obviously about to attack me instead of acting like a pussy.Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
But not everyone shares your same point of view. I totally agree with you and I am usually prepared for animals like them, but I see no problem with this guy contacting police in order to sue the man and have him put in prison. He wasn't a fighter, simple as that.
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