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Thread: WOW...My A$$ hurts.

  1. #1

    WOW...My A$$ hurts.

    My Deca shots never ever hurt... Sarted 250 mg shots of Testoprim-D. FIrst one was painless at the time of injection but two days later it still hurts like a BEEYOTCH!! Any suggestions of why it hurts and what I can do so it doesn't hurt this much again?

    Thanks in advance.

    BTW...Testoprim-D is 200 mg Test E and 50 mg Test prop......Got in Mexico. Sealed ampules.. Legit stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    could just be the ba in the oil

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJames007
    My Deca shots never ever hurt... Sarted 250 mg shots of Testoprim-D. FIrst one was painless at the time of injection but two days later it still hurts like a BEEYOTCH!! Any suggestions of why it hurts and what I can do so it doesn't hurt this much again?

    Thanks in advance.

    BTW...Testoprim-D is 200 mg Test E and 50 mg Test prop......Got in Mexico. Sealed ampules.. Legit stuff.
    prop will make your a$$ feel like it's been beatin' by a 400lbs rugby player... don't worry, this sounds normal.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    prop will make your a$$ feel like it's been beatin' by a 400lbs rugby player... don't worry, this sounds normal.

    Will every shot hurt this much, though?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJames007
    Will every shot hurt this much, though?
    It got better for me as time went by.... different for everyone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C
    my 2nd shot of omnadren did the same thing. 1st one went fine but the 2nd was different. mine though was more like just sore 2 to 3 days after...not really hurting.

    i love the feeking reminds me that i'm gonna be f@ckin bigger and that i have issues

    like justin's probably the prop and yes, it should get more barable as the cycle progresses. will be looking forward to the soreness or maybe that's just me.

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