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Thread: my friedn is in critical condition hes lungs collapsed i think it might be the roids

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by trailboss
    I dunno bro's...I got a collapsed lung from steroids...thats why I dont snort my test anymore...I have learned to love needles...
    Not all together inaccurate. You can make some into nasal sprays. Plus with orals I would think crushing the pill and snorting it might even be more effective than swallowing it, as it would bypass a lot of the digestive process.

    Hurt like hell and potentially tragic...yes, me thinks so.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by firenwire
    neither, I just watch ALOT of TV.
    Thank you for that, you made me laugh out loud.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I stubbed my toe while looking for a beer in the basement... I hope it wasn't triggered by the steroids
    bad joke bro! peace

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    ok when i got to the hospital yesterday they had taken him to another floor out of icu to do something to him they didnt say what they were gonna do all they said is that he was having a hard time breathing they said that his blood pressure was extremely high but they still are not sure what could have caused it im not even sure if its a collapsed lung thats just what i thought when hes wife said he couldnt breath. i didnt have enough time to wait for them to finish with him i had to go to work. im yet to hear from his wife so i dont know how he is doing as of right now, but yesterday the doctors were very critical of his condition.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    I stubbed my toe while looking for a beer in the basement... I hope it wasn't triggered by the steroids
    grow up! hopefully ur man enough not to be so childish when someone u know is fighting for they're life.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by cutmass
    ok when i got to the hospital yesterday they had taken him to another floor out of icu to do something to him they didnt say what they were gonna do all they said is that he was having a hard time breathing they said that his blood pressure was extremely high but they still are not sure what could have caused it im not even sure if its a collapsed lung thats just what i thought when hes wife said he couldnt breath. i didnt have enough time to wait for them to finish with him i had to go to work. im yet to hear from his wife so i dont know how he is doing as of right now, but yesterday the doctors were very critical of his condition.
    if he couldn t breath i could be anything...and the extremely high bp could be from steroids, yes.

    I hope his wife told the docs he s juicing...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    northeastern MD
    Quote Originally Posted by cutmass
    ok when i got to the hospital yesterday they had taken him to another floor out of icu to do something to him they didnt say what they were gonna do all they said is that he was having a hard time breathing they said that his blood pressure was extremely high but they still are not sure what could have caused it im not even sure if its a collapsed lung thats just what i thought when hes wife said he couldnt breath. i didnt have enough time to wait for them to finish with him i had to go to work. im yet to hear from his wife so i dont know how he is doing as of right now, but yesterday the doctors were very critical of his condition.
    Yes that is a very general symptom and could be the symptom of numerous conditions ... shortness of breath could be caused by pneumothorax (collapsed lung), pulmonary edema (not to be confused with CHF, CHF is a heart problem that caused fluid to build up IN the lungs, pulmonary edema is fluid in the space SURROUNDING the lungs), COPD (could be caused by an allergen/irritant and caused an acute exacerbation of asthma, other forms of COPD could be excluded due to his admission to a critical care unit), etc. Find out what they are telling his wife and let us know, I am curious if this could be a DIRECT effect of the steroids, indirect, or not related at all. I would let his wife know that the doctors should be told that he is on steroids. He IS in ICU for a reason, he is not stable ... if something were to happen and they had to open him up the doctors wouldn't know what they were walking into and he could bleed out everywhere. Information like this is critical to know, especially in this type of situation. The doctor cannot notify authorities, he is bound by the Hypocratic Oath, better known as the doctor/patient priviledge which is now even recognized by the federal government and prevents any health care worker from releasing information about their patient to someone other than whom the patient specifies his/her information may be released to ... the feds passed this legislation several years ago, called HIPAA or Health Information Portability and Accountability Act.

    Keep us updated on how your friend is doing and see if you can find out what his diagnosis is from his misses.

    One Eye

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    ive called his house hoping his wife would answer, but no one was home all day. i couldnt go visit i got a very bad infection in my throat and its killin me to even swallow so i stayed in bed all day. hopefully tomorrow ill have some more info. hes wife knew of the use of his first cycle im not sure if she knew he got back on i didnt think he told her.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by cutmass
    grow up! hopefully ur man enough not to be so childish when someone u know is fighting for they're life.
    lol please man give me a break, you can't seriously believe that anabolic steroids have caused the physical collapse of the guys lung. Steroids have been around more than long enough in the medical feild for something like this to be documented as a potential (even rare) complication to look out for... strangely however, its not, weird eh?
    and I've personaly suffered from a collpased lung twice, once in a car accident and once falling off an icey roof, its true it sucks but not to the extent of having to fight for your life, he'll be fine...

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    lol please man give me a break, you can't seriously believe that anabolic steroids have caused the physical collapse of the guys lung. Steroids have been around more than long enough in the medical feild for something like this to be documented as a potential (even rare) complication to look out for... strangely however, its not, weird eh?
    and I've personaly suffered from a collpased lung twice, once in a car accident and once falling off an icey roof, its true it sucks but not to the extent of having to fight for your life, he'll be fine...
    Couldn't agree more.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    I doubt its from the juice.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Rather than saying teh collapse is dirrectly caused by gear it makes more sense understanding that not only are pneumothorax typical in young males who are tall and slim but they are the result of an upper torso not being able to withstand the growth....a long, very long time ago while on an early cycle in my life i also suffered a partial pneumothorax which as explaiuned by my doctor back then was a result of sudden rapid growth and the lungs not being able to withstand the change in body mass.....either my doc was on drugs or he had a valid reason...he new nothing about my gear use at the time but made some hints as to reasons why i might have suffered this....yes it was very uncomfortable I remember sitting or actually lying in a hospital bed for a week with a tube shoved in my chest.....and yes, it really sucked ass.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I weigh right at 203 now but I have in the past weighed 220 lbs. I gained 27 lbs of pretty solid mass in about 5 months. For the nay sayers which I will hear until they are blue in the face this is true. Not taking gear just eating like a horse and taking Megamass 4000 when they still had it. (Sounds like a pro BB line) Anyway the extra weight and mass made it really hard for me to breath and I also was told that my upper torso was not adjusting to the extra mass in that short period of time. BTW for anyone that wants to try this I worked out twice daily and my calorie intake was 11,000 calories a day. 1980 cal 3x EA day from MegaM 4000. The rest was from lean steak, pasta and simple carbs.

    Has your friend grown quickly from heavy gear? If so I would definately tell the doctor. He may have pressure from his body growing against his lungs which is what I had happen. I cut down to 205 at that time and didn't have the problem anymore.JMO

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    he is definetly not tall hes about 5-8 190lbs. heres whats the doctor told him. the pnemonea and collapse of his lungs was not due to the steriods but that fluids were growing in his lungs over months period of time, but due to the steriods his body was not allowing him to feel anything as of not bein healthy his body was strong. so the fluids got to about 80% of his lungs and thats when they collapsed and thats when his body gave out. so i guess lesson would be to get check ups very often while on roids he didnt do that. and neither do i but i will start doing that now

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