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Thread: Correct Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Atlanta GA

    Question Correct Cycle?

    Ok, I spoke with my physician and even though I am an insulin-dependent Diabetic, he told me that it should not cause any serious side effects if I decided to start using gear. Therefore, I have started and now I am wondering if this is a good or effective cycle. The friend that I bought this stuff from suggested the cyce. It goes as follows:

    2ML of TESTOSTERONE 200 once a week &
    2ML of DECA-DURABOLIN once a week

    The cycle is supposed to last for the next 5 weeks

    I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me if this cycle will work for a beggining user. Thaks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    what about 2ml of sust and 4ml of deca and 1 tab of oxes 50 for 8 weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It depends on how many mg's of drug is in the 2 ml of solution you are taking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    if yo are running deca 200 mgs/wk and test 200mgs/wk for five weeks is not long enough IMO.because deca and the test will just start to kick in your system... therefore i would suggest that you extend your cycle to maybe 8-10 wks.. NOW i know that sounds like OH MAN thats alot for a begginer trust me its not.. i was in your shoes not too long ago.. I only did test for 6 wks my fist cycle cause i was scared of all the bad propoganda... if you use AS responsibly and dont abuse it and take clomid for after cycle treatment you will be just fine.... hope this helps... also pm some of the vets and mods about what i just said to you... they know a hole hell of lot more about it then i do . i was just speaking from experience when i read your short cycle and how i was scared to...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    sorry what i meant was that deca and test will just start to kick in after 3-4 wks so stoping at the 5th week will cut your gains significantly...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Atlanta GA
    Ok..yeah I talked to a few people and I have decided to extend my cycle to 8 weeks or so. I appreciate your advice though man.

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