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Thread: IGF-- Better in bulker or cutter..

  1. #1

    IGF-- Better in bulker or cutter..

    I know most people use IGF in their PCT.. But is it better to save it for bulking cycles PCT or can it still be beneficial in a fat loss cycles -PCT?

    I am defintely going to use it in my bulker later this year, during the cycle and in the PCT.. just not sure about using it with fat loss cycles..

    Thanks fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    its use full during bulking due to increased appetite,and it works best in conjuction with tons of protein.
    but its also use full during pct for keeping gains and a better/quicker recovery.
    and last but not least its use full for cuttin because of fatburning properties and you can high dose of t3 with it for even more fat los.

    so it does'nt matter when you use it,you just gonna LOVE this stuff(i know i do)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    san antonio/houston
    i agree with rodge....oh and when u cut up with it u can still gain muscle instead of lossing it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    either in my opinion

    personally i think igf1lr3 is better than roids but thats just me

  5. #5
    me too my body is changing just after 5 days of it i will never buy test or aas anymore just igf and growth screw getting big getting small getting big thats all test does to you blow you like a dam ballon and then shrink it has taken me 10 years to relize this so wow i love this igf im actually putting on lean mass my girl was like what areyou taking this time because ur body looks great and ur lean for once i can see ur muscles oh yea so i say screw aas

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    You can put igf-1 in any cycle. Cutting, bulking, or in PCT I have used it in all three so I think its good all over.

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