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Thread: DNP: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP: First Cycle

    Welcome to my first DNP cycle. In the upcoming weeks, I will be using DNP. I will try to make this journal as in depth as possible. If at any point in time you have questions, suggestions, or comments on my cycle, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be doing a full 10 day cycle followed by 10 days off. I will start dosage at 200mg for the first 4-5 days. Depending on how my body reacts and how I feel, I will probably up the dosage to 400mg for the remainder of the cycle. I will commence the cycle sometime next week. Until then, I will give you some background information:

    Some Important Numbers
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 160's (I will weigh myself to get my exact weight once I start the cycle)
    Years Lifting: 3

    3 Days Prior: Carb Depletion
    Total Calories: 1700-1900
    -60% Protein//20% Carb//20% Fats

    While on DNP: Clean Diet
    Total Calories: 1700-1900
    -40% Protein//30% Carb//30% Fats

    Cardio: Three times per week (monday, wednesday, friday).
    -20 mins. HIIT on elliptical
    -10 mins. stairmaster/rower

    Lifting: Two times per week (tuesday, thursday)
    -Moderate lifting no longer than 45 mins.

    DNP: 200mg-400mg
    Animal Pak:: This multi-vitamin is one of the best. I will not post all the ingredients, but is definitely my favorite multi-vitamin out there
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU
    ALA: 600mg (split into three 200mg doses)
    Sesathin: Just a good overall supplement that's a staple in my diet.

    **I will also be consuming V8 and bluberry yogurt for antioxidants**

    I will post before/after pictures once my cycle is complete. I will update this journal daily and provide you with my average temperature, my weight, as well as my experiences. Once again, all questions/comments/suggestions are welcomed! Looking forward to sharing my experiences with all you guys!
    Last edited by TommyTrainR; 03-25-2005 at 05:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I'll be following this closely bro. Best of luck and stay safe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by soontoberipped
    I'll be following this closely bro. Best of luck and stay safe.
    Thanks a lot bro. I appreciate the support. I'm excited, anxious, and a little nervous. I just can't wait to get this cycle started. Should begin sometime this week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    Thanks a lot bro. I appreciate the support. I'm excited, anxious, and a little nervous. I just can't wait to get this cycle started. Should begin sometime this week
    Nice. I'm starting mine next week. Keep me posted bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    doin big thangz!
    good luck and keep us posted.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Get ready to change your pillowcase and sheets every other day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    Get ready to change your pillowcase and sheets every other day.
    Haha. I'm ready. Changing my pillowcase and sheets every other day isn't a problem if this DNP works as well as people say.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Carb Depletion Begins
    Well, as you may have guessed, I'm starting to carb deplete today. I'm planning on taking my first dose of DNP Friday. So, I'll carb deplete today and tomorrow. Water consumption these two days will be anywhere from 1.5-2 gallons daily. During this time period, I'm also going to start taking all of my supplements. This includes the ALA, Potassium Gluconate, Vitamin E, Animal Pak, and Sesathin. One thing I forgot to add to my list of supplements is Ephedrine HCL and Caffeine. I will take 50mg of Ephedrine today and around 200-300mg of caffeine. When I'm on DNP, I may bump the Ephedrine up to 75mg and caffeine up to 400mg to combat lethargy.

    Weight: 171 lbs. @ approx. 15% bf

    Total Calories: 1850
    *Successfully maintained carb deplete ratio of macronutrients*
    60% Protein//20% Carb//20% Fats
    Last edited by TommyTrainR; 03-10-2005 at 02:51 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Update #2

    Carb Depletion Day 2
    So I'm in the midst of my second day carb depleting. Not doing as well as I did yesterday, but what the hell, I'm starting the DNP tomorrow. I weighed in this morning as usual and will continue to do so throughout my cycle. Once I commence DNP tomorrow, I will change the format of my log a little to include all supplements taken, weight, waist measurement, and temperature. Here are today's stats.

    Weight: 168.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% bf

    Total Calories: Will finish with approx. 1800
    *Will maintain macronutrients close to yesterday's*
    60% Protein//20% Carb//20% Fats

    By the way, I picked up lots of blueberry yogurt today and some v8

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 1 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 167.5 lbs. @ approx. 15%
    Avg. Temperature: Will update tonight after my third temperature reading.

    DNP: 200mg @ 6:00 AM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 11:30 AM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 3:45 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 6:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 6:00 AM & 250 mg @ 3:45 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 6:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:30 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 2:30 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 6:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 2:00 PM

    Total Calories: approx. 1850

    Cardio @ 3:00 PM:
    -20 mins. elliptical: Burned 240 calories
    -6 mins. rower

    Overall Feeling
    I was real excited to get this DNP cycle started. I woke up, took a shower and took 200mg of DNP. Of course I didn't feel anything at first, but I felt mildly hot throughout the day. I've been drinking tons of water and I'll finish the day with at least 2 gallons of water. Felt a bit lethargic around noon, but took some Ephedrine HCL and Caffeine before my cardio to give me a little boost. Cardio was smooth sailing as I felt pretty energetic. Whether it's in my head or the excess water consumption, I sweated a little more than usual during cardio, but nothing real noticable.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 2 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 167.5 lbs. @ approx. 15%
    Avg. Temperature: 96.4 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 8:00 AM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 8:30 AM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 4:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 8:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 8:00 AM & 250 mg @ 4:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 8:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 7:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 8:00 AM & 200mg @ 2:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 8:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 8:00 AM

    Did absolutely horrible today with my diet. Will definitely get things straightened out for the rest of my cycle

    Total Calories: Probably somewhere around 2500-3000

    Off: No training on weekends

    Overall Feeling
    Slept through the night without a problem. Woke up feeling energized, relaxed and motivated. Took 200mg this morning and felt some mild heat approximately 1 hour later. Experienced a little shortness of rbeath after going up some stairs, but nothing to complain about. Been consuming tons of water and pissing every half hour. My first piss after I take DNP is neon yellow/green. I think it's pretty cool looking. I felt pretty good throughout the day and energized. No lethargy to report of. I think that's due to the Ephedrine HCL and caffeine. Two more days @ 200mg and if nothing changes, I'll bump it up to 400mg for days 5-10. Take care everyone.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    Good Luck and I too will be following this closely. It looks good although, Why such a low amount of calories while on? At the percent of carbs and total calories that you are wanting to consume, thats only 130-140 grams of carbs a day. I have always read that you wanted more carbs while on DNP upwards of 50-55%.

    Either way, good luck!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Well, this is the only scenario where fructose is an actual "cutting" carb. I'm a small guy at 167.5 lbs., so I don't want to consume any more than what I need. But after a day of pizza and tons of chocolate, I'm sure I got my fair share of fructose lol. I'll definitely be staying clean for the rest of the days, but will probably bump up carb intake a little. Those ratios are just general and I don't go by them to the exact number. Thanks for following along!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 3 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 167.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% (same weight for 3 days straight)
    Avg. Temperature: 97.3 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 8:00 AM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 8:00 AM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 6:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 8:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 8:00 AM & 250 mg @ 3:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 8:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 6:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 8:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 8:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 8:00 AM

    Diet is better today. With the exception of 3 soft pretzels and some chex mix, everything is going well. The exzcess carbs shouldn't hurt any since DNP utilizes carbs to burn fat.

    Total Calories: Approximately 1800-2000

    Off: No training on weekends

    Overall Feeling
    Well I woke up a few times throughout the night. Nothing bad, just a little heated and restless. I wasn't sweating; I just felt a bit hot and found myself occasionally waking up wiping my forehead. After I took my dose this morning, I felt some heat approximately 1 hour later. I was at work and walking around all over so I was a little warm. I'm usually outside doing labor for 4 horus straight, but today I got to sit down in a cold room . As the day progressed, I didn't feel as warm. However, I was extremely tired when I returned from work, so I decided to take a little nap. As was the case last night, I felt some heat while I slept and woke up a few times wiping my forehead, but fell back asleep without a problem. Nap time was approximately 2 hours. Although I haven't lose any weight according to the scale, the upper part of my abs feel a little tighter. One more day at 200mg and I'm bumping it up to 400mg. Take care everyone!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    My forehead was like a water faucet by about the 8th day.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Good luck bro. Great thread.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    My forehead was like a water faucet by about the 8th day.
    haha I don't know if I should be looking forward to that or not. Sweating hasn't been a real problem of late, but I can tell a little difference. I think the sweat will start pouring a few days after I bump it up to 400mg.

    Quote Originally Posted by soontoberipped
    Good luck bro. Great thread.
    Thanks alot. I'm just trying to stick to the basics. Don't forget I'm going to post before/after pictures! If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    i have a question....Why are you doing a dnp cycle at 170ibs? doesnt make sense to me. What are your plans after the cycle?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    i have a question....Why are you doing a dnp cycle at 170ibs? doesnt make sense to me. What are your plans after the cycle?
    Probably for the same reason why others use DNP. That is to cut fat. I'm a short guy at 5'6" and fairly young. By no means am I a bodybuilder and nor do I plan to be. I'm just simply cutting down on the fat that I have to reveal the lean muscle I busted my ass so hard for. It's not like I'm a chubby guy who never lifted before. I have a great build for my size.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 4 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 168.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% (I gained a pound!)
    Avg. Temperature: 97.6 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 12:00 PM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 6:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 6:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 6:00 AM & 250 mg @ 2:30 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 6:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 8:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 6:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 8:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 6:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 6:00 AM

    Diet is going well today. Since I was back in class today, I was able to focus more on studies opposed to food.

    Total Calories: Approximately 1750-1800

    Cardio @ 3:00 PM:
    -20 mins. elliptical: Burned 250 calories
    -10 mins. stairmaster: Burned 75 calories

    Overall Feeling
    Feeling pretty motivated and positive. Slept last night without a blanket or any covers. Woke up a few times with a slightly damp forehead. No sweating, just a little damp. Whenever I woke up, I drank some water to cool me down a little. After I woke up, I took a shower and took my 200mg dose along with other supplements. I wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt to class today and had no problems at all. Although I felt some mild heat, I was not sweating at any point. Around noon I encountered a bit of lethargy and that continued until around 2:30 PM where I took another dose of Ephedrine HCL. I usually consume more caffeine with this dose, but I felt as if it wasn't needed. I have a bottle of Yohimbine HCL that I haven't been using, but I threw that into the mix today. I will continue to take 2.5mg of Yohimbine HCL with every 25mg dose of Ephedrine HCL. Cardio was much smoother than I anticipated. I felt a bit sluggish in the first few minutes, but pushed through it and turned it into one of my better cardio sessions. Felt good and energized and came home and had my protein shake. With the exception of some mild heat and lethargy, I felt good throughout the day. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that I should take another 200mg dose to see how I react. It's now 40 minutes after my second dose and I feel some mild heat. If at any point in time I feel as if the 400mg ed is too much, I'll lower it to 200mg. I will not surpass 400mg during this 10 day cycle. Another important note- I gained a pound since yesterday. I assume and hope its water weight, but each morning I feel as if the skin in my abdominal region is getting a little tighter. Let's see how everything goes!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 5 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 166 lbs. @ approx. 15% (Lost 2.5 pounds! whoo)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.6 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 12:00 PM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 6:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 6:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 6:00 AM & 250 mg @ 2:30 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 6:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 7:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 6:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 7:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 6:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 6:00 AM

    No complaints with the diet. One good thing about DNP is the fact that I can eat carbs

    Total Calories: Approximately 1850-1900

    Lifting @ 3:00 PM:
    -Just didn't feel motivated at all to lift. I wanted to do cardio, but knew I had to get in some sort of lifting. So I showed up and had a pretty bad workout. Did a few back exercises along with some shoulders and that's it. I didn't strain myself to get the weight I usually do. I guess it's better than not doing anything at all.

    Overall Feeling
    I can tell a difference with the 400mg. I started taking 400mg yesterday and really felt the difference through the night. Woke up more often than previous nights and was a little mroe sweaty. Slept with no blankets and no covers at all. As soon as I got up this morning, I noticed my heart rate was elevated. Took my heart rate upon wakening and found it to be 110. I was pretty alarmed, but I couldn't just lay back down. So I took a shower, ate my blueberry yogurt and V8 and took my pule again. It dropped to 88. What a relief! I wore a long sleeve shirt today to class. I always wear a white t-shirt underneath and noticed that around 9:00 AM, it was pretty damp and uncomfortable. Definite increase in heat and a bit more sweating than usual. Often found myself a little short of breath and tired after doing simple tasks. I believe this led to my lack of motivation for the gym. Oh yeah, I woke up this morning 2.5 lbs. lighter than yesterday. Everyday I can tell a difference in my abdominal region. Nothing drastic, but can definitely tell that my skin is getting tighter. I know I'm holding water and still have 5 days left @ 400mg, but I think I'm liking this DNP . I hope that after I'm done this cycle and all the water weight comes off, I'll be below 160. Tomorrow is cardio and I can't wait. Temperature was elevated today from 97.6º to 98.6º today. That's no surprise as I'm wiping my forehead every 5-10 minutes. I'll be sleeping tonight a big jug of water at my bedside. Thanks for everyone who is following along!
    Last edited by TommyTrainR; 03-15-2005 at 06:32 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Great read bro. My DNP starts tomorrow!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by soontoberipped
    Great read bro. My DNP starts tomorrow!
    mine as well starts tommorow. first run with it.

    great log also bro

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 6 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 166.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% (up .5 lbs. from yesterday..water??)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.7 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 12:00 PM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 7:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 6:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 6:00 AM & 250 mg @ 2:30 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 6:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 8:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 2:00 PM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 6:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 8:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 6:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 6:00 AM

    Things are going well I suppose. I'm still getting used to eating all these carbs. I'm not complaining, but it feels weird eating carbs with almost every meal

    Total Calories: Approximately 1850-2000

    Cardio @ 3:00 PM:
    -20 mins. elliptical: Burned 230 calories
    -5 mins. rower: Burned approx 30 calories.

    Overall Feeling
    As was the case yesterday, I can definitely tell a difference with the 400mg. Today was my 3rd COMPLETE day on 400mg and today was the worst. It started with sleeping or shall I say the lack of. I probably got in no more than three house of sleep. That's horrible being a college student. I woke up several times in the night sweaty and damp. No blankets, no covers, just a pair of underwear that was damp. I felt like sh*t. The cie pack didn't really help me, so guess what I did? I got a fan from a friend of mine and have it blowing on me right now. As for the day, I took my DNP in the morning with other supplements and another dose of DNP 12 hours later. My heart rate was once again elevated in the morning, but subsided at approximately 9:00 AM. My resting heart rate right now is 90. I also noticed that today was the day the sweat and heat hit me. I was sweating just from sitting. I also wore a t-shirt to class today. I often found myself wiping my head with a napkin every 10-15 minutes. I took some caffeine and ephedrine hcl and yohimbine hcl before cardio because I needed some sort of energy. Although cardio wasn't as strong as Monday, I felt as if I still put forth a great effort. I usually start sweating around 8-10 minutes into cardio, but noticed sweat rolling off my nose just 5 minutes in. Been drinkings tons of water throughout the day. Four more days at 400mg and I'll be done with my 10 day cycle. Then comes a 7-10 day rest and another 10 day cycle. Just out of curiousity, for those of you who have done multiple cycles, should I take anything when I'm off? I'm currently using ECY, so should I continue that when I'm off? I know I'll definitely need it when I'm on for some energy, but how about when I'm off DNP? Also, what kind of diet should I maintain while off? Thanks!!

    EDIT- I've noticed that within the past few days, I've been a little moody. I've been saying things to people that I wouldn't normally say. I don't know if the heat is getting to me, but sometimes I'm real upbeat and positive and the next minute I'm depressed.
    Last edited by TommyTrainR; 03-16-2005 at 07:47 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I like to take the e/c/y stack while on, keeps my energy up, then i stop taking when i'm off that why my body doesn't get too used to them. I do a maintanace diet while off cycle with good workouts, let us know if you get the "anabolic rebound effect"

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I'll most definitely let everyone know about my "off" days. In fact, I might just keep a little log to keep track of workouts, water weight lost from the DNP, and just overall feelings. I'll probably be eating the same amounts of calories, just less on the carbs.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 7 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 164.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% (down 2 lbs. from yesterday)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.6 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 8:00 AM & 200mg @ 7:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 1:00 PM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 7:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 8:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 8:00 AM & 250 mg @ 7:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 8:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 7:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 2:00 PM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 6:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 7:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 8:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 8:00 AM

    Diet pretty much sucked today. No class so I was pretty much able to eat what I wanted when I wanted. So I munched on some pancakes, cereal, beef jerkey, smoked sausage.

    Total Calories: Too many.. Minimum of 2300

    Today was suppose to be a lifting day, but I really felt like doing cardio, so I did and I only had enough energy to get in one elliptical session.
    Cardio @ 12:00 PM:
    -20 mins. elliptical: Burned 250 calories

    Overall Feeling
    The fan last night really helped me once again. I was able to sleep through the night with the exception of waking up once or twice. Woke up this morning with a slight headache and feeling a little flat. I also found that flexing my muscles made me a little tired and winded. Got on the scale and it read 164.5. That's a 2 lb. loss since yesterday morning. Some days I go down a couple pounds and others I gain. Weird. Onstead of lifting, I did some cardio, but not much. 20 minutes on the elliptical yielded 250 calories burned. I was sweating so much it was nuts. Came home, had my protein shake and just pretty much layed around and studied. Hunger has definitely been increasing over the past few days. Another thing I noticed today was the heat after eating carbs. It was never really apparent to me before today, but it hit me like a ton of bricks today! Whenever I would eat something high in carbs (pancakes, cereal, crackers...etc) I would feel some intense heat approximately 20 minutes later. As each day goes by I feel a little leaner, but nothing major. I'm hoping that I'm holding a lot of water and I'm hoping that I'll see some major changes 5 days after my DNP cycle ends. I'll probably spend 7-10 days off DNP then go on another cycle. I'll keep a mini-log on here of my off days to keep everyone posted on my diet and how much water weight has come off, as well as before/after pics. Take care everyone!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Glad to hear things are going well. Normally I keep taking my multi-vitamin, and sometimes the caffine. For my workouts I like good ol' Clen.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooby1
    Glad to hear things are going well. Normally I keep taking my multi-vitamin, and sometimes the caffine. For my workouts I like good ol' Clen.
    you take clen while on dnp???

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 8 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 165 lbs. @ approx. 15% (up .5 lbs. from yesterday)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.8 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 12:00 PM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 6:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 6:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 6:00 AM & 250 mg @ 6:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 6:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 7:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM & 200mg @ 7:00 PM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 6:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 7:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 6:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 6:00 AM

    SO the infmaous diet. Well, things were alright today I suppose. I guess I got out of the habit of REALLY watching what I ate since I'm on DNP. Some swedish fish and cereal is good to raise blood sugar

    Total Calories: Too many (again).. 1900-2300

    Had to run some errands after class and was unable to make it to the gym. Will try to make it up by going tomorrow afternoon

    Overall Feeling
    Thank god for the invention of the fan. This thing kept me alive last night. It seems as if I start sweating like no other when I sleep. I took a nap in class today and woke up soaked with my forehead almost dripping. I felt like crap in the morning and extremely tired and lethargic. heart rate was up around 100 today. Got exhausted doing simple tasks like throwing a tennis ball around for a few mins. Gained .5 lbs. since yesterday's weigh in, but that's no surprise. My weight is fluctuating every day. Two more FULL days on this DNP and I'm off for at least 7 days. I'm really looking forward to getting back to normal and having my energy back even though it'll only be for a few days . I'm practically out of sesathin and running low on Ephedrine HCL and Yohimbine HCL. I guess I'll order some more once I get the chance. As for my next cycle, I'm debating on whether to go 10 days again- start at 200mg then up to 400mg or should I do 6-7 days @ 400mg? I'll wait and see how I feel after the water weight falls off. Take care everyone!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP Day 9 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 164 lbs. @ approx. 15% (down 1 lb. from yesterday)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.5 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 7:00 AM & 200mg @ 7:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 10:00 AM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 7:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 7:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 7:00 AM & 250 mg @ 7:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 2x daily (almost gone)
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 7:00 AM & 25mg @ 2:00 PM & 25mg @ 7:00 PM
    Caffeine: 200mg @ 6:00 AM
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 7:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 2:00 PM & 2.5mg @ 7:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 7:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: 1 unit @ 7:00 AM

    Not really strict, but full of carbs. Soft rpetzels and pizza make me sweat!
    Total Calories: A lot...2000-2300

    Didn't make it to the gym today. It was my off day anyway

    Overall Feeling
    Kind of mad because I'm practically all out of sesathin. Oh well. Felt pretty good throughout the day, but felt like crap last night. I hung out with a few of my buddies and had to call it a night around 9:00 PM. I was at a party, so I was standing most of the time. I ran out of water and was sweating my balls off. Of course I didn't touch the alcohol, but I got dizzy and light headed. I sat down for a few mins., and decided to go back to my dorm. So I came home and loaded up the water and a popsicle in order to quickly raise my bood sugar. I felt "fine" approximately 2 hours later and went to sleep. Sleep went well again thanks to my handy fan. I went to work today and had to do some work outside. It was hard as hell and I was sitting down every 10 mins. or so. My work consists of lifting items, moving big crates, and other misculaneous laborous activities. I ate a few soft rpetzels (probably around 5) throughout work. Came home and took a brief nap. My roomate ordered some pizza so I just ate some of that. Other than soft pretzels and some pizza, I haven't eaten anything (besides the blueberry yogurt and v8). I'll whip up a protein shake later tonight with some tuna for protein. Tomorrow is my last day on DNP. I'm excited. Everyone says you'll start noticing the results a few days after the cycle is complete. I hope I look pretty good. I know I'll feel much better . Weight as of this morning was 164 lbs. My highest weight during my cycle was 168.5 lbs. So, that's a oss of 4.5 lbs. right there, but as I said, I'm hoping I drop another 4-5 lbs. of water in the upcoming days. I'll probably take after pics Monday morning (the morning after my cycle is complete) and again on Thursday or Friday to see if the excess water weight made a difference. Then it's onto another DNP cycle. Hope everyone has a good night and stay safe!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP- Day 10 of 10

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 166 lbs. @ approx. 15% (up 2 lbs. from yesterday)
    Avg. Temperature: 98.6 ºF

    DNP: 200mg @ 7:00 AM & 200mg @ 6:00 PM
    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 11:00 AM
    Potassium Gluconate:1,000mg @ 6:00 PM
    Vitamin E: 1,000 IU @ 7:00 AM
    ALA: 250mg @ 7:00 AM & 250 mg @ 6:00 PM
    Sesathin: 1/4 tsp. 3x daily (almost gone)
    Ephedrine HCL: 25mg @ 7:00 AM & 25mg @ 3:00 PM
    Caffeine: None. Trying to get ready for at least a whole week without ECY
    Yohimbine HCL: 2.5mg @ 7:00 AM & 2.5mg @ 3:00 PM
    V8: 8 oz. @ 7:00 AM
    Blueberry Yogurt: None. Have to pick up more for next cycle.

    Ate how I felt- like total sh*t
    Total Calories: Too much ice cream, chips, cereal, pizza...

    It was my off day.

    Overall Feeling
    So, it's official. I just popped my last DNP pill. After a pretty restless night of sleep and sweats throughout the day, I'm ready to stop. I felt like crap today and even had to call out of work. Hopefully I return back to "normal" in a day or two. Weight was up 2 lbs. as of this morning. I feel leaner in my midsection. I guess the next few days will make the biggest difference. I'll take after pics tomorrow morning and again in 4-5 days. I'm defintely going to keep an "off" log to inform everyone of how my energy levels are, workouts, diet, etc. I'll commence the "off" log tomorrow. I'll be following a clean diet that will not exceed 1800 calories. Have to order some more Ephedrine HCL, Yohimbine HCL, and Sesathin. Also have to get more blueberry yogurt and V8 for next cycle. I'll probably take a total of 7-8 days off then commence my next cycle. Should I do another 10 day cycle similar to this one or should I do 7 days @ 400mg? All opinions and suggestions are welcomed!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Final Thoughts

    Just figured I'd culminate my first experience with DNP

    Feel leaner especially around midsection. The layer(s) of fat over my abs feel much thinner. Although I cannot see a "big" visible difference, I know I lost fat around abs and luv handles. Hopefully I'll look and feel much better once the water is gone.

    Not many at 200mg, but definitely felt a difference a few days into 400mg.

    -Lethargic throughout the whole day
    -Morning headaches
    -Elevated resting heart rate (85-120)
    -Intense sweats when I slept
    -Moody (happy, sad, depressed, angry, upset)
    -Shortness of breath
    -Damp clothes (especially my boxers)
    -Waking up 5-6 times a night
    -Having to chug 8 oz. of V8 early in the morning
    -Keeping track of what supplements I took and at what times

    Overall Advice
    If you're seriously considering taking DNP, please consider the following:

    -Take ALL necessary supplements daily
    -Assess tolerance for a few days at 200mg
    -Don't bump it up to 600mg in first cycle
    -Don't wear layers of clothes
    -Bring a napkin or towel wherever you go
    -Always have a bottle of water at your side
    -Don't push yourself. If you feel tired, sit down for a little
    -Don't consume any alcoholic beverages or prescription meds
    -Don't "brag" about the fact that you're ingesting a drug that can easily kill you

    All in all, be safe. Don't be stupid.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    DNP OFF CYCLE- Day 1

    Important Numbers
    Weight: 167.5 lbs. @ approx. 15% (up 1.5 lbs. from yesterday)

    Animal Pak:: 1 pack @ 11:00 AM
    Sesathin: Ordering more tonight
    Ephedrine HCL: Ordering more tonight for next cycle
    Caffeine: None. Didn't even have a caffeine headache
    Yohimbine HCL: None.

    Not bad today. Ate pretty clean ALL the way up to dinner where after dinner I had a few cookies and little pieces of chocolate
    Total Calories: Total will be around 1850 tonight (not counting the few cookies)

    Cardio:-20 mins. on elliptical: Burned 230 calories

    Overall Feeling
    Had an easy night sleeping. Had the fan on high this time. Last night was my last dose of DNP for the first cycle. Woke up this morning with a slight headache. Morning was a little rough because I didn't take my ECY, but I made it through. As the day went by, I felt a little better. Didn't really experience the sweats or lethargy like I did while on DNP. Only thing that's been bothering me is my hunger. It's out of control. DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANY GOOD APPETITE SUPRESSANT? If so, please let me know as soon as possible. I woke up this morning and my weight was 167.5 lbs. WTF? I thought I was suppose to lose weight, not gain? Oh well, I hope I shed some water. I do however feel leaner, but can't really tell a big difference. I took some after pics today, but they turned out horrible so I'll wait a few days until the water goes and take some more pics. Until then, take care everyone.

    Please, if anyone knows of a good appetite supressant, let me know! Thanks!!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    If you are anything like me, you will lose most of your weight in the days off after DNP is done. I lost about 11lbs in the 2 weeks following my DNP cycle. I am now down to 168lbs. I was skeptical at first since I hadn't lost much weight, but then about a week later, I just started to drop weight quickly. It must have been the water coming off.

    During my next cycle, I won't worrry about my weight since I see that I make my biggest losses after I'm off.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    That's good to hear 9000rpm. My hunger was out of control and I had a very hard time maintaining a normal cutting diet. I'm looking into SyneBurn. I hear nothing but great things about it's appetite supressing abilites. It's basically a synephrine HCL product. It's cheap too so I'll add that to the mix my next cycle. How was your diet when you were on DNP?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    My diet was not bad, but not wonderfully lean either. I consumed about 2500 to 2700 calories a day.

    Breakfast was 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 2 to 3 turkey sausage links, and sometimes some potatoes and a waffle. The potatoes and waffle were added on the days I ate at my college cafeteria. So I had a normal to big breakfast everyday.

    Lunch usually consisted of either 2 chicken breasts, 2 hamburger patties(no bun), or some equal amount of some other meat, some rice, some vegatables, and a few fries or something similar that was bad. (gotta cheat a little to stay sane)

    Dinner consisted of a form of turkey(turkey burger, turkey meatballs and speghetti, turkey brats) or chicken, and a vegatable and sometimes on a tortilla.

    So my diet was ok, but it wasn't bad either. And I only drink water and milk, my water consumption was about 1 gallon per day.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Oh yeah, and I only did cardio once per week and worked out about 4 to 5 times per week. And the cardio was only for 30 min. when I did it. But after I was off, the cardio increased to 3 to 4 times per week in 30min. sessions. So some of the 11lbs could be attributed to the extra cardio. But I think only maybe 3 to 4 lbs of it.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Sounds good. My diet completely sucked I'm not going to lie about that one. For my next cycle, which I plan on starting Monday, I'm going to do a full 3 day carb depletion, run DNP for 7 days (probably at 400mg the whole 7 days), and maintain a diet throughout. I'll deifnitely be strict this time around as I want to see if my diet was the problem the first time around.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    I didn't carb deplete either.

    I'd say give yourself a good 2 to 3 weeks before the next cycle to see the water come completely off.

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