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This will be my first cycle....ive taken prohormones and supplements and decided to move forward.... im 25 5"10 and 193 pds @ 8.5% body fat.
The begginers cycle that i have is 6 weeks of deca and d-bol.... it says 200ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 200ml of deca from wek 1 to 6 and 20mg to 30 and back down of dbol follwed by clomid...im thinkin about starting @ 15 mg up to 25 of dbol then back down becuase i assume even though i wont gain much it well be better for not retaining water
ive been reading about this dbol start first so should i start dbol a week before the deca? im hoping to gain about 5-10 pds of good muscle that is quailty mass that can be maintained.... from what i here this cycle they said is good for 15-30 pds but i know i will gain some water
has anyone ever tried this cycle and gotten very good results?? i want to keep what i put in
any input is welcome thank you