to the people that dissed my ass you all wanna look like me and be me look at the popularity i have acheived here . im going for the lee priest look and then watch bdtr your getting to cocky i will dethrone your ass and become the new pimp moderator. Look at those lou forreigrno traps . To the people that supported me thanks . no i dont need no jenny craig i am gonna do the monkey way and trust me 260 and 20 percent that is still 200 pds of muscle probably equal to what some of you weight i want a head to head showdown with bdtr and swole cat the rating well go thorough the roof . They can beat me on any shot except for one my lats they are wide really wide i will leave bdtr in da dust just like coleman said lights out game over . i will post my lat shot than anybody here post there see if they can compare to the great salu.