Hey bros, I have been injured for a while and I am finally ready to get back into training mma and with weights. I need to shed some fat I have put on while I continue to build muscle. I am still taking time off from gear so I wanted to go with some clen for extra fat burning and slin to help continue to obtain muscle gains.
Here's my questions:
1. Do you foresee any problems taking clen and training mma(mainly mauy
thai) as long as I monitor my heart rate?
when i take clen, i have ridiculous problems with cramps. when i was training mma and taking clen, i had to stop one or the other. btw if your training mma you burn so many calories that should not have to worry about shedding fat anyhow, you should be worried about keeping you weight up. .
2. I plan to take slin after workouts as I am experienced already w/ 3 cycles
of slin at 8-10 iu post workout w/ vitargo cgl. Would I gain much benefit
with slin post cardio training as well (muay thai) or should I just stick with
After weight lifting?
i wouldnt take it after cardio. its more of a shuttle for nutrients, so its best used to help repair and recover a muscle after strenuous exercise (ie lifting weights).
3. Does clen decrease my insulin sensitivity, I heard that it does?
it probably will. just start the clen first, then slowly add in the insulin a bit at a time.
4. I plan on starting w/ 40 mcgs of clen and working my way up to tolerance
possibly 120mcg with no taper down for 2 weeks, then eca stack for 2
weeks sound alright?
sounds good to me.
5. Should I take clen pre-workout/pre-training for an energy boost like I would
with an eca or no?
clen does not cross the blood brain barrier, so it doesnt help your mental energy the way ephedra does. in addition it has a very long half-life, so your going to train with it in your system whether you like it or not.
6. I know that especially with my mma I need supps. for cramps. I was
thinking magnesium, taurine and potassium (bananas). Any particular
dosage or all in one supp. you recommend?
start at the rda. if you get cramps adjust your dosage of taurine first, then potassium. drink v8 juice it works wonders for me.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post and hopefully answer my questions, I look forward to getting back into fighting shape!