what compound would you all most recommend to increase vascularity... winny, anavar, equipoise?
never used any of these, just test, sus and dbols/drols.
most vascular i got was on the sus so i know i have the potential.
what do you guys think?
what compound would you all most recommend to increase vascularity... winny, anavar, equipoise?
never used any of these, just test, sus and dbols/drols.
most vascular i got was on the sus so i know i have the potential.
what do you guys think?
all of them are nice choices.
I like EQ, then var then winny
the one that get sme most vascular is the winny but it is hard on my hair line. EQ givees me nice solid gains and keeps the veins out. VAr is expensive but it brings out the veins
you think winny will still be hard on the hairline if ur taking finasteride with it?
If your loosing hair. NOTHING will keep it in tact.
Unfortunately, its part of the game. Bro's speak up LOL
I personally like var. Gains are solid without question. ya
its more expensive, but for a reason.
finnasteride only really works with test.
so nothin's gonna stop the recession from winny?
Not if youre prone to baldness bro, hell nah.
****, guess that order's gonna be pointless. def don't want the hair fallin out any more than it is.
out of those three I would say var.
EQ then Var, 2 of them together is best though!
I'm currently running 600mg of EQ for vascularity. During my 2nd half of EQ I will be adding Winny so that should be great.
Vascularity isnt necessarily given by the compound. It has more to do with the level of muscular development and lower body fat. I have found test/deca to be nice to add incredible vascularity but thats because it grows muscle so well it causes fat to be burned and thus increased muscle, decreased fat equals veins popping out everywhere in places I never seen them appear before!Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
Stay away from winny, it causes injuries and not worth doing.
Definitely winstrol with a little Test ( 400 mg cypio for me ) is a good mixture. Take 1 Proviron and 1 Nolva a day
var 4 alll
bingo totaly agreedOriginally Posted by Consistency
the only way that would not make your veins pop out is if you are obese
Originally Posted by Ntpadude
I gotta agree with this right here. Although YES, I have had great vascularity results with EQ, I found the best that I've ever seen (on myself anyway) comes when I stack EQ and Tren together. Tren made me a veiny SOB. And it doesn't go away when I cycle off either...but I'm pretty lean to begin with I guess too.
EQ and Tren
I'll put my neck out and suggest 4HT Cyp for vascularity too. It's not better than EQ, Var, Tren or Winny, per se. However, it's mild (like Var), has anti-e properties, and will make you very vascular. Probably hard to come by though. Just a suggestion.
may I suggest fluoxymesterone?
deff. EQ this bro at my gym is taking eq you can see every vein popping out imaginable there veins popping out he doesnt even he had
enlighten me...Originally Posted by devilman208
have you run var and EQ before?Originally Posted by Sp!ke
eq was the best i've used for vascularity results. fina did not come close in my case. i was able to see veins in my abs that i didn't know were there on eq.
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