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Thread: steroid creams

  1. #1

    steroid creams

    Does anyone know anything about the steroid creams that are absorbed through the skin. where do you apply them? are they as effective as the injectible stuff? advantages? disadvantages? i was told by a friend that they are available right now and was thinkig about getting some. i've done the injectibles twice before along with orals, but am so fed up with taking shots and the anxiety that comes with it since i've heard horror stories of people dying from a bad injection(could be rumors and hiope they are). any feedback from anyone that is knowledgable an the topic or has used the cream is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    I've only known one lab to back a transdermal product that actually had enough efficiency to make it pheasable (90-something %), most are very low, around 30%. The down side is you have to apply it very frequently as it is test base, no ester. I think every 4-6 hours was recommended, its been a while, and yes you have to wake up in the middle of the night, every night, and apply it or your levels will be all out of wack.

  3. #3
    would you say that if used properly it can be as effective as injectibles?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by supa_juicy
    would you say that if used properly it can be as effective as injectibles?
    Well yes, if you used it properly your schedual would look like this;

    Wake up 7am - apply cream
    11 am - apply cream
    3 pm - apply cream
    7 pm - apply cream
    Go to bed 11 pm - apply cream
    Wake up 3 am - apply cream and go back to sleep
    Wake up 7 am - apply cream

    Do that for 12 weeks, enjoy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Well yes, if you used it properly your schedual would look like this;

    Wake up 7am - apply cream
    11 am - apply cream
    3 pm - apply cream
    7 pm - apply cream
    Go to bed 11 pm - apply cream
    Wake up 3 am - apply cream and go back to sleep
    Wake up 7 am - apply cream

    Do that for 12 weeks, enjoy.
    That cream sucks. I could make a transdermal that would only need to be applied twice a day. I made some transdermal test base for kicks. Twice a day application, no smell, and gives a nice boost in the gym.

    People will always believe in the needle, and with good reason, but with progress comes change.

  6. #6
    i like to put cream on in the middle of the night sometimes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    That cream sucks. I could make a transdermal that would only need to be applied twice a day. I made some transdermal test base for kicks. Twice a day application, no smell, and gives a nice boost in the gym.

    People will always believe in the needle, and with good reason, but with progress comes change.
    Well ya QFS only recommended 3x a day, but he wants it to be comparable to injectable test, in that case it would be extremely hard to keep levels at a flat line = frequent applications. 2x a day would never come close to that, I wouldn't even inject suspension 2x a day. IMO creams are only suited for a boost at the gym or PL meets or something like that, a cycle is way to bothersome

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    You could cycle it. If you used the proper carrier like a lecithin based organogel. They release the hormone in to the bloodstream slower. Medicinely it is only applied once a day and the concentrated hormone is very low. For BB purposes you could make it at 150mg/ml, count on a 30% success ratio for absorbtion, then 2 1ml applications is about 100mg a day of test, or 700mg's a week. And that is with no ester, so it would be more than say a 700mg/wk cycle of test enan.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Well ya QFS only recommended 3x a day, but he wants it to be comparable to injectable test, in that case it would be extremely hard to keep levels at a flat line = frequent applications. 2x a day would never come close to that, I wouldn't even inject suspension 2x a day. IMO creams are only suited for a boost at the gym or PL meets or something like that, a cycle is way to bothersome
    Last edited by Lozgod; 04-03-2005 at 04:07 PM.

  9. #9
    thanks for the replies guys....if its so hard for this stuff to work how did barry bonds get so huge?
    Last edited by supa_juicy; 04-03-2005 at 04:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I take the androgel which at the dose I get is 100 mg test enan per day. In the insert it says it releases evenly over 24 hours and you apply to the upper arms or abdomen. It is definitely not as strong as injecting 700mg per week but after six weeks it shrunk my nuts and got my temper up a little bit. I get a noticeable but not dramatic boost in the gym and some localized growth and hardness in my shoulders and bi's where I apply. I put some fina at 50mged on top of it and exploded. I like it cause my script card pays for most of it. It's $196 if paying cash for a month but $40 with bcbs script card. I've done alot of cycles so I know what I'm talking about. I'd say it's about like doing 400 mg injectable test enan per week. I just do it for the cost. He** if you hate shots you're in the wrong sport here.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    You could cycle it. If you used the proper carrier like a lecithin based organogel. They release the hormone in to the bloodstream slower. Medicinely it is only applied once a day and the concentrated hormone is very low. For BB purposes you could make it at 150mg/ml, count on a 30% success ratio for absorbtion, then 2 1ml applications is about 100mg a day of test, or 700mg's a week. And that is with no ester, so it would be more than say a 700mg/wk cycle of test enan.
    what do you mean no ester? you mean it would be more effective than shooting 700 mgs of test E.

    p.s.: i apologize for using you guys as my research, but most of you know in one answer more than i would if i researched for weeks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Let me rephrase that. It would take 2100mg's of Test cream to equal 700mg's of test in the blood. So yes take away the ester and it would be more actual test than 700mg a week of test E, but it is really 2100mg's. Sounds like a lot but when you make it yourself it isn't. Test base is cheap and the lecithin based organogels out there are fairly cheap too.

    Quote Originally Posted by supa_juicy
    what do you mean no ester? you mean it would be more effective than shooting 700 mgs of test E.

    p.s.: i apologize for using you guys as my research, but most of you know in one answer more than i would if i researched for weeks

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