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Thread: I need help Im new at this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hell aka L.A.Mountains

    I need help Im new at this

    Ive got a set of 7 vials of Serotism 6mg [somatropin(rDNA origin)for injection]
    6mg(approximatley18iu) ive got the 7 vials of sterile diluent each containing 1ml. I weigh about 270lbs and im only 21 years of age. I am big boned and i think if i was to use anabolic or whatever i can become a freak (natural genetically freak) Ive got the terumo U-100insulin 1cc 29Gx1/2" syringes. In order for me to shed some weight and get a lit more cut up do i have the right setup, if not can you guys help me out with askin the info you guys need to help me out and in the process can you guys advise me of dosage and quantity and measurements and stuff to take. I know little about stackin it up with d bol or deca witch is good and doesnt give me bitch tits or bitch features.i would actually like to stack the gh with d bol but i dont know much about dbol and what i have to take with it to rid of some the side effects if any.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    even at a low dose you dont have enough gh, and due to your age it probably wont have much of an effect unless your dosage is pretty high. as far as the steroids are concerned its obvious that you have some learning to do (start with the search button) and personally i think your too young for aas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    wait till you are 23 spend the next 2 years becoming an aas and diet expert.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    You have a ways to go before you get started. To be reiterated: 1. as Sin and simster1 said, your not old enough for steroids or GH, and 2. you don’t even have enough GH to begin with. I think you will find this kind of response pretty common-place in this forum. I highly recommend you spending some time reading the educational threads and using the search button, you’ll find them to be very beneficial. Sure, it’s not exactly the answer you’re looking for but if you stick around a do your research you’ll find it’s the best thing for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hell aka L.A.Mountains


    yeah i know im young, yeah i know i need more of the stuff, but my problem is intensity, i was intense for 2 years stayed on top of my diet i was loosing fat but also getting big and more defined but one day it just stopped as in the results and the fat loss, i was still workin out hard as i was as before but i wasnt seeing any results, i tried switchin up exercises and routines, sets, but i couldnt get anywhere i was leveled off. that ****ed me up with my motivation and intensity but its slowly comin back. this is why im intrested in this stuff, also i want to go to the military but my weight is killing me, they would accept me if my weight was the same and my body fat dropped a little. any suggestions, i can always go do some speed or some coca(im not that desperate) im 6'0" and about 275lbs. a lot of people look at me and think i weigh 230 or 240 and some people think im 24 but im only 20. need more suggestions and advice, and i will keep reading up on stuff.

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